A/N: This is something I literally just through together after thinking about it all night at work.
He felt like he was paralyzed again. He couldn't move.
He watched as Shane grinned at him, and moved Lucy back over to her crib. He laid her down, her cries of panic still filling the room, pointed the gun at her, looked Danny directly in the eye and pulled the trigger.
Finally Danny found his legs, and ran at her crib in blind panic. Shane simply moved around the panicked father, and found his way out the front door.
Looking into the crib, his heart stopped. She had a close range gunshot wound to the chest.
Tears sprang to his eyes, and fell down his face. He moved to touch her, but stopped just short. He saw the terrified look in her eyes, the shrieking of pain, the gasping for air.
"Dada dada dada dada," she began sobbing.
"I'm right here baby," he promised her, choking on the words.
She began gurgling on her blood.
"God please no! Lucy, baby girl, stay with me," he begged, finally leaning is far into the crib as he could, to be next to her.
There was something he should be doing, he knew it. But if he moved it could get worse.
Lindsay came in behind him, "Oh my god! Danny! What happened? Lucy!" She screamed hysterically.
"I... Shane...and Lucy. Oh God!" He began sobbing, "Please my beautiful girl, you're gonna be.." as he was watching her, she stopped breathing, her eyes dilating out.
"Oh Jesus!" He bellowed, finally diving in and clutching her now limp body, "Oh my poor Lucy girl," He said as he rocked back and forth with her.
"please come back to us..."
Lindsay shook him furiously, "Danny!" She had been trying to wake him up for the last few minutes. His pleads and sobs waking her from her nap.
Finally his eyes snapped open, and he looked around frantically. He jumped out of the bed, ignoring Lindsay's questions, and ran to Lucy's room.
He sobbed tears of joy when he saw his beautiful baby girl looking back at him, full of life, smiling when she saw him. She put her little arms out in a 'pick me up gesture' her little fingers flexing open and shut.
He gladly scooped her up, peppering her face with kisses of joy. "Daddy loves you so much."
"Dan?" Lindsay asked when she came in behind him, resting her head on his back.
"It was just a terrible dream, baby," he said honestly, "I don't think I can talk about it right now. I just want to love my family right thins minute."