Draco: 'Harry Potter and the Frisky Potions Master'? What the hell type of name is that?

Harry: I like it...

Draco: You would freak...

Earl Cain: Now boys I warned you... shut up.

The tall blonde man smiled softly as he looked up at the large castle. It had been five years since he had gazed up at it, and he was happy to see it again. He allowed his gray eyes to glance around the long room they all sat in. His gaze stopped on a man with unruly black hair and brilliant green eyes. He flushed as the man looked at him and then glanced down at his plate.

It had been five glorious years since Voldemort's defeat, and Draco Malfoy was the new potions master. He'd been forgiven and was offered the position after helping the Order. His colleges consisted of old as well as new. The other newest had joined the same day as him. The hero of the Wizarding World, Harry Potter.

Draco sighed as he pushed his food around on the plate. His mind was reeling as the emotions of being back rolled over him. He was happy, sad, apprehensive, and a bit scared...

His eyes once again found Harry as he realized the dark-headed man was beside him. He lowered them as Harry sat beside him in the empty chair.

"Malfoy..." Harry said his voice low. His green eyes never left the pale man as he studied him. It was a bit unnerving and Draco had to stop the blush blooming across his face.

The blonde looked up hoping that his blush wasn't showing, "Yes, Potter?" He gave a sneer," I thought I was rid of you."

Harry scowled back, "Guess not Malfoy, so sorry to disappoint you," He hesitated then said, "We should try to put our differences aside, so we can teach. DADA is the position I teach so you stick to potions as yours."

"I realize this Potter," Draco replied nastily. "Stay with your subject and I'll stay with mine."

"Fine Malfoy..." Harry mumbled angrily. "Still a stupid prick..." He stood and walked away.

The pale man watched him leave and frowned; he'd always liked Potter. The green eyes, dark thick hair and careless disregard for the rules appealed to him. He was afraid to say anything so he hid it behind his coolness. It was his way of protecting himself from rejection.

"Professor?" A quiet voice asked. "Professor Malfoy?"

"Yes?" Draco asked, pulling his thoughts away from the unruly-headed man. He looked into the face of an older teen.

The teen was tall and blinked his dark eyes at him, "I'm Cayden Larson, and I'm in your house." He gave a lovely smile, "I never had a chance to um buy books and things. I didn't know I made it into N.E.W.T. potions until the very last second."

Draco gave the boy a brittle smile, "I'm sure, Cayden, that I can get you a book somewhere, don't worry." He stood, "Now excuse me, but I need to prepare for tomorrow's lessons."

Draco shook his head as he heard a quiet knock. It was three hours later, and he was still working. He'd been sucked into his work as usual. The blonde lifted himself up and walked slowly to his quarters door.

"Potter?" Draco said a bit surprised, then recognized the surprise in his voice. "I mean, what do you want Potter?" He quickly sneered.

Harry took a deep breath then said, "I heard you earlier when you helped that student, and I thought that was very nice of you. I just thought I'd drop by to say that."

Draco glanced at his watch, "At ten at night?" He had his grey eyes leveled with Harry's green ones. "Why?"

"Because I thought it was nice and that you could've said no, but you didn't," Harry said softly. "And. um..."

Draco crossed the room to get in the man's handsome face," You thought 'Oh look Malfoy does have a heart.' Didn't you?" He growled, "Yes, Potter, I do have a heart."

Harry was standing frozen in the doorway, "Malfoy, I knew you had to have one. You helped me defeat Voldemort. I never got to thank you for that, since you disappeared for five years." He smiled gently, "Thank you Draco, also I wanted to talk."

About?" Draco snapped, sitting on his small green couch that had came with the room. He felt irritated and wanted to think things over. Harry Potter was thanking him for his help?

"Where were you? What happened to your family? Why are you teaching at Hogwarts?" Harry asked, sitting on the other side of the couch. He made sure to maintain a distance between himself and the small blonde.

"I went away to learn. I have been to America and Japan and Asia and loads of places. My family is gone. Mother died, and Father disappeared in the aftermath." He felt the familiar pain of losing his mother wash over him. "I'm teaching here because it's a new beginning for me."

Harry stared at him; He'd never heard the blonde speak with such emotion. "I'm sorry Malfoy. I had no idea."

Draco nodded and asked, "What happened to you after he fell? What have you been doing? Are you still with that Weasley girl?" Asking the last question added to his pain, as he has found it unbearable to watch them together. He remembered wanting to rip his heart out and stomp it into the mud.

"I was once again in the spotlight. I had defeated Voldemort, and for some reason, I wanted to escape it," Harry admitted fidgeting with his robes. "The first few years were a blur of newspaper articles, interviews and stupid shit like that. I then realized I wanted to be here at Hogwarts, my home."

The blonde found himself struggling to find something to say in the silence, "Oh I'm sorry it happened like that Harry. So very sorry."

Harry glanced at him, "Heh, you called me by my first name."

"What? Of course I didn't," Draco protested meekly. "I'd never call you Harry, only Potter. Jeez..." He knew he was babbling a bit, but found he couldn't help it.

"Well you did," Harry chortled. He took the man's soft pale hand and then leaned close in a soft kiss. "You so did."

Draco: Bleh... stupid dribble really.

Harry: Nah, amusing. *Kisses Draco and pulls him off*

Earl Cain: *blink blink* okay until next time then... um guys! *Covers eyes blushing* Freakin wizards... Anyway read and review... please...