I loved the Kane Chronicles. So much that I got on google and did some research. Hope you like.

Note: This was published before the second Kane Chronicles book was published, so that's why it doesn't make reference to the second book or follow it's plot line.

Edited 7/14/2014

Sadie POV

Bast weaved in and out of slow moving cars, recieving many annoyed honks and a couple of rude insults. This may have seemed scary to others, but when running from House of Life freaks, it seems fairly normal for me and Carter.

To explain this oh-so-wonderful situation, I'll start from the beginning. Bast, Carter, and I were happily going along our business. It was the official shopping day and we were in the mall shopping. I bought new combat boots, more hair dye, and new all cotton clothes, like jeans and t-shirts. Carter bought the same thing, except the hair dye and boots of course and way boring clothes. Bast, as usual, was looking in the pet store, leopard print clothes, and koi fish in the fountain at the center of the mall. Who knew there could be that many distractions for a cat goddess in a Brooklyn mall?

Any way, I was just walking out of the shoe store when I got the feeling I was being watched.

I looked around and saw two buff guys examing a guitar in a window. One dude was really tall with a scruffy beard. His jeans and t-shirt were all black. The second dude was shorter with a dark tan and black sunglasses. There was only one thing. On their t-shirts over the breastpocket in gold was the Per Ankh. The little rectangle above an Ankh. The House of Life. And they were watching me in the glass.

I acted casual, even though internally I was freaked out and angry. Of all the bloody days to stalk me, it was today, when I was separated and alone, in the mall. Just my luck.

We were all supposed to meet by the koi fish pond in the center of the mall. A plan formed in my head and I was rather proud of myself for it.

I casually walked into the girls bathroom, certain they wouldn't follow me. Once in the bathroom, I pulled out my cellphone and dialed Carter. Amos gave us cellphones in case of emergencies. More specifically, House of Life freaks. Amos didn't give Bast one, though. She didn't exactly know how to use it...

It rang 4 times before he picked up. "Hello?" Finally.

"Carter, why didnt you answer your bloody phone earlier?"

"Well, I couldn't find it-"

I sighed in frustration. "Nevermind. Listen, some blokes from the House of Life are following me. Get Ba- Aunt Kitty and meet me at the koi pond." I said Aunt Kitty because a short pudgy woman came in. We had agreed to use the fake name in the presence of humans (even if Bast didn't like it).

The pudgy woman gave me a weird look - almost like she knew what I was talking about. I shrugged the weird feeling off and turned to face the mirror as the woman went in a stall.

Carter answered in a more serious tone. "Okay, Aunt Kitty is right here with me." In the background I heard Bast say, "Don't call me that."

I swear I could hear Carter smile. I spoke before he did. "Afraid to be without an adult Carter?"

I heard him sigh. "No, its just that Aunt Kitty-", I heard Bast grumble, "-was starting to stalk the birds in the Pet Store." Bast grumbled some more in the background. "It was an old bird. It wouldn't have lived much longer," I heard her mutter.

"Okay, Carter, so you'll meet me in 5 minutes?"

"Yes, and be careful, Sadie."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Mother Hen Carter. "Fine. Bye."

As I hung up, the short pudgy woman came out of the stall. She smiled at me. "It's a hot day isn't it, deary?"

I smiled back to make her happy. It wasn't hot at all. In fact, it was raining.

As she reached down to wash her hands, something glittered on her wrist. A braclet with charms dangled from her wrist.

She caught me looking at it and smiled again. "You like it?" She shoved it in my face before I could react. Dangling on it was a gold ball of yarn, a cat, a Per Ankh...wait an Per Ankh?

...Oh. Great.

With catlike reflexes, she grabbed my wrist and twisted, making me cry out in pain. "Sadie Kane, you are under the arrest of the House of Life," she said in a man's voice. One of the guys had transformed their appearance. Now I was really mad.

The man transformed back into the short man with glasses and pulled out a steel wand. Before he could cast a spell, I punched him with my free hand right in the mouth.

He yelped in pain and let go as I darted for my bags. I pulled out my own wand and slid it in my jacket sleeve. It made it look like I had 2 elbows.

As I grabbed my bags and stood up, I turned to face the man. Big mistake. He had his staff pointed at me with fire on both ends and was in between me and the door. That was just bloody great. I made a split decesion.

I yanked my wand out, scraping my arm in the process. Well, that hurt, I thought sourly. I pointed it at the wall. "Ha di!"

