So this is my very first writting, of any kind, so play nice...ish lol... its not the best of starts but i know exactly where it is going, and i like it, so hopefully you will too!
enjoy and let me know what you think, and how to improve!

BTW i own nothing!


"Alice I swear to god, if you don't get your pixie like arse down here in a matter of seconds, we are leaving without you!" Emmett all but deafened us from the bottom of the stairs.

"Christ Emmett, keep your knickers on, like I would let you go and pick up my best friend without me. Plus I'm the one with the balloons!" Alice replied with a grin on her face from ear to ear.

Alice was always known for going way over the top, and today was no exception. Today was the day the Bella was coming home; she had been on exchange to Australia for the last 8months and her flight was arriving this morning. Alice had talked Charlie into letting us Me, Alice, Emmett, Rose and jasper pick her up from the airport and somehow she even got him to let her stay the night here, her first night back home in 8 months and she wouldn't actually be at home... nice friend Alice!

As Alice bounded down the stairs, 'welcome home' balloons in hand we all started to head towards the garage. We decided to take Emmett's jeep, it was the only car big enough to hold all of us plus the luggage that Bella would have.

Emmett drove as it was his car, and we all sat impatiently wishing that somehow we could go faster. We were always such a tight knit group the 6 of us had been friends and therefore near inseparable since the age of 6 when we all started school Bella and I had always been best of friends. Now we are all 17 and 18 and closer than ever. Especially Rose and Emmett and Alice and Jasper... yep we had two couples within the group, and with Bella gone it made me an awkward 5th wheel... Thank god she was coming home now it wouldn't be as awkward.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh, we're here, we're here!" Alice screamed in the seat next to me

"Alice, for gods sake, tone it down a few octaves! Jesus!"

As soon as Emmett had the car in park, Alice and Rose were out of the car like a bat out of hell, us boys had to run to keep up. We finally found where we were meant to be in front of those big metal doors where all international passengers had to come through after they went through customs. We thought that we were running late, but obviously we weren't. We had been waiting for 20mins when Alice's phone went off.

"Alice! Stop shopping and answer your still waiting... Alice!" it was Bella's voice and she had set this as her ring tone for when she called
"SWEETIE! OMG where are you, we are waitng, we are so excited to see you I cant wait to hear all of your stories how are you feeling oooh did you get me anything"
Alice didn't even let Bella get a word in edge ways but for some reason the smile that was on my face began to drop... why did Bella call Alice and not me? I mean I know that they are best friends and girls and whatever, but usually she would call me...
finally there was silence from Alice, which could only mean that Bella was finally talking.
"Ok well we will see you soon, I'm so excited! See ya bells" with that Alice hung up her phone "she couldn't get her bag off the train thing so some nice young man had to do it for her," she looked towards rose and smirked, they both giggled "so now she is just about to go through customs and should be here in about 10 minutes"

The smiles on our faces grew as we knew that it was only a matter of minutes before we got to see Bella again. Alice was jumping up and down so much we had to get jasper to restrain her and rose had to take the balloons.

The doors opened and we all looked up with anticipation, nope not her. A few moment later another big group had come out of customs and still no Bella... another 7minutes and the doors opened once again, no one was coming through, until...

"Bella! " we all yelled out to her in unison.


"Ladies and Gentlemen could you please hasten your seatbelts as we are beginning our decent, we will arrive shortly" was the sound that I woke up to.

I can't believe that I had slept the entire flight back from Australia; I suppose I did have a big night before I left, and I was nervous as hell to return. I don't know why... actually I do know why... one word... EDWARD. We had all been friend since we were 6 and I had always had this amazing connection with Edward, we were always the best of friends, and I knew that was all he would ever think of me as, and at that point I was fine with that, but as we grew up I found that maybe I wanted more, I saw what rose and Emmett had, what Alice and jasper had. I heard everything from rose and Alice, I mean they were my best friends (you know what I mean everyone has their best girlfriends and guy friend) so we never had any secrets, I knew that maybe I wanted s relationship, or something... hell even just contact with guys that didn't think if me as their little sister or best friend. I realised that I had had feelings for Edward before I left, but I never did anything about it, I didn't want to risk the relationship we had now, and I didn't want to burden him for 8 months while I was away... I might have even wanted to play while I was in 'oz' as well, I mean I could be anyone there.

So now here I am waiting by the luggage train waiting on my two bags to come out.. I saw one, tried to grab it and failed...miserably, I ended up falling to my knees in front of some guy, luckily he helped me up and managed to get my bag off the train.
"here you go miss" he said in his Australian accent

"thanks, um this is going to sound really rude, but is there any way you could help me with my other one, it had the purple ribbon on it" I asked back, blush spreading across my face, I hated to be rude, but I honestly couldn't do it myself.

"sure, and its not rude at all, I was going to offer anyway, you seem to have abit of trouble with the heavy bags and the fact that they are moving at quite a pace" he replied with a grin on his face.
"you got that right, and thanks again" I said as he handed me my last bag. "enjoy your time here"
"Your welcome, and thanks I will, enjoy being home.. " he said as I nodded and smiled and he walked off.
I finally realised I could turn my phone on and I checked the time... 'crap' I thought to myself I was probably meant to be meeting everyone right now... better call... don't think I want to risk calling Edward.
"SWEETIE! OMG where are you, we are waitng, we are so excited to see you I cant wait to hear all of your stories how are you feeling oooh did you get me anything" I heard as I held the phone away from my ear.

"jesus Alice, did you want to be any louder? I'm fine I just got delayed because I couldn't get my bags off the luggage train so a nice young man had to help me... I'm about to go through customs so I shouldn't be any longer then 10 minutes, there isn't a very big line, ill see you all soon, so excited!"

"Ok well we will see you soon, I'm so excited! See ya bells"

With that I walked up to my customs desk and showed everything I had to declare. Bloody hell why did I decide to bring home the boys boomerangs? That just cost me an extra 10minutes and more paper work! Finally it was my time to leave... I headed towards those massive doors and decided that I was going to try to get Edward,I was the same old Bella, just a few small changes...
"here we go' I whispered to myself as I walked through the doors.

I couldn't see them... yet but I could hear them...
"Bella! "