All of the Tiva scenes in season 7-MY way. I've had this idea since the finale, and I figure I might as well try it and see how it goes! Basically what I'm doing is taking the actual dialogue from the scenes, and then adding in the thoughts that I think shouldbe in their heads! I only did the Tony and Ziva scenes, so if you want to see the full episode, feel free to go and watch it! It was an INCREDIBLE episode! I'm going to try and do all of the episodes, but only if you guys think it's good enough to continue! So if you like it, review! Hope you all enjoy it!

Love, Alex

Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS, or any of the lovely characters. I wish i did.

Chapter 1/Episode 1

Truth or Consequences

Somalia. It took weeks to get the "approval" for this mission. Tony had been in Saleem's custody for a couple of days? Weeks? He had lost track of time. All he knew was that he hadn't found Ziva yet. McGee was still lying in wait on the floor. He was going to be there for a while. Saleem came barging in ready for his daily interrogation. He started off strong.

"Where is the rest of your team?" Saleem asked.

"I don't know. I don't care about your team. And I don't care about MY team." Tony said. 'Ziva's still alive, Ziva's still alive, Ziva's still alive.' It was the only thing keeping him going.

"You arrive in the desert without backup, so what are you doing here?" Saleem asked again.

"Well Saleem, there's only one thing on Earth that can short-circuit a man's better instincts, put fire in his veins, makes him dive headlong into danger with no regard for his own well-being. Vengeance, Saleem. I'm here to kill you." Tony said. 'Vengeance, and…love. I love you my ninja. And I will not stop until you are safe again.'

The interrogation went on and Tony had sort of slipped out of it. Saleem was asking him questions about the team, his family. He didn't start paying attention again until Saleem asked him about the fourth member of their team.

"Might be easier to find a new drummer for Spinal Tap. Ziva's irreplaceable." Tony said. 'Interesting, how I'm thinking about Abby's favorite band, at a time when I should be shaking. God I hope Ziva's alright…'

"The one you lost? Then why aren't you looking for her?" Saleem asked.

"If I could drag her back, I'd do it in a heartbeat. But that's impossible, because Ziva David is dead." Tony said his heart crushing as he said those words.

The "conversation" went on with Saleem asking more questions, and Tony answering them blindly. Saleem had asked him how Tony had found him. Tony was getting to the point in his story where the team found out that Ziva was on a ship that had gone down.

"After that, business as usual lost all meaning." Tony said, as he remembered the few weeks after finding out the Ziva was most likely at the bottom of the ocean near the horn of Africa.

"Blah blah blah, computer stuff, blah." McGee said.

"Autopsy report." Ducky tossed it on his desk.

"Words, so many words and there's things and stuff and emotions. Thanks for listening." Abby said.

"Grab your gear. Grab your gear. Grab your gear. Some idiot smuggled a koala on a submarine. Grab your gear. Grab your gear. Grab your gear." Gibbs said over and over again until Tony finally broke.

"No. No." Tony said, throwing caution to the wind.

Saleem had had enough. He left the room, Tony didn't know if he was done for the day, or if he was out of Caf-Pow. Suddenly Saleem burst through the door of the cell, hauling somebody with him.

'Eh, guess he wasn't done.' Tony thought settling in for some more questioning.

"Questions are being asked in town about missing NCIS agents, concerned that US Forces might mobilize. One of you will tell me the names and locations of all the other operatives in the area and the other will die. I will give you a moment to decide who lives." Saleem said, dragging a hooded body into the cell.

He ripped off the hood and Ziva sat before him, dirty and beaten, but still beautiful.

'Ziva. God it's good to see her' "So, how was your summer?" Tony said, throwing out a remark before he could scream how much he missed her.

'Tony. He came. He finally came.' "Out of everyone in the world who could've found me, it had to be you." Ziva whispered.

"You're welcome. So, are you glad to see me?" Tony said, smirking. He was almost sick with relief.

"You should not have come." Ziva said looking down at her dirty hands.

'I wish I could tell her how much I've missed her. Wait, what? Shouldn't have come? Um…..okay?' "All right then. Good catching up, I'll be going now. Oh yeah, I forgot, taken prisoner." Tony said, trying to get out of his chair, only to be yanked back by the restraints holding him down.

"Are you alright, McGee?" Ziva said, still looking at Tony.

"I'm just glad you're alive." McGee said, rolling over, but still playing dead.

"You thought I was dead?" Ziva asked, confused.

"Oh yeah..." Tony said.

"Then why are you here?" Ziva, asked again, still very confused.

"McGee, McGee didn't think you were dead." Tony said.

'He didn't believe it either.'"Tony, WHY are you here?" Ziva asked.

'Truth serum, work your magic…' "Couldn't live without you, I guess." Tony said, sighing in relief to have the truth out.

