Isho: this is a thank you to all of my reviewers. i will list them below.

Suma-dragon's Child-who made me laugh from their sillyness

animaluvr4life-who set me straight about the three way

Kuubi799 (my bro)-who read this even though bromances make him gag

I-Heart-Yami-Yugi-who also made me laugh as well as having a silly avatar

Berry-licious-who had the most adorable avatar i have ever squee'd to, as well as reading my DN Angel fic

yayubaru1-who was my beta reader that helped me with the ending as well as checking my lemon b4 i posted it

SpiritOfTheLandXIII-who agreed with me abt bella

Tambry-who's avatar reminded me of my mother and me when we're pissed

tinkletimekelly-who reviewed through ch1-4, and no, i didn't add OC's

Zalane-who celebrated canada day with me. you know we're better than u silly americans.

bookwormqueen-who has the exact same pic as my bro did on his old ipod

Isho: thank u all! now i have more time 4 my other fics *cough*cough*cough*