he couldnt take anymore his scent all over her, his black eyes stared up at her with a vancant
empty sayain beside her tense and his colbat eyes gazing somewhat frightly at the

younger sayain. his stance was different the hatred coming from his normally innocent loving eyes
"what is going on here" he bite out with each word. little gohan wondered out of bed
he rubbed his groggy eyes and krept to his mommy's room. vegeta rose out of the bed gripping the
sheet tightly against his lower half. "kackrrot" his voice low and nothing but a wisphter
chichi gazed at her husband her eyes filled with guilty tears she began to raise toward him
"go goku i can explain " her voice rough with regret and pain. his gazed shot to here nothing
but eerie emptyness in them and then his voice came down on her harsher then his eyes " i dont
want to hear your bullshit bitch," His breathing becoming heavy and his power surged his black
hair going white and his eyes a light blue. as his power grew he spoke " i decated my life to you
i deid for you i gave you everything you could possibley ever want and this is how you repay me!
he shouted as his power exploided and then he tore his hateful gaze from her to vegeta and
lunged for him beating him until a bloody pulp. throwing his limp body across the hall way.
he lunged for the battered sayain prince again when something caught his eye. in the corner of
hall was his little boy his son gazing up at him with large frighten eyes and a tear striken face.
Goku stopped in place a dead look in his eyes as he ripped his stared from inncocent gohan to
glare at vegeta. Vegeta's heart ached as he looked into the younger sayain's eyes something in
them made him uneasy something was missing and vegeta was the one who was the cause. and after
that second of pain surging through him Goku put his fingers to his forhead and vanished

six years later

Bulma watch somewhat nervouisly as gohan began the spar with yamcha, she gazed intentlly
at the young boy. his black spicky hair and peicing black eyes reminded her that of his father.
*goku* his named echoed in her head as she watched his son's every movement amazed at how much
the child look and moved like his father. while bulma was watching them pretend fight he father
docter breifs came running out in a rush his breathe ragged and sweat rolling down his face.
"bulma bulma come quit you wont belive who i am seeing on tv i swear i cant be sure i belive it
myself but hurry!" he father exclamied almost soundlessly. bulma reluctly rose from her spot
on the soft ground and followed he now exsuted father *jeez dad try excising more maybe you
wont be so breathless like a piggy* she thought witch earned her a small giggle. her
father rather roughly grabbed her arm and pulled her through the house silently repeating
hurry hurry to himself. he came to dead halt and pointed at the tv but he didnt have too
because bulma's aquamarine gaze locked on to the figure on tv. her mind racking the possbiltiy
there on the screen was a man meeting with leader of the world but this man was no man
bumla swollowed as her voice tried to from his name "goku" she said breathlessly.
he seem different his black hair now longer and shot out everywhere and his eyes
a now gun powerded grey. his body even more toned and he seemed taller, but there
was no mistaking that face it was his that of her long time friend and if she
could addmit it to herself the man she was in love with for all these years.
the next thing bulma did made her father jump she shot out the door and ran down the
drive way leading to the back lab. frezzly going through differet draws her mind telling
her to hurry. her father came behind her as he watch his daughter franicly look for something
he noticed her axouious face. "bulma dear could you be looking for this" he slyly reached
into his pocket and pull out a caspule that contained a aircrapft. bulma's blue eyes glazed
over to her father her face lit up and she flew over to him faster than he thought possible
for her alteast. he looked down unto his daughter's eyes bright and earger as she reached
for the caspule. he handed it to her and she flew by him. her father stared at her amazed
*go get him bulma * he thought.

