All right everybody this is the chapter you all have been waiting for. Logan's first day in Cali.
(Last chapter)
Welcome to Los Angeles, California.
Oh my god, I can't believe I'm actually here. It's really hard to keep myself from being a bit jumpy, I mean who wouldn't? Luckily, I was the first one to get off of the plane, that's where I found Kelly waiting at the gate for me.
"Hi Kelly," I said to her while giving her a hug.
"How was your flight?"
"It was amazing"
"Glad to here, come on let's get the rest of your bags," she said.
As we were walking I couldn't help, but look at these new surroundings. Everyone that was walking past were unlike anything back home. I was definitely not in Kansas anymore, or in my case Tennessee. Now we are at the luggage retrieval section, waiting for my bags to come. Luckily I placed red bows on my suitcase and guitar case. Otherwise Kelly and I would have had to wait along time. When I had everything I turned to Kelly who had a look of shock.
"You only brought two bags and a guitar case with you?"
"I'm one of those people who could pack their entire room in three bags or less"
"Oh, sorry"
"That's okay"
"Here let me help you with that"
She now had my suitcase which left me with the duffel and guitar case. We left the airport and are now heading to Kelly's car which is a pretty sweet ride if you ask me. With everything in the trunk and the both of us in the front seat we were now on the L.A. freeway.
"So Logan, where do you want to go first?"
"Excuse me?"
"Where do you want to head first in L.A.?"
"I thought we were heading to Gustavo's house"
"Well…the thing is you're a bit early and Gustavo told me to stall for a bit. So I thought it would be good for you to be one with the city"
"Honestly I don't know any of the places so… surprise me"
Okay that was the best time I had in my whole life. This town is unlike anything I've ever seen before, and don't even get me started on the churros. But now we were driving up to these steal gates.
"Kelly where are we?" I asked.
"Logan welcome to the Palm Woods"
"And this is where Gustavo and the rest of the guys live"
"You got it, the only way you can live here is if you're a star or you have a major bank account. The best thing about the Palm Woods is that it's right on the beach, and more importantly we're only half an hour away from the studio"
I didn't pay attention much, because I was to busy staring at the other houses. Calling the homes huge would totally be an understatement. If these mansions were big, I could only imagine on the size of Gustavo's casa.
"But you'll do fine, so is there anything else you want to ask?"
"Uhm… no I'm fine," I told her. Clearly not knowing what she just said.
"All right here we are," Kelly exclaimed.
We pulled up to this indescribable house. It was about three stories and had that Hamptons feel to it. When we drove to the garage there was already somebody there.
"Hey Carlos," Kelly greeted the boy.
"Hi Kelly," Carlos said while giving her a hug.
"Logan, this is Carlos he is one of the boys in the band," Kelly introduced me to him.
"What's going on man?" Carlos offered me his hand.
"Not much," shaking his head. I took a good look at him and was saddened by his appearance. Not that he was ugly or anything; it's just… he has all the physical features that Thommy has: olive skin, black hair, brown eyes, and a well toned body. This was going to make us as band mates a lot harder than I thought. I thought to myself as I was unloading my stuff out of the car.
"You only brought three things?" he asked in astonishment. Why is it so hard to believe that a person has good packing skills?
"I guess I'm one of those people that can fit everything in three bags or less" I told him. He simply shook his head in understanding.
"Boys, Gustavo sent me a text so I have to go back to the studio. Carlos why don't you help Logan get settled in"
"Sure thing Kells"
"Bye guys," Kelly said driving out of the drive way Carlos and I just waived to her.
"How's about we come inside"
"Sounds good"
"Well come on," he motioned me towards the door. We went inside of the house, and it was amazing. We walked through this grand kitchen that honestly was bigger than my old living room; the living room itself could fit my old house comfortably. Carlos and I were walking up the staircase where I noticed a certain photo hanging on the wall. The photo contained Carlos with two other boys on the beach.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," I assured him. "Who are those two guys in that picture?" I pointed specifically to the one I was seeing.
"Oh, those two are also your band mates. Logan Mitchell this is Kendall Knight and James Diamond, Kendall Knight and James Diamond this is Logan Mitchell," we were both laughing at Carlos' funny introduction. So I decided to play along: "Hi Kendall Knight and James Diamond," we both chuckled.
We both made it up the stairs to this hall where Carlos stopped at this door. "I hope you don't mind the guest room". I just looked at him.
"Why am I staying in the guest room?"
Carlos had this pained expression on his face, trying to figure out what to say next. "Your room kind of has some work, apparently a pipe busted out of the wall. While we're fixing that up you have to stay in the guest room for a little while," He looked genuinely sorry that this little annoyance happened. I just nodded my head not wanting to press any further on the issue. Carlos opened the door to reveal this stunning room it wasn't anything lavish it was just… simple. The room's color was white, but not the cold snow type of white but more of this white that gave the room a sense of warmth. The wooden floors added that feeling with its neutral color, the room also had more than enough space for all of my belongings. I couldn't help but notice the painting that was on the wall above the headboard, the painting showed palm trees.
"So do you like it?" Carlos asked. I completely forgot that he was still here; I guess that usually happens when you get to crash in a sweet place like this.
"I love it" I answered truthfully. We looked around not quiet sure on what to say next. Until Carlos decided to speak up:
"You know I don't mean the one to brag, but I actually did that painting above the bed," Carlos looked a bit nervous for some reason.
