Chapter 1:

It was almost 11:00 at night. Donatello had been working on this experiment for hours now and he was exhausted. He was working on some updates for the shell slider and it was not going very well at the moment. Oh well, it can wait until morning. Don put down the unusually shaped device and went to bed.

"Good night, Mikey." Said Don as he went upstairs.

"Uh-huh," said Mikey too concentrated on his videogames to notice anything else. "Haha, yes! I am the videogame champ!" Don rolled his eyes and went upstairs.

It was now 1:00 in the morning; Mikey decided it was a good time to go to bed. He shut of the T.V. and started walking across the living room. Then he noticed Raph was in the kitchen getting a glass of water.

"Hey, Raphie what's up?" he said. Raph walked out of the kitchen.

"Mm." Raph groaned. They started to walk towards the stairs when Mikey noticed something on Don's lab table.

"Hey cool." He said.

"What?" said Raph.

Mikey picked up the device that was on the table and showed it to Raph. "This looks cool what do you think it does?"

"Don't know, don't care." Said Raph "put it back before ya do somethin' stupid"

"Hey what do you think this button does?" said Mikey as he pushed the round green button.

"Mikey don't…" Suddenly something shot out of the device and hit both Raph and Mikey, they were knock on their shells and they lay stunned for a moment.

"Ok, I won't do that again." Said Mikey slowly getting up. SMACK!

"OW! Raph that hurt!" said Mikey rubbing the back of his head.

"Shell-for-brains!" said Raph "your lucky that thing didn't break or Don woulda killed you."



"That thing looks a lot bigger than it did a second ago." Raph and Mikey looked at the device, then they looked around the room. Everything was a lot bigger than a second ago.

"Mikey…" Raph said extremely pissed "you…shrunk…us!"

"Hehe…um…oops." Mikey started running away from his outraged brother.

"Mikey come back here! You are so dead!" shouted Raph.

"Raph wait!" said Mikey "We have to wake up Donnie! He'll know how to fix this!" Raph stopped running, he knew Mikey was right. Mikey walked over to Raph.

"Yeah, when he unshrinks us you will not live for much longer!" said Raph

"Yeah I kinda agree with you." Said Mikey. They started walking towards the stairs.

Five minutes later and they weren't even half way there. They kept walking in silence.

"Mikey I'm gonna kill you." Raph hissed.

"I know. I'm not too happy with myself right now either." Said Mikey. "Although this probably will be very funny." Raph growled at him. Then stopped when they heard a very weird noise.

"What the shell is that?" said Raph. Mikey started shacking.

"Uh…Raph…" Raph looked at Mikey who was pointing behind him. Raph turned around then froze in fear. A huge centipede was staring at them.

"Bugs…" said Raph "I hate bugs."

They took out their weapons, and Raph immediately attacked it. Mikey ran in to help his brother. They swung their weapons, dodged its attacks, Raph leaped into the air and dug his sai's into the centipede's head. The insect lay motionless on the ground.

"Mikey I am so gonna kill you." Said Raph, putting his sai's back in his belt.

"Well at least I learned a lesson from this." Said Mikey. "I won't touch Don's inventions again."

"I thought ya woulda known that before ya shrunk us!" said Raph.

"I didn't know it would shrink us." Said Mikey.

"Yeah ya didn't know what it would do and that's stupid." Said Raph.

"Ok, ok, let's keep going." Said Mikey. They continued to walk towards the stairs. By the time they reached them they were exhausted.

"Let's rest for a moment," said Raph.

"Thank you for saying that I'm so tired!" said Mikey. They sat down against the bottom step, and soon fell asleep.