"Ok, Flora. How do I say this?" Wendy was stuttering. She never thought they would bring this up.
"In three days, nine hours and seven minutes it will be 14 years since we gave you up for adoption." Adelyte always ended up shedding a tear thinking of the day she sent away her baby girl to Wendy in the hospital entrance.
"We have gone through all of our military training we have decided to take you back with us." Arben was gleaming.
"Wendy. You are just going to let these people I have never met take me home. What if they don't have my pink room?" Flora was astonished.
"Oh, if you like pink then you will love your room." Arben was excited; he finally gets to have his daughter back.
The car ride home was silent, except for the occasional bump in the road. They drove until they finally slowed down on a quite little street. The house was small and quaint. It looked like a greenhouse. Flora walked in the house and dropped her bags in the entry.
"Could you bring those up to your room?" Arben questioned Flora.
"No, someone else can, I could break a nail." Flora started walking up the creaky stairs.
"Attitude. That can be fixed with training." Adelyte nodded to Arben.
Flora turned around quickly. "Training?" Flora was concerned.
"Yes, training. We do it with our neighbor Colonel Thëllënza and her son." Adelyte blew her whistle.
"Ouch! What are you trying to do? Make me deaf?" Flora covered her right ear.
"The whistle blow means it is time to start your training." Adelyte reached in to the bag she was carrying and pulled out dark blue cloth. She threw the clothes at Flora. "Put those on, it is a lot easier to train in shorts and tennis shoes."
"But they aren't pink." Flora was irritated. "Why didn't they take Riven?" Flora mumbled to herself.
"Maybe you could rhinestone them, along with Arben's jeep. Enjoy." Adelyte stated sarcastically. If this girl was going to survive Isaikola training then she had to get over the pink and rhinestones.
Flora went and changed into the ugly clothes and Adelyte did her hair in a bun. She did not understand why anyone would wear a bun by choice. It made you look like a man with a rabbit tail on our head. Flora felt she looked like a man. A man with pink glitter eyeliner. The door opened and hit Flora with a chilled breeze. She met Arben and Adelyte outside.
"You may want to tie those shoes, your going to be on the strength bar." Arben glanced at Flora's shoes. They wee undone and the laces were under her feet.
"Whatever." Flora knelt to the ground and managed to tie the one shoe into a morphed version of a knot.
"First, you need to train with the strength bar. You will need to be able to swing around in circles with a changing grip." Adelyte demonstrated the quite difficult move.
"And I am supposed to do that, how?" Flora stared up at the bar, getting herself to hang on it is one thing, swinging is another.
"Wendy said you were in gymnastics. This is a move out of acrobatics." Adelyte did not know how long Flora's gymnastics had lasted. Her guess, not that long.
"I quit when I was five. I don't run in gym because my teacher said my shoes aren't appropriate to run in."
"Judging by the shoes you came in, I agree with your teacher." Arben had seen those shoes; Adelyte did not even wear a shoe like that to their wedding.
Flora jumped and caught the bar. She started swinging back and forth. She could not get around the bar but she kept kicking, kept kicking until her shoe went flying. She watched her shoe fly and hit a tree. There was a strange person sitting under that tree with notebook writing with a pencil. Flora immediately dropped from the bar and started running. She ran and tripped over the step from the shredded rubber. The stranger grabbed the shoe that was an inch from giving him a concussion and walked over. Flora took her face out of the shredded rubber and noticed extremely pale feet by her face.
"I believe this shoe belongs to you." The stranger walked over and put the shoe on this girl's foot. The girl stood up and looked at him.
"Oh, thank you Helia!" Arben waved at him with a fake smile. He never liked that kid; he always tried to talk Thëllënza out of training. "Flora, back to training." Arben motioned Flora back to the bar.
"Flora? That is your name?" Helia was puzzled by this. Adelyte and Arben did not have nieces or a daughter.
"Yeah, I am Adelyte's daughter." Flora had a hard time saying that.
Well there goes thought process two. "Oh, I guess I will see you around then." He smiled and walked back to the notebook and started a new sketch. It was his own take on Snow White. Instead, it was Flora. It was such a pretty name. He had never known a girl to wear no make up and actually talk to him. Well he had never known a beautiful girl like that. Every day Helia would sit underneath his tree and he would see Flora attempting something she probably had no clue about.
Flora thought it was odd how he would sit underneath a tree everyday. Wouldn't he have bug bites?
"Helia, please bring this over to the Isaikolas." Thëllënza asked her son. He did nothing anyways.
Helia walked over to the small house and put down his book and tablet. Flora opened the door. "Hey." She saw he had some fancy piece of paper in his hand.
"My mom wanted you guys over for dinner, so I brought over a fancy piece of paper on it." He smiled.
"Ok, I will let my monst- I mean parents know." Flora grabbed the invitation and shut the screen door. Helia walked back over. Flora noticed something green sitting on the porch. She went out and picked it up. It had Helia's sketches written on it. Flora contemplated bringing it over, instead she decided to see his art first.
Helia walked back over and sat underneath the tree. He sat his book down and noticed his sketchbook was missing. "Here goes my chance." Helia knocked his head on the tree. He had important drawings in there that nobody needed to see. Including one of his neighbors. What if Arben found it?
I hope you guys like it! Helia has arrived! Please review! Thanks! ~Marty614 :)