[So here is the final chapter. I believe it's the longest one I've written yet. One last yaoi. I would like to give some special thanks to a few of my best reviewers. You guys have been awesome and I want to thank you so much for staying with my story until the end. It would not be where it is now without your reviews and consideration.
You guys have been some of my best fans so far! Thank you so much! I hope everyone enjoys the last chapter!]
"Today's the day!" Sora shouted in Riku's ear. The boy grumbled loudly, shoving Sora away and throwing his pillow over his head.
"Get up, Riku!" Sora said, yanking the pillow away from him.
"Sora," Riku groaned, flipping onto his back, his eyes squinting from grogginess. He saw a pair of extravagant, wide blue eyes staring at him.
"Come on!" he urged, shaking Riku's shoulders. "Today's the day!"
Groaning again, Riku sat up, slowly stretching his muscular arms above his head. He looked down and saw Sora perched on his lap, chocolaty brown spikes in every direction, his sun-kissed face beaming.
"Good morning sleepyhead," he said, planting a light kiss on Riku's lips. Riku smirked softly, brushing his silver hair out of his eyes.
"What's so great about today, Sora?" he asked in a mocking tone. Sora glared at him, trying to look mad.
"You know," he whispered, leaning up and nibbling on Riku's earlobe. He felt the older boy shift underneath him.
He was laughing.
"No, I don't," he said innocently. Sora pulled away, frowning.
"Yes you do," he said, pouting. Riku laughed again and gently stood up, letting Sora fall onto the bed.
"Come up," he said, turning his back. Smiling shyly, Sora stood on the bed, trying not to wobble, and clasped his tan arms around Riku's neck. He wrapped his legs around his waist and felt Riku's arms grab him under his legs.
"Let's go get some breakfast," he said thoughtfully.
He felt sharp teeth at the nape of his neck. "Good, cause I'm hungry," he remarked.
Riku snorted. "I'm talking about real food, Sora."
Sighing, Sora nestled his head on Riku's shoulder as he was piggybacked down the stairs into the kitchen.
"Riku," he whined as the boy plopped him into a seat at the breakfast bar and started rummaging through the kitchen. "Are you really going to make me wait?"
"I'm making breakfast right now," he replied, looking quizzically at Sora.
"You know what I mean! I've waited for eight weeks."
Riku smirked again as he cracked several eggs into a pan.
"And you'll have to wait a little longer." He looked up to see the frown on Sora's face. "Be patient, Sora," he added, "you know I don't ever break a promise. Now's just not the time."
Sora sighed, leaning his head on the marble countertop. Bored, he played with the Velcro strap that belonged to his large black back brace. Eight months. Eight months since his accident concerning his father and him being hospitalized with a broken back and arm.
Sora glanced at his right arm. It had become slightly smaller than his left arm, and when the cast had first been removed, he had a funny tan line, but it had long disappeared.
The eight weeks had been long and stressful for Sora. Riku made him follow the doctor's orders down to taking his pills on the hour. He had been long off the medicine and after the third week, he could finally walk without any pain.
By the sixth week, he could run and bend and stretch and carry semi-heavy loads without his back paining him. Throughout the entire time, Riku had made sure he did back strengthening exercises that the doctors gave him. He was relentless in his care.
What was worse was the sexual frustration that had been pooling in the pit of Sora's stomach. Riku wouldn't go further than kisses down the torso, always stopping short of ripping away the Velcro. It annoyed Sora more than anything. Countless times he had tried to assure Riku that he would be okay, that he felt fine, but he was always denied.
But today was the day. Eight weeks later, exactly, and Sora was going to make sure that Riku did not go back on his word. Sighing, he placed his chin on his fist and watched Riku expertly prepare an entire meal of scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon.
Riku glanced at him from time to time, looking slightly bemused. 'Poor Sora,' He thought every time he pulled away from Sora's flushed skin. As if Sora thought he was the only one being frustrated.
All Riku wanted was to touch him, ultimately claim his as his own, but he was too worried to take things further with Sora, afraid of hurting him.
Riku turned off his stove and brought a full plate of food to Sora.
"Thanks," he admired before taking a bite of eggs.
Riku walked along the breakfast bar until he was behind Sora and he wrapped his arms around his waist.
"Tonight, love," he breathed in his ear. Sora shivered, dropping the spoonful of eggs he had on his lap. Riku burst out laughing behind him.
"That's not fair!" Sora accused, turning.
"What's not?"
"You seducing me and then telling me we have to wait till tonight!"
Riku ruffled his hair soothingly.
"Come on now, Sora. You don't think I'm dying to do it?"
Sora thought for a moment then relaxed. "Fine," he grumbled.
The rest of the day passed agonizingly slow for Sora. He and Riku joined Kairi at the beach, built sand castles, played in the waves (Riku wouldn't let him dive or flip off the dock), and had lunch. Before long, the sun started falling in the sky, Kairi left to go home, and Sora became even more restless.
He laid across the sand in a green t-shirt and white swim trunks, next to Riku. The colors in the sky began to blend in brilliant oranges and purples., the beams striking through the fluffy clouds.
"Riku," he complained, kicking his limbs impatiently across the sand. "It's tonight already-"
Suddenly, Riku's mouth came down on his, plunging past his lips into the moist cavern. His hands twisted in his unruly locks, bringing them closer. Sora gasped in surprise into the kiss, his back arching without pain. He felt Riku's hands leave his hair, running up his shirt, taking it off.
He panted as their kiss broke, his face flushed and his sides already heaving. Slowly, Riku began to strip the layers of Velcro from the brace. Sora's heart hammered under his skin as Riku removed the offending material.
