Hi! Welcome to my new compilation… thing

I know many of my watchers are waiting on La Principessa y el Matador and I'm sorry, but I've had a bit of a loss of muse for the moment. So, in its place, I bring you An Cosán Iathghlas (The Emerald Path) as a placeholder for those times when my updating for the other series is slow.

This is a CANONxOC PAIRING series, so if you don't support that, then I advise you to turn elsewhere. The pairing in question is EnglandxIreland, which in this case constitutes incest since in my OC backgrounds, the two are siblings, Ireland being the older sister.

THIS MEANS THAT THERE WILL BE MANY APPEARANCES BY OCS, mainly Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Ancient Celts. Human names will also be used. The human names for the OCs are as follows (so that you all don't get confused)

Scotland: Angus MacBeth

Ireland: Áine ní Siodhachaine (pronounced Anya O'Sheehan)

Wales: Andras Llwellyen

Northern Ireland: Alasdair Moriarity

Ancient Celts: Fionn mac Cumhail (pronounced Finn McCool after the legendary figure)

LANGUAGE NOTES: If I can remember, I'll post a translation of the Irish that I use, please bear in mind I don't speak Irish, but use a translator, so some of my translations are a bit wonky.

Please do not flame, you my critique my writing or my portrayal of the canon characters but do not bash the fics because you hate the pairing.

Introduction is done… and lame… orz… sorry…