How Do You Tell Her?
A/N: This was a little Vaughn piece I came up with after "The Confession"

How do you tell her? How do you tell your mother you know how her husband died. He'd like to tell her, but of course that was classifed. All of his work was. And God knew that if he discussed it with anyone, it could kill Sydney, as well as himself. So what did you say?

Well, you certainly didn't start things with "Mom, I have something important to tell you." No, that was how you started when you told her you were joining the CIA. Look how well that went over. She cried, asked why, slapped you when you said because you wanted to be like your father - a hero. She asked if you wanted to die like your father. Of course then the gruesome details weren't known. She had cried for days over that one.

You also didn't start with "We need to talk." That was the way you ended relationships. You should know, Alice used it on you. Not that you really care. You would have used it on her eventually. Sure, she was the one who broke up with you, but it still left you feeling like crap.

So how do you tell her?