Bookworm700: So, to comment on some of my reviews, I'm not trying to copy the movie, it's going to get a lot different soon. I just had to set the stage, so to speak. Anywho, on with the story!

I don't own How to Train Your Dragon.


Camp was starting to get a bit more routine, and I eventually got used to everything. But there were some things I noticed. I didn't notice them consciously at first, but when it did finally click, things made sense, and I also got more questions. To what? Well, it was how in Dragon Training, it was almost as if Hiccup was neither trying, nor getting anywhere near the dragon on purpose. It aggravated me that someone was going to come to this place and not even try….. I mean, yeah, I hadn't wanted to come to this camp in the first place, but I was still being a good sport and trying! And also, whenever we had free time, he would disappear. And since he was part of our group, we had to go looking for him! He would always show up in the nick of time, but the last 10-15 minutes of our free time were always spent looking for him. It was odd that a boy barely strong enough to hold an axe and shield would go out in the forest alone, only armed with a dagger. Sometimes, I would follow him, to see where he was going (they say curiosity killed the cat, but I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing out there alone). However, I would always lose him, and so I would just practice with my own axe a bit.

I read the dragon book cover to cover. If what it said really was real, then I didn't want to think about it. Sometimes, when I was coming back from when I snuck out to read the book, I would notice lights on in the Forge. At first, I would check it out, but as time went on, I stopped. A month had already passed by. I became friends with all the girls in my cabin, but I still didn't know the boys too well. It was easier to get to know the people you were bunking with than some of the other people at camp.

As camp went on, we dealt with dragon attacks. Tonight, I was sneaking out with the girls from my cabin to raid the Mess Hall for some ice cream. We were in the kitchen with our flashlight when we realized that someone else was in the Hall.

"Shhhh! Quiet," hissed Val. We all crouched down, and we slowly crept toward the area that light was coming from. It came from the window that lunch was served from. As we got closer, we heard voices. Apparently, someone was actually some people! Val peaked over the edge of the window then immediately ducked back down. One by one, we all peaked over the edge. Once I looked over, I ducked back down. If we were caught, we were doomed. It wasn't even counselors! It was the camp owner Stoick and Gobber! As we sat in the dark, we overheard Stoick and Gobber talking.

"This is really disturbing Gobber. I've looked in all the old journals, Dragon attacks used to come twice a year, but in the past 100 years or so, they have been coming more often. Once a week in fact! If it become more than three times a week, I'm going to have to close Camp Berk as a safety measure! And all these building repairs, it's getting really expensive, we might have to find the dragon nest and get rid of a lot of their numbers so they don't eat as much," Stoick, the camp owner, told Gobber worriedly.

"We could easily use GPS to help us find it, as you know, back in the old days, so many got lost in that dense fog! And aren't you going a bit over board on this? Yes, the dragon attacks have slowly been increasing, but it's slowly, Stoick. You told me that in about another 30 years, you will retire, and Halbert has no intention of running this camp! This land will probably become unused, especially since the boy is such a good inventor. If you ask him, he would probably keep this land, so the dragons don't become anyone else's problem. It won't be much longer before he's eighteen, Stoick," replied Gobber.

"You make some good points Gobber, I'll sleep on it, come on, let's go," and with that, Stoick and Gobber left the mess hall.

As soon as they were out the door, we all internally breathed a sigh of relief.

"ICE CREAM!" shrieked Cami as she raced towards the freezer.

"Shhhhhhh!" the rest of us said.

"They aren't entirely gone yet Cami! Let's hope they didn't hear that! They have to gone for at least 10 min before we came make any noise," Bertha whispered harshly.

"Oh. Ice cream!" Cami whispered back as she crept the rest of the way towards the freezer.

The rest of us didn't really feel in the mood for ice cream, especially with that close call, so once Cami was finished; we all crept back to our cabin. We didn't bother to tell Cami she had ice cream still on her face. We didn't talk till we got back to the cabin, except for the occasional "shhhh!" at Cami.

Once we were back in the cabin safe and sound, we laid down immediately.

"Cami. You have ice cream on your face," I told her wearily.

"Oh! Thanks Astrid! Hey, what do you guys think of Gobber's and Stoick's conversation? And I think that either Halbert is Hiccup, or his older brother, I mean, Hiccup's not an inventor. If he was he would probably make something to catch fish. Or some sort of light weight axe so his noodle arms could actually carry it! And-,"

"Cami. Just go to sleep," Ruffnut said.

"AWWWWWW! But guys, I'm full of sugar! I want to stay up all night talking!" Cami said as she jumped up on her bed.

"Uh, I'm exhausted. Just go run around the cabin twenty times, then come back and go to sleep," Val groaned.

"… fine," Cami said as she stomped out the door.

The rest of us were too tired to care, and fell right asleep.

The next morning, we all slowly got up. Cami was the only one still sleeping.

"Hey guys, I think we should find out if Hiccup in Halbert. I mean, Cami was a bit right. He doesn't seem like an inventor. And is anyone else worried about what Stoick said about the frequency of dragon raids increasing?" questioned Val. We all murmured agreement.

"Yeah, what we heard yesterday is weighing heavily on my mind," murmured Bertha.

"Agreed. But how are we going to get Hiccup to tell us if Halbert is his real name," I asked.

"Hmmm, why don't we all try and see if we can get him to tell us," suggested Ruffnut, "or I could as my brother to ask."

"Why don't we try both," Val stated, "Oh and NO ONE tells Cami. She's not the best at keeping her mouth shut, and if she did ask him, he would probably tune her out or not understand since she talks so much." The rest of us, except the sleeping Cami, agreed.

As it got closer to breakfast, we tried to wake Cami. In the end, our counselor had to give us an air horn to wake her up. I had never seen a person jump so high.

Bookworm 700: And the plot begins to show! The rest of the plot probably won't come till a bit later, such as where Hiccup goes, and why there has been barely any mention of Night Furies. Anyway, review please! I would like to hear what you think!