A/N: Well, we've come to the end of a very long, three-month road! Who's happy? (I am :D) Though I love this fic to death, it needs to come to a close.

Thanks to MaroonFox, courixoxo, hungergameslaura31, and seriousglee for reviewing last chapter – I'm glad no one yelled at me! Yay!

Here it is! Tonight, the last chapter of Just A Little Bit Crazy!

Rachel POV

The stars are absolutely gorgeous tonight. Lima, Ohio, is so far away from any big city that you can always see them on a clear night, but they're completely breathtaking right now. Maybe I'm only thinking of them as more breathtaking than usual because of the mushy feelings I still have about Finn… oh my gosh, he is amazing…

A door shuts. I glance up a little bit and see Quinn and Finn coming out of the house to the patio. That really painful, dreading pang goes off in my stomach as I realize that Quinn had announced earlier that a game of Spin the Bottle/Seven Minutes in Heaven was going to be played. Did they kiss? In a closet? Oh no…

I don't want Quinn to see me eavesdropping on her conversation, so I gaze back up at the stars again, trying to calm myself. I had so many happy thoughts running through my head earlier, like me and Finn being the cutest couple in high school, Finn singing me to sleep (Does he sing well? Does he sing at all? I don't know), and a celebratory kiss between us after he gets the winning, um, whatever at the State Championships for football. But now, after seeing him and Quinn together, all I can think of is how different we are, and how unrealistic those daydreams are.

"Oh crap!" Finn yells. I wonder what that was about? Then I remember. Our destinies cannot be intertwined. There's no way for it to be like that. So, officially, anything he does or says or yells is no longer my business. Not that it ever really was, but whatever.

I feel like sinking myself.


But I just can't help it! Finn is saying something about contacts. Since when does he need contacts? Before I can try to remember him ever wearing glasses, a big splash of water over my head nearly drowns me. I come back up to the surface and see Finn's goofy, grinning face smiling at me.

"I don't have contacts," he says to me, a little bit mischievously.

I am so shocked. (I'm also coughing and sputtering, which I'm sure looks extremely attractive. Fantastic.)

"Um, hey, Finn." I can't get over his smile. I can't, I can't, and I won't. It's just so… Finn-like.

"Hey, Rach," he says, using a cute nickname that no one but my parents call me. Eep! "How's it goin'?" He also seems to be oblivious of the fact that he almost drowned me just barely, but that's okay. He's still amazing.

I sneeze from the water up my nose, then reply, "Pretty good. Haven't talked to you in at least a year," I add. He's not stupid, and I have a feeling that he can hear the hurt in my voice. I haven't forgotten about elementary school, and apparently, neither has he.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Middle school is weird like that, I guess." He doesn't look at me when he says this.

"Weird as in stereotypes are drilled into our heads and tend to destroy important friendships?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Um, yeah, I think so."

I can't help but give him a small smile. He has no idea what I mean. "It's okay, Finn, I don't blame you. The typical male tendency as boys progress in puberty is to put social order before genuine relationships." At this point, I am feeling so extremely nervous. I've never used big words and theories around guys before. In fact, I don't really talk to guys a lot. I hope I'm not freaking him out!

"Uh, yeah, I guess you're right," he replies, visibly confused. Ugh. I'm freaking him out. Maybe changing the subject will help.

"So, um, how've you been? I think the last time we talked was during that project on Hinduism."

"Oh, yeah, that was pretty hilarious," Finn laughs. Thank goodness I found a common ground!

The project really was funny, though. For our assignment at the end of seventh grade, Finn had been painted blue and dressed in traditional Hindu garb as Vishnu, and Artie, in his wheelchair, supported the extra arms for the god. However, one of the aids in the class, with a rather large rear end, bumped into Artie's chair during the presentation, pushing him forward and sending Finn into Quinn, who was reading some ancient Hindu scripture about Vishnu in front of Finn-as-Vishnu, which ultimately sent Quinn face first into the plate of "Saffron Yoghurt" that I had made. Of course, Quinn screamed, blamed me, and stormed out of the classroom. It was quite a scene.

"And the screech she made when she surfaced? Priceless!" I say through giggles, trying my hardest not to snort.

"I know! I'm kind of glad it happened. She was being real stuck up that day and needed a good wake up call," Finn says, laughing as well

Right now, we've moved to the shallow end. It's much more comfortable to talk here than in the deep end, but what I'm about to say will make things very uncomfortable.

"I think she still needs a good wake up call."

Finn opens his mouth, like he's about to reply, but is saved when the door to the house slams open. A mixture of hands and legs and bodies walk, or grope, really, onto the patio, heading in the direction of the pool house. I think I see Santana's ponytail, and Puck's unmistakable mohawk. They seem to be making out, hard-core.

Puck comes up for a second and looks around. I'm absolutely flabbergasted, and a little embarrassed, but all I can do is stare. Puck seems to see us, double takes, and breaks the kiss, asking Finn, "Dude, what the hell are you doing? All the action's inside."

"Puck?" Santana asks.


"Do you want me to walk away right now? 'Cause I will," she replies firmly, and Puck quickly resumes kissing her. They continue their journey to the pool house, which I will never ever set foot in for as long as I live.

"Well, I know who's getting some tonight," Finn says disdainfully as the door to the pool house closes. He must have watched the whole thing in bewilderment as well.

"Do you really think so?" I ask timidly. Sex is a strange and foreign topic for me.

"Yeah. But it's not his first time, so no biggie."

What? "No biggie? Sexual intercourse is a big breakthrough in adolescent development. Don't you think Santana will want to wait until the whole ordeal is meaningful to her?"

"Uh, no?"

"Do you even know what I just said?"


Great. I've confused him again. "Basically, I'm wondering if you think Santana would want to wait for sex until it means something to her," I sigh.