"So you will die with me. Should have left me alone." Ziva said, too tired to express any emotion. 'I can't bear to see him die. He has too much to live for.'

"Okay, tried, couldn't, listen you should know that I've taken some kind of truth serum, so if there's any questions that you don't want to know the answers too…" Tony said, as he squirmed in his chair.

"I did not ask for anyone to put themselves in harms way for me. I do not deserve it." Ziva said. 'And it's true. I do not deserve their kindness after what I did to them. Especially Tony.'

"So what you doing around here? Some kind of monastic experience? Penance?" Tony asked, even though he had a pretty good idea of what his ninja was doing here.

"It is justified." Ziva said.

"Get over yourself." Tony replied.

"I have. Now you tell Saleem everything that he wants to hear and you try and save yourselves. I am ready to die." Ziva said. 'I sound so pitiful.' But she couldn't quite bring herself to care.

"That's not how it works." McGee said his first words in a while. He had been fascinated by the conversation going on above him.

"How whatworks?" Ziva asked.

"The plan." Tony said.

"You have an escape plan?" Ziva replied. She had thought that nothing could surprise her in this state. Of course Tony had achieved it. She however had given up hope.

Then Saleem walked in, demanding to know who needed to kill. "We're moving out, we're not taking prisoners. But we are not done yet." He said yanking Ziva by the hair and shoving knife against her throat.

Ziva gasped. "If they do not check in, their people will come looking for them."

"Ziva. Shut up." Tony said through gritted teeth.

"Kill me. You'll need to Americans for leverage." Ziva said.

"I do not make bargains." Saleem said, ready to slit Ziva's throat.

'This is it. Tony, I'm sorry.' Ziva thought

"Do you make pizza?" Tony asked.

Just as Saleem looked up, McGee sprang into action. Saleem dropped the knife, and fell to the dusty floor. McGee almost had the knife when he heard the sound of a pistol ready for fire.

"Stop, stop!" Tony exclaimed. "There's something I haven't told you yet!"

Ziva stared at him in shock. 'What else could he have to say?' she thought.

"And what is that?" Saleem asked, still lying on the ground, pointing the pistol at McGee.

"Well, I told you about the brains, I told you about the guts, I told you about the muscle, the scientist, the politician, and the leader. I told you about every member of the team, except myself. The part I play." Tony said, breathing heavily.

"Which is?" Saleem asked. He had gotten off the ground to tower over Tony.

"I'm the wild card. I'm the guy who looks at the reality in front of him and refuses to accept it. Like right now I should be terrified, right? But I'm not. Because I just can't stop thinking about the movie True Lies, where Arnie's strapped to the chair, arm shot full of truth serum and he picks his cuffs and kills everybody. You have thirty seconds to live Saleem." Tony said, still breathing hard.

'Has he gone mad?'Ziva thought, wrinkling her eyebrows.

"You're still bound. You're lying." Saleem said.

"I can't lie." Tony said. "And I didn't say that I was going to be the one to kill you. Remember when I told you my boss was a sniper?"

The shot came in through the window, straight into Saleem's head. Outside they could hear gunfire and agents asking for backup. McGee ran over and cut the restraints on Tony's hands, while Ziva looked down at Saleem's bleeding body in total shock.

"C'mon, Ziva here we go." Tony said, as she looped her arms around Tony and Tim's shoulders.

They dragged her out, down the corridor where a second shooter was approaching. Before they could reach the end, someone took him out. They turned to see Gibbs standing there with his sniper.

"Let's go home." He said.

'I can't believe it. We did it! Now my ninja is back where she belongs.' Tony thought.

Ziva couldn't even describe how she felt in words.

McGee smiled an elated smile.

After the plane ride home, and going to the hospital to get cleaned and stitched up, the four of them stood in the elevator.

"Just another day at the office." Tony said just to break the silence.

The doors opened to reveal Ducky and Abby waiting for them. Vance was watching their arrival from the observation deck. Once they were all out of the elevator, and Vance saw Ziva, he stated to clap. Everybody in the bull pen followed soon after. Abby pulled Ziva into her arms and gave her a huge hug. 'I was so worried about you.' Abby thought.

Tony brushed past Ducky, and went to sit at his desk. Gibbs followed him and threw his duffel bag on a shelf.

As Abby hugged Ziva, Ziva looked over Abby's shoulder at Tony. 'He looks so worried, but so good. I've missed him. I've missed everybody.' She thought.

Tony continued to stare at Ziva. 'I'll never forget how battered she was-how battered she still is. I have to protect her. I have to apologize to her. Make thing's better some how. I'll do it. I have too.'

Hope you guys enjoyed it! Review if you want to see episode 2- Reunion!