Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with the creator's of Glee, nor the writers and amazing performer's of "Love of my Life."

Author's Note: I got the idea while watching Spring Awakening. It turned out pretty well if I do say so myself. Enjoy & review! :D

"My water just broke" Quinn turned to the group who were currently processing what had just been said. Everyone ran in different directions grabbing their things and helping Quinn into the car. Before leaving Mr. Shue turned to Rachel and asked her to stay behind, which she was obliged to do so.

Walking around the hall way aimlessly, she could hear the crowd chanting for Vocal Adrenaline. She wanted to believe with every fiber in her body that they were going to win the competition, but deep down inside she could still hear her little voice telling her the outcome would not be what she wanted it to be. She continued to walk when she heard a familiar voice around the corner.

"You're a nice girl and all, but I simply cannot date you."

"You're a damn fool Jesse, we're a power couple, and you know it as well as I do. I mean what's the harm in dating? We're already going to the same university. Why not just avoid the whole awkward phase of courting and get straight to the point?" Rachel glared at the love seat across from her. Of course she had no right to feel a slight pang of jealousy when she heard this, especially after everything that he had put her through.

"I don't care if we're bunking together, you aren't my type." The girl glared at Jesse. "You're not still hooked on that Rachel chick are you? Don't even bother with that one, after that egg fiasco we put her through, not to mention you departing from New Directions randomly, you don't stand a chance. Besides…as far as I know her and the hunky guy Finn are smitten for each other."

Jesse's heart sank. Had Rachel gotten over him that quickly? Even after the intimate nights they shared?

"Jesse…I…I'm frightened." The girl clutched her nightgown as Jesse sat behind her, kissing the nape of her neck gently. "What are you scared of?"

"I don't know…" she admitted absentmindedly. Jesse slowly ran his hand up and down her thigh while whispering sweet nothings into her ear. "Do you love me?" Rachel turned to Jesse, taken aback by the question she answered, "Of course I do."

"No…I mean darling, do you love me? Do you love me without a single doubt in your mind, without any fear of what's to come in the future? In our future?" the songstress turned her body to his and knelt in front of him. "I love you without a single doubt in my mind Jesse St. James."

He kissed her feverishly as Rachel pulled him closer to her. All of a sudden close was not close enough for her. She felt a stronger emotion than passion as he held her petite waist tightly against him. Jesse laid her on the bed as he put himself on top of her between her legs. He rested his weight on his elbow to keep from crushing her. Kissing her nose tenderly, he looked deeply into her loving eyes.

"We don't have to do this if you aren't ready, Rachel. I'm willing to wait as long as it takes for you to feel comfortable." She smiled at his reassuring words. "I'm ready Jesse. I'm ready to be with you, don't hesitate." He kissed her once more as he slowly unbuttoned her nightgown.

Leaning back slightly he took Rachel in. She could not bring herself to look at him; the embarrassment she felt was plainly obvious.

He pressed his hand on her cheek, "don't you dare feel embarrassed, my love. You are true captivating beauty in every sense." Rachel's heart fluttered as she took in his words.

"Please forgive me…" Jesse whispered as he pushed himself into her, and proceeded to make love to her.

"Jesse? Jesse! Are you listening to me?" he quickly broke out of his daze.

"What?" the singer replied sternly.

"I said we have 30 minutes before show time. Go cool yourself off, because though I hate to admit it, we won't win unless you're at the top of your game." With that the girl walked away in annoyance.

Rachel panicked she heard footsteps coming her way. She quickly stumbled down the hall. Frantically looking for a room to hide in, she could hear him coming closer.

Thinking of nothing else she pulled out her phone and called Finn. Jesse stop dead in his tracks, he gazed over at his ex-girlfriend who was currently having trouble with her phone.

Walking over to her he pulled out his phone and handed it to the girl. Rachel looked up to him timidly.

