Well chapter two! I hope you guys like it!
"Charlie this is ridiculous. I look like a sick fairy!" Parvati turned in the frilly frock that her boyfriend had stuffed through the changing room door. They were in some strange muggle clothing store and the skirt on this red and white polka dotted dress was so poofy she could hardly get through that damn door.
"But my Mum and Dad appreciate an understanding of muggle culture. And this dress screams muggle!" Charlie grinned broadly and Parvati shook her head.
"Charlie, if this dress isn't screaming me, it doesn't matter who they're fond of or appreciating." She stood on tiptoe to kiss his lips chastely. Charlie grinned like a lovesick fool and wrapped his arms around his beautiful girlfriend.
"You do look a little silly." He admitted and she nodded, stepping back and turning around for him to begin unbuttoning it.
"Now we're going to go to Gladrags. I'm going to pick up something smashing to wear, I will make my Pepper Imp brownies and everything will go smoothly." Parvati assured Charlie with ease while on the inside even she was panicking.
"Alright Love. I believe you."
"Do I look okay?" Parvati turned in a circle for the hundredth time. Charlie sighed and nodded, wrapping his long fingers around the box in his pocket. The couple was standing outside of the Burrow and Charlie was getting anxious. He had plans to take Parvati out to dinner that night and propose, but this damned day was the longest of his life! "Charlie thanks for-" Parvati began but Charlie started to talk at the same time.
"I love you!" He blurted out and Parvati stood there, dumbstruck.
"What did you say?" She asked quietly, and Charlie repeated it. "Do you mean it?" Charlie nodded and kissed her lips tenderly. "Well I, I kind of, I'm sort of, I love you. Too." She told him in a small voice and Charlie wrapped his arms around her.
"Catch that cat!" Molly Weasley shrieked, throwing the door open as a blur of orange flew out a nearby window, making her son and his girlfriend jump apart like two teenagers. "Oh, hello son. Arthur! Charlie's here!" Molly called uncertainly into the kitchen. "And he's brought someone."
Though a dull hum of conversation could have been heard prior to Molly's announcement, the entire Burrow now seemed completely silent. "Hi Mum..." Charlie kissed his mother's cheek and Molly mumbled a hello.
"Hello Charlie, you look wonderful! Who is this?" The three slowly entered the Weasley home. Numerous eyes were on them as Parvati silently held out her tray of brownies out.
"Hello ma'am. I'm Parvati Patil. I made some Pepper Imp brownies. I hope you like them." She said shyly and Harry was the first one to move.
"Hi Parvati. Long time no see!" Ron and Hermione took the hint and also moved forward to greet the beautiful brunette. The Burrow was once more alive with movement as Bill pulled his brother aside, Percy, and George quickly following.
"Charlie. She's bloody beautiful!" George exclaimed. "I don't remember her being that much of a looker back during Hogwarts. But then again, those robes left a lot to the imagination." George's brow furrowed.
"Merlin's beard Charlie! You travel to Romania, and still bring home a girl I know. You're a bore." Ron informed his brother and Charlie snorted, taking a drink of a concotion his father had cooked up.
"What the bloody hell is this?" Charlie spit it out and Arthur took the cup with a scowl.
"It's my own recipe. You don't like it?" Charlie grimaced and shook his head. "Fine. I'll rework it." Arthur took a long swig of his blue drink and looked back at his son. "So? Tell us about her!" Arthur, his sons, and Harry all crowded around, mumbling and drinking.
"She makes me smile every single day. She's brilliant, she's quick as whip, she's clearly one of the most beautiful women I have ever met, she's compassionate and wonderful. And if I ever saw her with another man, well getting bit by a Hungarian Horntail would hurt less." The entire group laughed.
"Son, it sounds as if you're in love to me." Arthur observed and Charlie looked across the room at Parvati standing with Ginny, Molly, Angelina, Fleur, Audrey, and Hermione and caught her eye. The two of them smiled and Charlie quietly cleared his throat.
"Yeah Dad, I am." The entire male half of the room inhaled sharply.