"Oh, definitely not. Yeah, she's your average slut."

"Oh." We sit in silence for a while. Was Finn coming into the pool a mistake? I can't help but wonder why he'd want to come talk to me. I mean, I'm a social pariah. He's got a billion friends. Maybe he's treating me like a charity case? Great. No, Rachel, I tell myself, don't think like that.

"I just can't even believe she's progressed that far in her life already."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she's obviously already been kissed. That's a lot farther than many kids go at this age, right?"

"Um, no. I mean, a lot of people have gone farther than that in our class."

"Oh." Of course. "I guess I'm just the odd one out, like usual."

"Wait, you've never been kissed?" Finn looks stunned. I don't see why – it's not too hard to wrap your mind around the fact that the most disliked person in your grade has never been kissed.

"No. Not many guys go out of their way to talk me, never mind kiss me. Have you?"

Again, Finn seems stunned. For an instant, I consider the possibility that he's never been kissed either… no. It doesn't seem possible. He's been to a billion parties, I bet, where girls either from our school or other schools were just itching to get their filthy, pink-fingernailed-hands on him. Of course he's been kissed before.

"Well, um, not really," Finn says hesitantly. "No, I've never been kissed."

Wait, what?

Finn? Never been kissed? He's lying, I think. But then I study his face. He's being really obviously honest. Besides, why would he lie about that? Most guys would lie about being kissed rather than not. But, why not? I know at least five girls, not including myself, that would line up outside his house to pay him ten dollars just to kiss him. No joke.

"Wow," is all I can say.

"Well, you haven't been kissed before either!"

"No, no no no! That's not what I meant!" I reply. And then I start laughing.

"Thanks, Rachel," he says sarcastically. "I thought you were different." Finn makes to leave the pool, when I reach for his wrist and hold it.

Did I just do that?

Am I not supposed to do that?

Regardless if I'm allowed to stop him, he hesitates.

"No, Finn, I am different. That's why you don't talk to me much anymore, remember?" This knocks Finn out of his anger. "I was just shocked because there are a lot of girls that would die and come back to life just to kiss you." The bemused look on my face that I'm sure is there seems to relieve Finn, and all he can say is "Oh."


He comes back and sits with me for a little bit. I'm about to ask him why he's never been kissed when he says quietly, "That sort of thing, y'know, kissing, makes me way too nervous to even consider it. So I just avoid it or something."

I'm blown away. I haven't heard Finn talk about his feelings ever, and he certainly wouldn't share them with me, under normal circumstances. I wonder what's so different about tonight?

"Sometimes," Finn begins again, slowly, "I wish that getting your first kiss wasn't such a big deal. I mean, what does it really have to do with anything else in your life?"

"You're right. And then again, there are the times I wish I could just get it over with, you know?" Those times where I wish I could get it over with are many.

We sigh in unison, which I almost giggle at. "Yeah, I know what you mean," he replies.

"Rachel?" he says after a little while later. His voice is low and soft, almost embarrassed. I don't think I've ever experienced Timid Finn before, but I kind of like it.


"Do you think it would be crazy if we, you know, just got it over with right now?"

"Got what over with?" I'm being so mean. Of course I know what he's talking about, but I want to keep him talking. He sounds as amazing as he looks right now, and I could just stay here, in this wonderful pool, underneath this wonderful night sky, for forever.

"You know," Finn replies slowly. I just shake my head, repressing the urge to laugh. Finally, he just gives up and sighs, "The kiss, Rachel. Get our first kiss over with right now."

The stars are spinning out of control. The water I'm in is heating up and freezing rapidly. Finn just suggested that we kiss. I'm blissfully content.

I pretend to think about it for a moment, though I've already made up my mind, say, "No, I don't think that would be crazy." I can practically feel my heart beating right out of my chest. "You don't mind that for the rest of your life, you'll remember that your first kiss was with me, though, do you?"

Finn pauses, and for a second I think he's reconsidering. No no no… please don't say yes.

"No. You don't mind that yours will be with me, right?" he replies. I could hug him.

"No. Not at all." Thank goodness for my excellent acting skills, or I'd have a horrible poker face.

"Okay then. Let's get this thing over with."

I could scream. We both lean towards each other. I can't believe I'm going to have my first kiss with FINN HUDSON! I almost slip on the bottom of the pool. He's so dreamy, I could just die. Our faces are about three inches away from each other when Finn says, "Wait."

"What's wrong?" I ask. I knew this was far too good to be true. Of course he's going to bail on me. Why would he want to kiss me? I'm far too obnoxiously talented and different and –

"I have hot dog breath."


I look into his eyes, smile, and close the gap.


It was short and sweet. Nothing hasty, no roughhousing, nothing unnecessary. It was perfect.


"FINN! WE'RE LEAVING!" a shrill voice yells.

"'Kay, Mom, be right there!" Finn yells back. He gives me a guilty smile. "Uh, thanks. A lot."

"Sure," I reply, a little breathless.

He rubs the back of his head, still smiling, but faltering a little. "Rachel, I really hate to say this, but, um…"

"It's okay," I say. Of course things will go back to normal. But tonight was magical, and I couldn't have asked for anything more. "I completely understand." I give him a sweet smile.

"Thanks." He turns to leave, and then the unimaginable: he comes back over to me and gives me another short, sweet kiss on the cheek.

"'Bye," he says, a sort of wistful look on his face, and I wave.


"Tonight, tonight, it all began tonight…" – Maria, West Side Story

A/N: The end! ^This song was stuck in my head the whole time… it fits, right?^ Anyways, thank you so much to everyone who read, reviewed, favorited and alerted this fic – it means so much to me to know that people actually like what I'm writing! Yay for everyone! Thanks again! – littlefish :)