A/N: That's right! The laziest writer of all time is back and suckier than ever!
The basic idea for this story has been in my head for a bit and it's driving me crazy, so I decided to give this whole 'story-writing' thing another try (Forecasts are calling for lots and lots of failure.). The basic idea is that the Eds have amnesia, but don't really care, are now really powerful bad-asses and get into really crazy situations that often call for lots and lots of guns and violence to get out of. Pretty simple idea all together, but lots of opportunities. Not a lot happens in this chapter, but enjoy anyway!
Man, his head hurt.
Where was he? In a field of grass at what appeared to be dawn. Okay.
How did he get there? He couldn't remember.
Was there any civilization nearby? He could see a road a short ways away and there was a highway sign, so maybe.
Was everything-Especially his manhood-where it was supposed to be? Yes, thank God.
Who were those two other guys on the ground? He didn't know.
Checklist complete.
He stood up, satisfied with his analysis of the situation, and looked himself over. He smiled. The jumpsuit he was wearing was dark yellow-his favorite color-with red streaks going down the sides. He also had on matching yellow boots that came up to his ankles.
'Nice threads,' he thought with a smile as he popped his collar.
He tried to smooth his messy, black hair down, but three very long, thick stalks wouldn't cooperate, so he just did what he could. after he finished, He looked back over to the two that were still unconscious. They were wearing the same type of jumpsuit he was wearing, only different colors. Maybe one of them knew how they got out there.
He went over to one of them looked him over. He appeared to be in his late teens and his jumpsuit was solid red. His boots were also a bit longer, going up to his shin, and they were red. He also wore this stupid-looking black hat that looked like a sock.
"Hey!" The conscious teen lightly kicked the one lying down in the side. "Wake up!"
After another kick-this one a bit harder-his eyes fluttered open and he stared up at the person that had woken him up. He groaned as he stood up, rubbing his throbbing head. He was taller than the other teen and very lanky.
The sock-headed one was about to ask a question, but got distracted as he looked down at his jumpsuit.
"Filthy, filthy, filthy..." he muttered as he brushed the dirt off.
He then looked over at the much shorter teen, who was staring at him like 'Are you serious?'.
"Um...salutations," the teen with the red jumpsuit started, not wanting to be rude.
"Hey!" The other teen greeted back, then cut straight to the chase. "Do you know who I am or how we got out here?"
"No I don't. Sorry. I don't even know who I am."
The short one cursed under his breath, some help that was. He walked over to the next and last guy. He was also in his late teens and his jumpsuit was dark green, with a white streak and a red streak going around his torso. His boots were green and ankle-high. His hair was very short, almost a buzz-cut, and and an extremely bright shade of orange. His most striking feature, however, was his gigantic monobrow.
"Wake up!" the shortest teen lightly slapped him across the face a couple times, but there was no response. He slapped him a little harder, but still no response. "Wake up, monobrow!" he then took him by the collar and shook him, rather roughly.
"Hey! Don't just shake him like that!" the sock-headed teen defended Monobrow.
"Shut up, sockhead!" the shortest teen commanded as he looked at Sockhead with a sneer, he hated being told what to do.
"You shut up...shorty!" it was a lame insult , Sockhead knew that, but he wasn't about to be insulted and pushed around by some arrogant jerk he didn't even know.
In the blink of an eye, Shorty had dashed over, grabbed Sockhead by the collar and brought him down to eye level. Sockhead was about ready to crap himself under the shorter teen's hard glare
"Not the face!" Sockhead yelled as he put his arms up in defense.
"Don't. Call. Me. Shorty!" the short teen all but growled as he gave the taller teen a quick shake for good measure.
"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!" after his apology, Sockhead was let go.
Sockhead fixed his collar after that, visibly shaking a bit, but he quickly regained his composure and cleared his throat. After doing some deep breaths, the short teen also calmed down a bit. He sighed.
"Look, I'm kinda sorry for exploding like that," he apologized in his own rough way, though he was still scowling. "Just don't call me 'shorty'!"
"...You apologized, so...it's alright, I suppose. I won't call you 'Shorty' if you hate it that much, but don't get so physical with people."
They both heard a groan and looked over to the last person in their would-be party and saw that he was getting up. Jesus, he was tall! At least 6'6" easy. He cracked his neck and let out a huge yawn, then looked over at the other two, a huge smile breaking out on his face.
"Hiya!" he said, waving despite the fact that they were only a few feet apart.
"Uh, hey," the shortest one said as he waved back awkwardly. "Do you know how we got out here, or who we are."
