-Midwinter Luck-

Daine looked away from the conversation she was having with Miri scan the room. Alanna was resting her head on her husband's shoulder; Buri and Raoul were talking, no flirting, with each other, there was something to look into; The King and Queen were sitting at the end of the hall, talking to which ever nobles came up to talk. But, as usual, her eyes were drawn to her teacher, the tall, black haired, six foot tall handsome, Numair Salmalin who was standing next to the wall.

But it was his company that made Daine raise an eyebrow. He was cornered by three noble ladies who were all clamouring for his attention.

As if feeling her eyes on him he glanced up to meet her gaze. He had such a look of tortured desperation on his face that Daine had to bite her lip to keep from laughing.

Recognising the look of amusement on her face, he changed his expression to self pity, his eyes begging for help.

She smirked and raised her eyebrows in mock stubbornness; trying to tell him with just her face that "If you got himself into it, you can get yourself out of it."

As if reading her mind he turned his head away in a very good impression of Moura the snooty rich rider in training when she didn't get her way.

Daine was trying to figure out how to stop Miri's non-stop talking without being rude when Evin turned up to do it for her. He led her onto the dance floor, leaving Daine alone to do as she pleased. She made her way over to Numair and his admirers.

"Excuse me" She said in a strictly polite voice to the ladies before turning to Numair "but did you not promise to teach me of the Raborth constellations this evening."

Catching on he said "Ah, yes, I did promise that. Thank you for reminding me Daine, Ladies if you'll excuse us but these only come around one in a lifetime." He stood and hustled her out of the room rather quickly. Out in the empty hall they slowed, walking side by side in silence.

"The Raborth Constellation?" He said breaking the silence.

"What?" Daine said defensively "It got you out of there didn't it?"

"Yes, well, thank you for that but try and use actual fact next time instead of the first thing that comes to mind. For example, you could have said the juniper constellation or…"

"I'll try to remember that" Daine said cutting Numair off, knowing that if he got started, he would take forever to actually shut up. Silence followed as Daine realized that they were both unconsciously heading towards their rooms.

When the reached the doorway to the hallway where they would go their separate ways Numair reached out a hand to stop her from going on. He turned her to face him. Holding both of her hands in hid he bent down and kissed her lightly on the corner of her mouth, not quite on her cheek but not on the mouth. His mouth was warm and Dain realised that she didn't want him to stop. She instinctively lent into him.

All too soon the kiss was up. Numair pulled away suddenly yet gently, though he still held her hands and her eyes with his own.

"Midwinter Luck Daine" He said quietly, his voice husky. Just like that he left, leaving her standing alone in the hall clutching the small, black, velvet covered box that he had slid into her hands.

Opening it, she smiled. Inside there was a beautiful pair of emerald earrings.