The tile exploded and left a gaping hole in the wall. I ran through and ended up stumbling from a lack of energy. I hadn't had lunch and Bast hadn't exactly made an edible human breakfast... (In other words, Friskies). Pretty soon I noticed that there wasn't a single person in sight. And I mean the whole mall. Maybe the House of Life magicians had used some sort of spell to clear it out?

I ran down the stairs, acutely aware of the magicians pounding footsteps behind me. The koi pond was on the bottom floor, so I would have to take a couple of turns, but after blasting that hole I felt as though as far as I could get would be down the stairs.

Suddenly, the stairs seemed to rip come out beneath me. I fell on my back and hit my head, making me shout in pain and see stars.

I could hear the magicians shouting in Egyptian now as I got up. Carefully I made my way down the stairs. My brain had started thinking of ways to stall when I looked back up the stairs and got an idea. I pulled my wand out again and pointed it at the stairs.

"Ha di!"

The was an explosion and when the dust cleared, there was a gap in the stairs. Perfect. It wouldn't hold them off, but it'd stall them.

I started walking again, nearly running so that I could get there faster. Just as I was about to round the corner, another idea came to me.

I walked forward a couple feet and turned around. I put the shopping bags in my other hand and lifted my wand toward the ceiling. "Ha di!"

The ceiling came crumbling down, missing me by inches. Again, it would hold them for a while, but not long. I stepped forward and nearly did a faceplant. Man, Bast and Carter would really not be happy (probably an understatement, but oh, well...).

Regaining my footing, I made a right, another right, and then a left. As I rounded the corner, I saw Bast and Carter fighting 2 more magicians. Well that's just bloody great. Where did all these guys come from? Bast was in her avatar form, swatting at a magician who was throwing fire balls back at her, and Carter was dueling the other with his khopesh.

I had to help, but magic was out of the picture.

So I did what any other sensible, woozy, girl magician would do without the aid of magic. I screamed.

Now, let me tell you one thing before I continue. The only time I've ever screamed in front of Carter was when we were in the Land of the Dead. And then we were dodging the oh-so-huge rocks in a lake of fire. Oh, and the boat was being steered by a man with an axe for a head and a baboon.

Then, Carter hadn't acted suprised by my scream. Probably because he screamed bloody murder, too. But he sure seemed shocked now. It was priceless. I really should do that more often.

It suprised the magicians, too. Long enough for Bast to swat both magicians hard to hit the wall and fall to the floor unconscious.

Bast shrank to normal size. "Effective distraction, Sadie," she purred, still looking at the unconscious magicians.

"Thanks, but the obstacles I set up won't hold them long." I started to walk to the front doors, but Carter caught my arm. "What obstacles, Sadie? And how many?"

I crossed my arms stubbornly and muttered, "It was only 3 spells."

Bast sighed and shook her head, golden eyes shadowed. "Sadie Kane, when will you learn that you could burn up? We will talk about this later. But now, we must reach the Exit upstairs to get to the parking deck and hopefully make a clean getaway in the car."

I froze in mid step. " Um, Bast? Wouldn't it be better to go the quicker way? Out the front door?"

Bast laughed. "The House of Life will have covered the front. Why?"

I started explaining the spells I had used, all while thinking Why me? Everytime I tried to be helpful, I always ended up ruining it or messing it up.

When I was done, Bast shook her head irritatedly and muttered something Egyptian, but Carter looked more worried than angry. Bast shook her head. "I guess we'll be taking the front."

As we walked to the front door, I noticed that Carter walked closely to me. "What?" I asked. He didn't answer, but I realised that he was watching me to see if I would fall. Typical overprotective Wikipedia brother, I thought to myself.

We walked through the front doors, ready to run for it. The rain had turned to a light drizzle. Strangely, no one was there. Maybe they thought we weren't stupid enough to take the front door. Since we couldn't go get the rental car we drove in, Bast decided to 'borrow' a black topless convertible. Joy, I thought. We get our hair wet. As she pulled out of the parking lot, she looked in the rearview mirror. Her eyes widened and she cursed in Egyptian.

I turned to see 2 black vans speeding behind. My gut told me they were magicians. Like I said before, just bloody great.

As we sped into traffic, I looked at the direction we were headed. Carter noticed, too. "Um, Bast? This isn't going back to the mansion."

Bast looked grim. "Carter, as much as I don't like it, we're going to Manhattan." Not for the first time I wondered why Manhattan was such a No-Go zone for us magicians. Amos and Bast had never given an explanation. I faintly remembered Amos saying something about other gods in Manhattan, but I dismissed the thought.

So here we are now, racing across the Brooklyn bridge. With magicians following.