"Nope." he replied in a cheery voice, still smiling, "no idea what's goin' on here, yellow guy!"
"Shit, that sucks! Wait, yellow guy?" he looked down at himself and his yellow jumpsuit. "Guess I am the yellow guy. Actually, that could work. I'm Yellow, you're Green and sockhead's Red." it wasn't the best naming system, but they had to call each other something.
"Not the best way to name ourselves, but it works fine," Red said with a nod.
"I like it!" Green yelled enthusiastically, then struck a heroic pose. "Who the hell do you think I am! I am Green: Bringer of Bacon and Vanquisher of Evil!"
Red and Yellow stared blankly at their...strange companion, whose pose was ruined when a loud grumble cut through the air.
"I'm hungry," Green said, then chuckled a little at the noise his stomach made.
"Me too. Come on, let's go see what that highway sign says," Yellow said as he took point, making his way towards the road, the others following.
The three soon reached their destination and read the sign as they stood on the side of the road. It read: 'Peach Creek City. 10 miles'.
"Ten miles!" yellow's jaw dropped, then he scowled. "Great. Well we better get goin', I'm frickin' starving!"
"How exactly are we gonna pay for food?" Red asked a rather good question, causing the three to stop dead in their tracks.
The three dug in every pocket of their suits for a good two minutes, hoping they would find something, but no go, they were flat broke.
"Great! We're gonna walk all that way and still not get jack to eat!" Yellow complained, then a light bulb went off over his head and he smiled deviously.
Green reached over and plucked the light bulb out of the air, then looked at it dumbly.
"Green, how did you do that?" Red asked.
"No idea!" Green answered, sounding rather proud despite his answer.
Yellow suddenly wrapped his arms around his two companions and started walking forward.
"Just stick with me, boys!" he said with a giant smirk. "Your fearless, handsome leader has a plan."
"Who is this 'Fearless, handsome leader' you speak of?" Red asked in a sarcastic deadpan.
"Yeah, introduce us!" Green added with excitement, honestly thinking there was someone else he didn't know about.
These remarks earned them both a slap upside the back of the head, causing Green to stumble forward and Red almost fell over.
"It's me, you idiots!"
"I found them, they're walking down the highway, looks like they're heading towards a city called 'Peach Creek'. Should I engage them?" the figure said into his cell phone as he watched the trio from a hill, never taking his eyes out of the binoculars. It was some kinda divine miracle that he even found them.
"[Negative. I want to see where exactly they're going.]" the voice on the other end was smooth, female and just the smallest bit British.
"Are you sure that's a good idea? With all the trouble those three have caused, we should take them out as soon as possible," the figure said as he leaned forward on his motorcycle and rested his elbows on the handlebars
"[Patience, luv, I know what I'm doing. Keep watching them and report back if you find something out. Understood, luv?]"
"Understood," he answered, not wanting to question his leader's logic.
"[Good boy.]" she sounded very seductive all of the sudden, "[Find something good enough and I might just show you how we shag in England.]"
A quick squirt of blood shot from the figure's nose as his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates; the blood landed on the front of the bike.
He was about to respond, but she had hung up.
He sighed as he took the binoculars away from his eyes, then wiped the blood off his face with his gloved hand.
'Take it easy, Kevin! You are 18, and that's too damn old to be getting flustered like this! Plus, Nazz would kill you if she found out you were getting nosebleeds thinking about Leader like that.'
He then looked down at the blood he got on his motorcycle and quickly pulled out a rag to wipe the blood away. His bike was very simple-looking, essentially just a gray, slim rectangle with wheels, a seat, foot pegs and handlebars, but he loved it. He had poured his heart and soul into that motorcycle, upgrading it with the best parts he could find, making it the most bad-ass ride ever. He loved it like it was real and named it 'Francesca'.
Kevin took a quick moment to light up a cigarette before his eyes returned to the binoculars and immediately spotted the three. He smiled sadly as he remembered how he used to be good friends with the three, back when they were still just little kids. He sighed, things were a lot simpler back then.
"Okay, dorks, why are you going back to Peach Creek? What could you possibly have left to go back to?"
"Hey look!"
Red and Yellow looked over at their companion and shared a groan. Green had snaked his arm into his suit, unzipped his fly, stuck his thumb out through his fly and started using said thumb to hitchhike.
"It's like my thumb is my penis," Green pointed out the obvious with a hearty chuckle.
"Dude, no one's gonna stop for that," Yellow deadpanned.
A/N: Like I said earlier, not a lot happens and it's pretty short, but it sets things up well enough, if I do say so myself.
Please review.