Sora looked down curiously. He seemed skinnier, but it could just be his imagination. Riku returned to his lips before he could think more about his size and began exploring his heated skin with his hands. He felt Sora's muscles twitch beneath his nimble fingers as he traced every curve of Sora's abdomen.
It was as if he were searching every inch of his body, making sure that nothing had changed, that he still knew of every curve and muscle of the younger boy's body.
He left Sora's bruised lips and immediately went to his waistline. He swooped a firm hand under Sora's hip and began pressing his lips against Sora's abs. He moaned, arching his back as Riku's tongue swept over his skin, going from his navel back up to his neck.
Sora's mind had gone blank. It had been so long since he and Riku had touched this much. He threw his neck back in ecstasy as Riku's lips found his neck, giving him as much room as he could. His teeth grazed the spot where his pulse was beating.
Riku glanced up, seeing Sora, lips parted, eyes half-closed in lust. He smiled and bit down hard on his pulse, making Sora gasp loudly.
He pulled away, hunger lingering in his aquamarine eyes. He ran his fingers all the way down Sora's bare chest, pleased that his progress wasn't stopped by the brace. He stroked his back, across his spine, causing Sora to shiver in delight.
He moved on to Sora's neglected nipples, sucking them hard. "Mmm, Riku," he moaned, fisting Riku's silver hair, grinding his hips into Riku's. Riku groaned, his breath hot against Sora's skin. He left both nipples purpling slightly after a few minutes and began tugging Sora's trunks down.
Grinning, he leaned down, feeling Sora's breathing pick up, and he placed his hands on the inside of Sora's thighs, spreading his legs. He whimpered softly as Riku's lips fluttered against his thighs. "Rikuu," he groaned, his back arching some more.
Riku licked his lips. "What's wrong?" he asked, smirking.
"Stop teasing!"
Riku eyed him suspiciously. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said, slowly dipping his head down. He kissed the tip of Sora's length, causing it to erect painfully. He slithered his tongue along the slit, making Sora moan loudly. He pulled away as Sora bucked his hips.
Sora groaned in frustration as heat pooled in his groin. "Riku!" he whined, throwing a fistful of sand at Riku's face.
Riku shook his head, trying to get rid the sand from his face to no avail. He saw Sora's muscles tense as he predatorily returned back to Sora's length. He kissed it again, making it painfully hard before suddenly engulfing the entire shaft into his mouth.
Sora cried out as Riku deep throated him, his hips bucking wildly. He came fast and Riku reclaimed his lips so that Sora could taste himself.
As he engaged Sora in a passionate, wet kiss, his fingers plunged into his entrance. He gasped in the kiss, his grip around Riku's hair tightening. He cringed as Riku added a third finger, preparing him.
Slowly, he flipped Sora onto his knees. By that time, the sun had partially disappeared beyond the horizon and Riku could barely make out the sand that covered Sora's bare back. He removed his fingers and began pumping his own erection before holding his hot tip at Sora's entrance.
Sora whimpered as he felt the heat. He wanted, needed this so badly. Riku quickly inserted the tip of his erection into Sora and pulled out, causing him to moan with anticipation and even more frustration. He repeated this a couple of times until Sora began rocking his hips against him.
He brought his teeth back down to Sora's neck. "Impatient, are we?"
Sora moaned as Riku barely entered him again. "I've been patient for eight weeks!"
Riku smiled as he kissed up to Sora's ear. "Are you ready to see stars?"
Sora nodded, shivering as Riku's hot breath left his ear. Suddenly, he slammed into Sora, causing the boy to cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. He did not wait for Sora to adjust before he pulled out and rammed back into him.
And Sora was glad he didn't wait. This was exactly what he had been craving. Riku was in him, making him scream in bliss. He hit his sweet spot hard, and Sora swore he saw stars winking in his eyes. Riku took his hips and angled him so that he hit him there again.
Sweat and sand lined their bodies. Sora's back arched as Riku suddenly grabbed his shaft and started pumping him mercilessly. They were panting, gasping, screaming each other's names, their hoarse voices echoing around the empty island.
Sora felt his muscles clench around Riku. He cried out as Riku's grip tightened around his own. "R-Riku!…I-I'm-Uhng!"
He came in his hand, spilling his seed violently, seconds before Riku came inside him. His muscles clenched so tight Riku could barely get out. They collapsed in the cool sand, breathing heavily.
Sora's eyes were closed as his hips stopped bucking and his muscles slowly relaxed. He felt Riku's lips at the corner of his mouth.
"I promised I would make you see stars."
Sora nodded, still unable to speak. Riku pulled him into his arms gently, kissing his neck and then tracing his back with his lips where the tiny cuts were nearly invisible.
"No more scars," he commented, rubbing Sora's back until his labored breathing leveled.
Sora looked up, his eyes blinking heavily. "I guess I have you to thank for that, huh?"
Riku smiled, kissing him tenderly. "The crazy things we do for love..."
Sora yawned widely and curled into Riku's arms, his eyes giving in to exhaustion..
"I love you, Riku," he mumbled.
Riku looked at the boy beneath him, protected, unbroken, where he could never get hurt again. He smiled
"I love you too, Sora."
[So the ending, as in the last couple of lines was ehhh. Haha, I didn't really know the best way to end it, but that wraps up the story. I really hope you guys enjoyed it and I will try to keep writing some new ones. In fact, I'm going over different possibilities right now in my head. I can't really do one with sora or riku as a new kid in school because there are so many of those, but I'm thinking of something new I could do, and hopefully you guys will like that. Anyway, thanks for the reviews! Keep them coming, I know the last chapters are kind of boring, but I hope you guys liked the overall story!]
I am officially starting a new story called Fire. I hope the idea is alright and that it can do as well as this story has. Please check it out and let me know what you think!