"Thank you, but I have my phone." He chuckled, "Take it…I'm not trying to sabotage you." She smiled mockingly as she dialed the number, waiting awkwardly for an answer she mentally sighed when she heard a friendly voice, "I can't talk right now girl, I'm in the delivery room with Quinn-OH MY GOD, what is that?" Rachel opened her mouth to say something only to hear a dial tone.

She looked at the phone in fear. Whatever Mercedes saw it couldn't have been to flattering for Quinn. Remembering who was standing next to her she quickly handed back the phone. "Thanks…just wanted to check up on things." She began to walk away only to be stopped, "I take it Quinn is in labor?"

"Yes, she is. Her water broke as soon as we walked off stage." He smiled that captivating smile she had seen many a times. "I hope it goes well for her."

"Yes, well I best be off, you're performing soon…" "How's your heart?"Jesse asked.

"Excuse me?" she snapped, trying to keep whatever was left of her composure. "Relax…it was only a question."

She breathed in, "I get along without you very well." Satisfied with her answer she searched his face for any sort of emotion. He raised an eyebrow at her response.

"So I've heard. Word on the street is you and Finn are…" he hesitated to say the last part. Saying it out loud hurt a lot more than it should.

"Together? Yes, I realized it was always him my heart yearned for." Her arms crossed defensively.

She didn't have to be a bitch about it. Now don't get him wrong this was the girl he loved more than anything, but she wasn't playing nice at the moment, and quite frankly if she was going to throw cheap shots at him then why couldn't he? "Well if I didn't know any better it seems that you fall in love too easily. Have you slept with him? Or are you going to try and play that non-existent v-card? Because as far as I know you lost that a while ago."

Rachel was seething. He mind could not process what he had just said. She slapped him across the face. "Don't you dare talk to me like I'm some common whore. Unlike you I don't go around sleeping with everyone who says they like me. And even if I was willing to sleep with Finn, it would be none of your business."

Jesse could feel his blood boil. The thought of Rachel under another man in bed was enough to make him go mad. Without thinking he grabbed her arm tightly and brought her close to him. Putting an arm around her waist he whispered, "Do you honestly believe that guy could make you feel the way I do? Do you think he can make you scream out his name in sheer passion like you did mine all those nights we made love?"

Rachel's eyes glazed over, "you bastard. How am I supposed to ever get over you when you keep playing these childish games?" Jesse stroked her hair lightly and lifted her chin to meet his gaze. "No matter what you say…I still feel you in me, and I know without a doubt that you feel the same way about me."

He wasn't able to wait for his response when his phone rang frantically. He turned it off and looked at Rachel once more. "It's time to perform Jesse, go show them what you can do, prove to them that all the heartbreak you caused me was worth your triumph." She walked away as Jesse contemplated what she had just said.

He sat in front of the piano and began to play something that was not part of the team's songs. Being the quick-witted team that they were Vocal Adrenaline went along with his melodic voice. The pain apparent in his voice as he sang.

Love of my life, you hurt me,
You've broken my heart, and now you leave me.

Love of my life can't you see,
Bring it back bring it back,
Don't take it away from me,
Because you don't know what it means to me.

Love of my life don't leave me,
You've stolen my love now desert me,

Love of my life can't you see,
Bring it back bring it back,
Don't take it away from me,
Because you don't know what it means to me.

You will remember when this is blown over,
And everything's all by the way,
When I grow older,
I will be there at your side,
To remind you how I still love you
I still love you.

Hurry back hurry back;
Don't take it away from me,
Because you don't know what it means to me.

Love of my life,
Love of my life.

Rachel's heart clenched as he sang. She began to cry because she had witnessed perfection; she began to cry because for the first time Jesse had sung from the heart. Rachel walked out of the auditorium as he continued performing the rest of the act. As much as it ached her heart to admit, it he was right. Finn would never be able to fill Jesse's shoes, especially when they had made love all those times in her room. Sweet Finn, he didn't know just how grown up she was now. There was no way any sort of future was possible for the two of them as long as Jesse held her heart.

She headed to his dressing room to wait for him. What other choice did she have? She was madly in love with Jesse St. James and no other man would so.

Review, please!