"That's awesome, you can paint?"
"A little bit, but you should check out where I found the inspiration," Carlos walking toward a balcony. 'Okay, how on earth did I miss that?' I thought to myself. We walked through these slide in glass doors that opened up to this spectacular view. It showed the ocean and water is all you could see in the horizon, I looked around to see the inspiration of Carlos' painting. On the far right there was a dense collection of palm trees whose branches were swaying back and fourth with the wind. I think I can get use to this.
"Wonderful isn't it?" Carlos said bringing me back to reality.
"Why don't we put your things away and I'll give you a tour of the house?"
I nodded my head as we went back inside. It didn't that much time to unpack everything when we were done there was only one item still left, my guitar.
"Sweet guitar," Carlos admired as I took my baby out of its case.
"Thank you"
"Do you mind?" he asked reaching his hands out for the guitar. Not wanting to be rude I passed the guitar to him. He held it carefully in his hands looking down to the red paint job that was done and all the other little details.
"Where did you get it?"
"There's a small shop in Nashville that makes custom guitars. In order for me to have my own I did a summer of mowing lawns, babysitting, pet sitting, washing cars, and stripping to earn the money for that guitar"
Carlos looked at me with a look of horror on his face.
"Kidding," I joked. "I'm probably worth around $89 if I ever did that, but that's the tale of how I got my baby"
"I think we should start that tour now," Carlos said putting away my guitar. What a way to make a good impression. Who knows what he's thinking about me. He turned back against the door to face me.
"Just so we're clear…you're worth a lot more than 89 bucks"
We walked out of my temporary room and went in to the room next door.
"Is this your room?" I asked Carlos.
I looked around the room to find out that it was a pretty normal room for a teenage boy. There were shirts and a few other articles of clothing that were here and a laptop, an iPod, a pack of gum, and a few posters were what dominated his room. My attention was now focused on the black bass that was hanging on the wall.
"You play bass?"
"Yeah, I'm the bass player for the band"
"That's cool"
"You want to know what else is cool"
He walked to what I assumed to be the closet, and opened the door. Carlos moved some hangers to reveal that there was the door that led into my room.
"No way"
"Yeah, so if you need something I'm only a closet away," Carlos laughed.
We moved on to the rest of the house that was full of surprises. I mean there has to be some law stating that a person can't have this many rooms in one house. It seemed that we were all done with this little tour and were not sure on what to do.
"So what do you want to do?"
"Maybe we could watch a movie before everybody comes back," I suggested.
"Cool, had anything in mind?"
"I don't suppose you have anything that is so funny that it would make me piss my pants, do you?"
"Please," Carlos scoffed he went to pick a few DVD's from their extensive collection of movies. "Choose your pick from the Horror Movie trilogy"
(4 hours of nonstop laughing later)
Carlos and I were sitting around reminiscing on the movie until headlights were seen through the curtains.
"Oh my god, Carlos their here," I said excitingly.
"Wow… that's really great," his smile was dimming down.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, it's just I had a real good time and…"
The door opened interrupting Carlos. And came out Gustavo, Kelly, and what looked to be Kendall and James. The four came up to Carlos and I, honestly it was kind of intense. A person would think that meeting a group of people who will be with you on the road to fame would be the best experience ever. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case in this situation; James looked down on his feet and scuffed his shoes against the floor while Kendall was staring daggers at me for no reason.
"Logan, there's a few people that I want you to meet" he presented Kendall and James. "Logan I want you to meet your band mates Kendall and James"
"Hello," I offered my hand to James first. Luckily he was civil and he shook my hand, now it was Kendall's turn. I was pretty nervous when he shook my hand he was purposely giving a hard grip, which made my hand hurt. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of me being in pain so I had to force a smile on my face. When the intros were done we all left to the dining room to chow down on Chinese take out. Even that didn't ease things up, I had a feeling that I was in for some hell with the band. Fortunately, I excused myself from the dinner and told them that I was heading for bed. When in reality I was sitting back on the balcony overlooking the ocean. The view is way different from what it was a couple of hours ago. The sun was now setting giving California a goodbye before letting the moon do its job.
I heard footsteps coming behind me, happy to find out who it was.
"Hi Carlos"
"What's going on?"
"Nothing really just sight seeing, I guess"
Carlos nodded and sat down on his side of the balcony. I'm actually kind of sad I thought that he would sit with me.
"How do you like Cali?" he asked.
"Honestly, this has been the best day of my life," I told him.
"Mph," There was that long annoying silence between us again.
"Look, I want to apologize for the guy's behavior back there, they're not like that all"
"You don't need to apologize for them"
"Well, you might want to turn in early. Gustavo says that it's going to be a big day tomorrow"
"Okay" I left the chair and was heading into the room until…
"Oh, Logan"
"Yes?" I turned back to him.
"I'm really happy that you're here," he said to me.
"Thank you," as I walked in the room to finish my first day.
All right everyone that was Logan's first day in California. If you guys are interested pictures of Logan's guitar, Carlos' bass are on my profile. As we may know summer is coming to a close :_(. With school right around the corner, having to update Confessions, and another story over the horizon it's going to be hard updating. Don't worry this story will be my top priority. So if you guys have any questions, comments, or suggestions on anything you all know what to do.