bulma rushed past all the spectaidors at the capital she park roughly in the grass she
tripped out of the aircar due the fact that she all but pracitly throw herself out of it.
bulmas breathing came hard as her heart clenched tightly. tears unknowingly sliding down
from her eyes. she ran the gate and gripped it her tiny hands grasping the bars as if
he life depending on confriming what she already knew. He walked to out of the building
with him second leader in command but bulma didnt pay attention anything but
the sayain man acrossed the yard. he smiled fanitly as he discussed something with
the short balding man. her heart sipped a beat at his smile a smile that seemed but a mere
memory of what she remember of him. he walked closer to the her well they walked closer
to the gate. then he flicked his eyes toward the coward and for a moment she saw the pain strain
in his grey orbs . she felt her heart tare to shreds right then as she pulled even harder at the gate.
he gazed at her his eyes unsure of how react and as if he willed her too bulma began to climb
the pesiscy gate. people tried pulling her down but bulma kick them with her heels * no not
again* she thought. as she drug herself and hardly landed on the other side of the fence.
in time two grauds had apperneded her. depiste being strung up like a doll and her hair
pulled back bulma never left his intense gaze. he slowly walked over toward the
gaurds as their faces became pale. his eyes angered now and he swat at them like flies
rather gentlely just pushing them a couple of steps back. bulma looked down at her feet
she lost her voice in the perensce of this man. he grabbed her his grip rather hard but it
felt warm it felt safe. he roughtly pulled her with him and drug her back toward the
building behind them bulma breathless and not having a clue what to say she came all
this way to give him a peace of her mind but found herself speachless. she spotted a
ship and she felt her body being turned in the ships driection. she sneaked a glaze
at him and her eyes slid down his body. his eyes stared at her from the corner and
she quickly looked down a bright red blush staining her cheeks. she didnt notice
but a small gueinue small graced his features.

He didnt want to come back here to much was left to much reminded him of what he
had so long ago banished from his thoughts. and then there she was in the coward
Her blue eyes looking straight at him depair and adortion crossed her delcaite features
she took his breath from him for a moment and then she started to climb over the gate
almost ergently as if her life depended on it. several attempts and she still couldnt
get over due to people pulling her down by her ankles but she stubbonly kicked at them
then once she was over she hit the ground with a loud thud and a pained moan.
and as if things werent worse she was wrongly handled by the his gaurds it appaled him
he quickly resolved the ill treatment of her and did all he could to control himself as
to not to sloughter them. but then her eyes caught his and he saw the love in them
and the fear too. she was now behind him as he gripped rather hard and drug her rather
fast. once they reached the ship all he could do was pause and stare into it, his hand
still clung to her arm to her skin. she didnt make a move but the silence got the
better of her and she spoke timiedly "i know its you" is all that came out
in a low wispter as if along the way she had lost her voice. then he quickly let
go of her arm and walked over to the control panel. his voice coming out rather rough
and strained "well do you now guess that no surprise you were so very smart" he said
as he looked at her something in his stared heated. bulma was amazed by the heat she felt
she took a couple of steps closer to him slowly unstealiy as if afaid to frighten him away
Goku noticed the way she was apporching him in slow painiced worry. her eyes tracing his
body and her tounge glazing thoughs tempting lips. bulma couldnt help but stare
at him it had been six years since she had seen him and he look better then before
*perfect* she thought from his grey eyes to his muslsled chest and arms to his sweet looking
lips. bulma pushed the thoughts away * first things first bulma girl then you can fuck the
shit out of him* she blushed fericly at her last thought not notcing a rathered interesed
sayain apporching her. bulma looked up from her feet to see him standing right infront
of her his eyes gazing intensely at hers. "so what do you want ?" he ask as his hand reached
up and gently strocked her neck. bulma shiviered unwilling at his touch her mind trying to
registe what he had said. in a weak wishper she said the first thing that touched her numbed mine
"you" Goku's lips came down frimly on hers as he rather roughly gripped her to his body.
his hands gliding down her curves and his tounge teased her lips begging for access to her
sweetness. bulma had no idea what had came over all she thought was *his lips his lips*
she gave into his longing tounge. she opened her mouth slightly to feel his tounge dart in
her mouth she gasped silently as she felt him explore every part of her. Goku's grip tightened
his fingernails digging into her hips. bulma mind was in a daze her body leaning in to him
then as aburtly as it started he broke away, he only move a foot from her. bulma was still in
a daze, goku stared down at her as bulma slowly came too she looked down not wanting to look
into those piercing eyes. he pulled her chin up to look him in the eyes. her bright blue eyes
stared up at him reading the puzzled look in his grey eyes. "goku " she stuttered out.

his eyes grew wide with shock as she came up on her tippy toes and brought her lips to his.
he didnt move at frist and all of a sudden then he crushed his lips roughly to hers

please review i am not finish but i would love to hear what you all think please dont be to harsh now it is my first fanfic and i always loved

these two as a couple