"Love? Charlie, you know we mean with Parvati? Not her brownies?" Charlie laughed and crossed into the kitchen to get himself a real beverage and to hear snippets of the female conversation.
"So eez 'e a good-"
"Fleur!" Molly reprimanded her daughter-in-law.
"Keeser? Gracious Molly, remove your 'ead from ze gutter." Fleur laughed breathily and Parvati giggled, nodding her head. Returning to the group, Charlie found they were also gossipping about the new relationship.
"Merlin. Are we really that bloody interesting?" Charlie asked after sipping his Firewhiskey. Percy was the only one not abashed to nod his head. Charlie took another few drinks and then informed them of his plan to propose that night.
"The day we find out he has a girlfriend, he proposes to her! My dragon obsessed brother, you have impeccable timing." George commented and Charlie hit him upside the head.
"I don't give a damn about my timing, George, you know that. And keep your voice down, it's a secret and I'd prefer it stays a-Parvati!" Charlie turned to the side as he spoke and came face to face with his girlfriend.
"Supper is ready." She just smiled and reached for his hand, leading him and the rest of the men to the table.
"Come along, come along, we don't need anything up and walking away on us." Molly reminded the children good naturedly. Parvati reached beneath the table to squeeze Charlie's hand quickly with a smile.
"So Parvati and Charlie make quite the couple don't you think?" Ginny leaned over to murmur her husband. Harry nodded and pushed another forkful of potatoes into his mouth. "Are they serious?" She prodded him and Harry's response was garbled. "Harry!" She hissed, hitting him in the back to force him to swallow.
"Merlin's beard, Ginny! I'm eating! As you should be too!" He reminded his wife before earning a reproachful glare. Harry hastened to sweetly brush her cheeks with a kiss. "Yes, I'd say they are very serious, love. As a matter of fact," Harry looked around but the rest of the family was distracted by Molly's delicious food to pay them any mind. "Charlie plans to propose." Ginny squealed and Harry groaned, causing many to turn and look.
"Eek! I mean I'm fine." Ginny grinned from ear to ear at Parvati who smiled uneasily back at her. As dinner progressed, Ginny was growing more and more anxious to have another sister-in-law, dropping heavy hints of wanting to see her again.
"Gin! What is your problem?" Hermione asked her sister-in-law hurriedly, Parvati seemed to becoming unnerved by Ginny's overwhelming cheeriness. Ginny whispered the secret to her and Hermione felt her eyes widening to the point of explosion.
"Really..." Hermione now moved swiftly to Parvati's side. "It was so great having you here today, Parvati. Can't wait to see you at the next family gathering." She smiled toothily and linked arms with her.
"Vot is going on zere?" Fleur had silently joined Ginny and Molly where they were washing dishes.
"Well, it seems that marriage is on Charlie's mind." Ginny happily answered and Fleur was quite interested in this little tidbit, but chose to approach her husband instead.
"Is it true?" She whispered and he wrapped his arm around her slender waist.
"Is what true, darling?" He kissed her cheek sweetly and she asked if the two had made any plans for the marriage. "Well, I'm not sure when they're planning on getting married." Bill confessed and Fleur sat back, chewing on this juicy information.
Molly offered everyone coffee and desserts and the family sat down in the sitting room, many of the women's eyes on Charlie and the pocket he kept his right hand in. Charlie reached over to nervously hold Parvati's hand and Molly asked Parvati and Hermione to help her bring out the snacks.
Hermione nearly leaped from her seat to help, but Parvati took a little longer.
"So can you believe that Charlie is-oh hello Parvati." Hermione grinned toothily at Charlie's girlfriend and Parvati smiled back at her.
Parvati was starting to grow confused, everywhere she went in this home overflowing with Weasleys, someone was smiling at her a little too broadly, or abruptly stopped whispering when she entered a room. She wondered if there was something Charlie wasn't telling her.
"Are you not telling me something?" Parvati barely moved her lips as she leaned towards her boyfriend. Charlie looked quizzically back at her and slowly shook his head.
