Title: Going Back

Rating: PG

Length: Drabble (100 words)

Pairings: None

Era: Post-Episode 5.22: "Swan Song"

Warnings: Spoilers for episode 5.22: "Swan Song"

Summary: You know you will be going back.

Note: Written for the "Lucifer Drabble" writing challenge on LJ community - spnland; prompt - 'Write one drabble of exactly 100 words featuring or about Lucifer' Received FIRST place!

You know, the second he takes control, it's over.

You fight, of course. Your pride won't let you do anything else, and - though you'll forever deny it - you fear going back.

But from that moment on, you know it's hopeless; it's the end. When the door opens again, and the pull of Hell grows stronger as he steps closer, leading you to the edge - you know there's really nothing at all you can do now to change the outcome.

You will be going back.

Hell will take you back ... and you doubt it'll let you go again.