The Last Dance

By Jo Huston
Dedicated to DistrictAttorneyoftheTheatre, Nephele, Christine Daae and anonymous.-

----Author's Note----

Here it is ladies and gentlemen. This is ChapterX because I do not know where it will go in the full story. Read my author's note for the last chapter so you'll know what I'm talking about.

Let me know what you think, k?


Meg ducked under a low beam and tried not to whimper as she got caught in a spider web. Hopefully the resident would not be home.

A clatter from within the darkness, though, was enough to make her gasp.

"H-Hello?" she whispered.

A noise from behind. Meg spun around.

More darkness.

Meg tried to listen but the sound of her own panting breaths seemed to be deafening.

She rushed back towards the door leading out of the storage room, but stopped herself before she reached the door.

She was here because she had to know.

A whoosh of cloth made her turn.

A figure of a man in the darkness, was crouched in the corner.

'The moment of truth, Meg.'

"You're him aren't you?" she asked softly.

"A vague question." The deep splendor of his voice filled the room.

Meg dared to take a step closer, but the man just pulled back further into the shadows.

Meg, despite her fear, tried her best to smile for him. "I shan't hurt you."

Something between a laugh and a cough escaped the lips of the man. "I am reassured."

Meg couldn't help but feel a bit insulted, but she knew that her small frame and innocent face weren't exactly threatening.

"Do you have a name? Or would you prefer 'Monsieur Ghost'?"

"What good is my name to you, mon chére?"

Meg shrugged lightly and kneeled down on the dusty floor, as to be even with his eye line. "It's only polite."

The man nodded. "Well, one must not ignore proper etiquette."

Meg held her breath as the man turned towards her. Although his face was still shrouded in shadow she could now see glimpses of that agonized face she saw for fleeting seconds when Christine ripped off his mask during 'Don Juan Triumphant'.

"My name is Erik. Your 'Fantome de L'Opera' as it were."

Meg smiled genuinely this time, she was still cautious, but happy that he told her.

"It's nice to properly meet you…Erik."

The man, Erik, shuddered softly and Meg frowned. "What's wrong?"

He dropped his head and quietly replied: "Forgive me. I have not heard my name spoken in many years."

Meg gazed upon him in sympathy. "Not even from Chris-?"

"Don't!" Erik jumped to his feet.

Meg gasped and fell back, frightened by his outburst.

Erik immediately crouched down again at her level. "No, forgive me, mon chére. I did not intend to frighten you…It's just…" he trailed off.

Meg regained her breath and pushed herself back up into a sitting position. "I understand. Please, forgive me. I should have known better. I didn't intend to cause you pain."

Erik nodded, but stayed silent, seemingly disappearing into his own world of darkness once more.

Meg knew she had to bring him back, before he slipped away. "My name is Meg Giry."

She could have sworn that through the shadows she could see the grotesque lips curl into a small smile.

"I know. The beautiful daughter of Madamé Giry. Our beloved ballet mistress."

Meg prayed she hadn't blushed at his compliment. "I don't know if you are aware, but…she died years ago."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. She will be missed."

He stood up and Meg, not sure what he was going to do, stood as well.

Apparently he did not know either as they just stood in silence for a few moments, before Meg, uncomfortable by the stillness, said, "I'm going to be dancing here again."

Erik stayed silent, so she continued. "M. Leo Délibes passed on a few months ago. In his honor Monsieurs Firmin and André wish to produce his 'Sylvia ou La Nymphe de Diane '. They have already asked me to play the title roll."

Meg couldn't help but smile. "I don't even know if I can. I've never had such a part before."

Finally Erik spoke. "I am sure you will be a delightful Sylvia. Had I the skill I would be your Aminta, but alas ballet is not one of my talents."

Meg held in a childish giggle as she imagined Erik dressed as the shepherd Aminta, lifting her over his head. "I am saddened!"

"Do you mock me?" he inquired, but there was no anger in his voice.

"Oh no! Never, Erik." she tested the name again.

Thankfully there was no heated reaction like the first mention.

Meg knew that she was running out of time. Her roommate, nervous thing that she was, would most likely alert everyone in the dorms of Meg's absence and it wouldn't do to be the cause of a scene.

"Do you still live below?"

Erik nodded. "Yes. There are many caverns and dark places for a creature such as myself to dwell."

Meg bowed her head, not wanting him to think she pitied him, although she did.

"I must be returning to the dorms…But…I would very much like to speak to you again. If it is alright with you?"

"…Is that what you wish?"

"Yes, please."

Erik turned away from her. "Go on then. Do not try to find me again. I will come to you in time."

Meg nodded, she was absolutely mesmerized by this man.

"Good night, Erik."

"Good night, Mlle. Giry."

Meg opened the door to leave when she turned back.



"You…you could call me 'Meg'."

There was silence, so Meg simply shut the door behind her.