Bast looked back again. "Sadie, Carter, if something goes wrong, get out of the car and run the rest of the way to Manhattan-", she started but was cut off as a loud explosion came from the back of the car. We skidded out of control and hit the rails of the side of the Brooklyn bridge.

I'm fairly sure that all of us hit our heads on some hard surface, because we all said various ways of saying 'ouch'.

Bast couldn't open her door and neither coud I because both our doors were pinned against the rails. Bast crawled out like a cat (no joke) and climbed right out over the backseat. My attempt to get out looked a hundred times more clumsy compared to hers.

Carter already had his khopesh out and Bast was in avatar form again. Here we go again...

The vans pulled to the side of the road and stopped. Four magicians got out of the first van with their wands and staffs, one of them using a charm to summon six sphinxes.

Suddenly, an idea hit me. I reached back in the car to the shopping bags and pulled out my magic kit. Digging through it, I pulled out my staff. I willed it to get longer, and it did. I faced the magicians again to see that Bast was fighting a few magicians at the same time and Carter had already taken out 2 sphinxes.

I didn't figure that I would be able to use magic against the magicians so I went and stood next to Carter as the sphinxes circled us. As a sphinx lunged to get a big bite of Sadie, I swung my staff and hit the sphinx square on the nose. It looked momentarily stunned and Carter took this opportunnity to slash at it with his khopesh. The sphinx let out a defeated roar as it dissolved into a glittering pile of sand.

I looked over at Bast and saw that one of the magicians was just barely conscious and laying on the ground. The others were throwing various nasty suprises at Bast.

Bast swiped at all of them at once and they were unlucky. They were caught in her hand and she sent them sprawling. Bast looked at Carter and I, and you could see the effort to keep up her avatar showing in her eyes.

"Carter, Sadie, run!" She shouted as one of the magicians threw a fireball at her. Suddenly, the magician on the ground raised his wand and feebly called out something in Egyptian.

Suddenly all three sphinx that were left turned around and ran at Bast. Basts' eyes widened and she looked at me with a sadness in her eyes. With a sad smile, she scooped up all 4 magicians and when the sphinxes jumped on her she fell over the bridge, taking the magicians and sphinxes with her.

No. No. This wasn't happening, not again. I was vaguely aware of someone pulling on my arm and telling me to run. I was so shocked that I listened and ran. Later, Carter would tell me I screamed as Bast fell over the bridge. He would also tell me that there was still that other van with magicians slowly following through traffic. Really, all I felt was numb.

I think my brain began to function around the time we were a couple of blocks away from the bridge. I looked around confused. I noticed that I had tears running down my face and wiped them off. We were at a hill. The white sign next to me said something in big letters. It was hard to read the sign because of the tears in my eye, but I managed to make out two words.

'- Strawberry Farm-'

Carter was focused on something behind us. I turned around.

The black van had stopped and the magicians had gotten out with their wands. Carter pulled on my arm. "Come on, Sadie. Maybe we can hide in the strawberry fields." I slowly nodded.

We started to run up the side of the hill, but it was hard because it was slick from the rain. Half way up the hill, I heard one of the magicians shouting.

Suddenly, I felt as if the ground exploded beneath me and we flew to the side of the road. I fell on my back and landed on my wand that had made its way to my hand during the run. I felt the air go out of me and hissed in pain. Hearing a loud thump, I turned to see Carter slumped to the ground, leaning against a tree. He must have hit his head because he was unconscious.

I turned my head to see the magicians walking toward us. They probably thought we were both out cold.

Slowly, with my body aching in protest, I heaved myself up. Out of the corner of my eye, the magicians pulled out their wands again. I ran over to Carter and put my arms under his shoulders and pulled as hard as I could.

Carter had grown more muscular and now he wayed more. So as I pulled him up the road, I began to sweat. "Carter, what have you been eating to make you so bloody heavy?" I said through gritted teeth.

All he did was mumble. I think I caught something that sounded like Zia. Typical.

I looked back down the hill. The magicians were shouting useless things like 'Surrender!' and whatnot. Again. Typical.

So I made a decision. I set Carter down gently (depending on your definition of gently) and pointed my wand at the magicians.

"Mange des Muffins!" I shouted the words Bast had said in Paris. The battle cry had its effect. The magicians stopped, clearly confused. The urge to laugh was strong, but I took my chance.

"Ha di!"

The last thing I remember was the magicians flying every where (in one piece), me falling to the ground, someone shouting, and a pale boy with messy black hair. He had sea green eyes, an orange t-shirt, and a freaking sword. As he leaned over me, I think I said, "Are you going to kill me?" out loud. Then I blacked out.

So was it good? Review.