On June 19th, the Pandorica will open. What more needs to be said?

Amy thinks her Doctor is wonderful. The little girl, Amelia Pond, has grown up, but her imagination stays. Her fantasies of the Doctor taking her to faraway places and beautiful galaxies to view the cosmos were rekindled the day before her wedding night. No wait. Hold on. Wedding night? What was that about? She was engaged. That was silly. Amy Pond was not the one to settle down and marry, especially when she had all of time and space at her fingertips. Well, at the Doctor's fingertips. But she was traveling with the Doctor wasn't she? That was good enough for her.

But then there was the ring… Don't think about the ring, she urged herself. It belonged to the Doctor. He was going to give it to someone, or it was a memento that he carried with him. It was of no importance to her.

"Where to next?" Amy inquired as she twirled a knob that didn't do anything at all. "Wrote the note and we left it. Another planet?" she pleaded.

The Doctor looked up. His eyes were unreadable, just like the old days when she was a little girl and there was the big box. Blue, not black with strange etchings. There was never a box like that for Amy. No black box. Just the strange blue one that fell out of the sky.

Amy matched the Doctor's look with a hint of teasing in her eyes. She smiled. "What?" the Scottish girl laughed.

The Doctor's tone was accusatory. "You looked through my pockets."

"Yeah," Amy replied. "To find a pen. What, you think I'm just going to find a pen on the console?" The Doctor walked to another section of the TARDIS and plucked up a red pen. "Oh."

"Amy," the Doctor began in a very serious voice. "You're going to have to learn to completely trust me in that I'm trying to protect you in every way possible and in the ways I deem right. 907 years old. I know more about life than you could possibly imagine. Trust me. One day you're life will depend on it."

"I thought you said one day my life would depend on knowing you were a madman with a box."

"Just trust me Amy. Remember that."

Somehow, Amy knew with that last line, that something was coming.