Hi, you guys! I haven't died, even if you think that's happened. I've just had to deal with a lot of life in the past years. I feel really bad for leaving you guys hanging, and I'm sorry this isn't an actual chapter. If any of you are still interested in the story, it's coming back, I promise! I just can't tell you when. You know, it's kind of funny reading the beginning of this because I can still remember how I wanted to write this story back then. I've changed a lot since then, but I hope the characters don't seem completely different when I update this. Let me know if they do. I miss you all, but I'm on the way back :) Please don't kill me for going away for forever. I had so many times when I meant to come back to this and something else got in the way; surely, you can understand that, right? So yeah, I'm here, and I'm finishing this story sometime before we all die. Don't worry.