"Not that I'm aware of, why?" Parvati shrugged and listened to Percy talk endlessly about his latest job at the ministry.
"When's he gonna do it?" Angelina asked her sister-in-law and Ginny could only shrug.
"I dunno, but it must be soon. I mean why else would he bring her here today if he wasn't going to propose in front of his family?" Ginny rationalized and Angelina could only agree with her. "Oh I wonder if he's done it already!" The two hurried back into the sitting room and looked around wildly then expectantly at Charlie. "Well?"
"Well what?" Charlie asked, entirely confused.
"Did you, you didn't." Angelina figured out, pulling Ginny's arm to sit down.
"May I speak to all of the wives for a moment?" Parvati was finally desperate enough to resort to this. All the women gladly stood up and joined her in the yard, tittering and laughing as they walked.
"Am I missing something?" Charlie asked his brothers aloud and Arthur answered as he entered the room.
"Well the hens are growing rather anxious to add another to their little circle." Arthur stirred his drink and Charlie looked up blankly. "They are waiting for you to propose, son. You said you were doing it today."
"No! I'm doing it tonight, Merlin's beard! They surely aren't telling her I'm going to! PARVATI!" Charlie sprinted out to the yard where his mother and Audrey looked as if they were about to burst.
"Will somebody tell me what's-" Charlie leapt forward and closed his hand around her much smaller one to yank her back to the Burrow and all the women awed, making Charlie curse. "I'm confused." Parvati looked at the dragon wrangler before Arthur, Ron, Harry, Percy, George, Bill, and Harry emerged from the house, looking around curiously.
"Oh this is so sweet!" Molly cooed and Arthur kissed his wife on the cheek.
"Somebody tell me what the bloody hell is going on!" Parvati demanded and Charlie gave up fighting.
"Parvati, there is something I haven't told you." Charlie reached into his pocket where the soft box was resting.
"Finally, Charlie what are you doing." Parvati froze as Charlie knelt before her.
"Parvati, I know that my timing is bad. This isn't how I pictured doing this, there's a romantic dinner waiting for us tonight at your favorite restaurant, two dozen roses awaiting you awaiting you at our-I er mean, your flat, but to hell with all that." Charlie was rambling and he wished he could remember the romantic speech he had prepared.
"That first day you walked in to RDR, Parvati, I hoped you would never leave again. Please, marry me." Charlie removed a stunning but very strange looking engagement ring from the box. Every member of the Weasley family was standing with baited breath.
Numbly, Parvati pulled Charlie off his knees to look him in the eye, and look at the ring. "Ch-charlie." She stuttered and reached for the shimmering ring. "I know this metal." She laughed and Charlie nodded, excitement mounting in him.
"It's dragon scales, I collected them the last few months."
"It's dragon scales. A diamond set in dragon scales." She laughed again before handing the ring back to Charlie. "When I tell people I'm engaged, I'll get to hold out this beautiful ring and say the man I'm going to marry created this ring for me. Out of the one thing we had in common when we first met. Dragons. I'm marrying Charlie Weasley." Charlie grinned and everyone broke into excitement. "Are you going to make me put it on myself?" She laughed.
Charlie leapt at the job and slid the ring onto her finger. He knew he shouldn't kiss his fiancee in front of his mother, but Parvati, just standing there, admiring the ring that suited their relationship perfectly. It was unique, it was beautiful, and it was as strange as strange could be, he just had to kiss her! Charlie pulled her into his warm embrace within seconds and kissed her so passionately, he could feel her growing lighter in his arms.
"Charles Weasley! Stop kissing your-your fianceƩ!" Molly babbled but even a smile was bubbling through her annoyance. She was very happy to see her son finally settling down. But the kiss was short lived as all of the wives ran towards them, physically pulling Parvati away to examine the ring.
"Well you did it." Bill clapped him on the shoulder.
"So who's your best man?" Percy cleared his throat and Bill faced his brothers, all grinning eagerly, slowly advancing on him.
Bill backed away and retook Parvati's hand, "This is the last time I tell you idiots anything!" The two ran into the house, being chased just like the cat.