Disclaimer: I don't own it.

Author's note: This is what the story is based off of From the Hogwarts Online (link on my profile)Prompt of the Day for Tuesday June 10 "In My dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times," I will also include other prompts of the day in the later chapters with this story.

Draco Malfoy.

It was as though he was in a muggle picture featured film. What were those called? Movies? He'd have to ask his muggle studies teacher. Draco Malfoy did not see the point in taking Muggle Studies, but his mum made him. She said it'd be good to learn about the muggle world. He hated the class. Who cared what a "washing machine" a thing Muggles use to wash dishes, was called. Or who cared what a "television set" was. Why would anyone watch things in a box anyways? Draco could care less about Muggles. He sat there in class at the table with his chin on the desk. He remembered they read about movies and how most of them were about students in boring classes like this one.

"Assignments for the muggle studies abroad project partner list is on the board." Professor Burbag smiled at her students as the bell sounded for the class to end. Draco did not rush to the board. He did not care. He just wanted to pass this class and get it over with. He ran a finger over his name, and found his partner. 'Hermione Granger,' lovely. There was something about her that irked him, and now he had to do a project with her. He groaned and turned around. Bushy brown hair, and brown eyes stared back at him.

"We need to discuss when we can work on the project, I've got a few ideas and places where we can go and check out." She held on tightly to her books as she looked at him expecting an answer from him. When he didn't talk back she continued. "There's a Hogsmead trip next weekend if you want to get started right away. We could go into Muggle London. I'll talk to Professor Dumbledore about it before hand," Their project was to pick a Muggle place, visit it in Muggle London and write about it.

" Granger, I don't want to go into Hogsmead with you. Let alone, go anywhere with a Mudblood," Draco sneered. She puckered her lips, her eyes looked as though tears were about to fall.

"That was a foul thing to say. I don't care whether or not you want to do anything with me, you HAVE to and there's nothing you can do about it. Call me Mudblood one more time and see what happens." With that said Hermione turned on her heels and ran out the classroom. He brushed a finger through his hair. He was annoyed, and frustrated. All Draco really wanted to do was go back to sleep. He slowly made his way out of the classroom. Like he predicted, she was waiting for him. Just as she had every day for every year he was in school. Being a seventh year, he was tired of it.

"Go away Pansy," Draco said as she walked up behind him.

"Ohh, bad mood? This should be fun. Who put you in a bad mood?" Pansy said slipping her arm around his. Right on time Draco shook her off. She frowned and continued walking with him. Draco was getting tired of the same thing happening every day. He wanted his life to change, but didn't know how to make it.

"Shove off Pansy," Draco said as he made it to the common room. He didn't care about lunch. He just wanted to sleep. He was so tired.

"Aren't you going to lunch?" Pansy questioned once she walked through the threshold of the Slytherin Common room.

"NO. I'm going to my room and sleeping till dinner." He left her standing there confused, and turned his back to look at her when he heard Blaise talk.

"What's eating him?" He heard Blaise ask her as Blaise walked up to Pansy.

"Man PMS," Pansy chuckled and grabbed Blaise's arm. Together they walked out of the common room leaving Draco alone. Draco had heard enough and stomped off to the seventh year room. He opened the door, and saw no one was in there. Good. He had wanted to be alone. Tossing his bag aside, Draco fell immediately on his bed passing out as soon as his head hit the pillow.

He walked along the corridor at night. He had done this over and over every night for the past fortnight. He couldn't sleep. Turning the corner, he head muffled cries in the bathroom coming from his right. Out of curiosity he walked into the bathroom and followed the noise to the first stall. He opened the door. Hermione Granger sat crying on the floor of the stall. She looked up at him.

"Malfoy get out! This is a girl's bathroom!" She shouted as she stood up. He stared at her. "There is nothing to see here. Move along. I'm not into your rude remarks tonight," she said looking him square in the eye.

"Is that all you think of me? As being rude?" She stood there frustrated.

"You're Draco Malfoy. You are rude, obnoxious, and you only think of yourself. Get over yourself Draco. The whole world doesn't resolve around you," She opened the stall ready to leave, but he put his arm in front of the doorway blocking her. Her brows furrowed as a frown etched across her face. "Move aside Malfoy," she demanded.

"I'm not all bad. I have some good qualities too," he stated defending himself. If its one thing he couldn't stand, was people always assuming he was bad.

"Like what?" She sighed, and crossed her arms. She could tell he wasn't going to let her pass.

"I have a good head of hair, and I'm good at Quidditch, and you have to admit, I'm good at Muggle studies too even if I can't stand the bloody subject," he chuckled to himself.

"Looks aren't everything Malfoy," she stated.

"I'm fantastic at kissing."

"I wouldn't go about bragging something like that," Hermione said. Draco lowered his arm. She wasn't trying to go anywhere now. He moved close to her.

"Really? Why not?"

"Because it might not be true." She was honest with him. Which was something he wasn't use to.

"How would you know unless you've kissed me?" Draco's face was inches from hers by now. He could tell her knees quivered by the way she was standing.

"Why would I want to kiss you?"

"Because you're curious now. You want to see if its true," he stated as-a-matter-of fact.

"I do not," she squeaked out. She placed her hand over her mouth and blushed. He knew she was lying. He thought he'd test her. Draco's hand moved hers down from her lips holding tightly to her hand. His lips clamped over hers, and kissed her soft lips.

He awoke suddenly sitting straight up in his bed. Had he really just dreamt that he kissed Granger? Draco looked at his clock and realized he was going to be late for Potions. He grabbed his bag and ran out the door.

Author's note: Yes I will be continuing this story. Please read and review. Thank you.