High School: Redeux

Disclaimer: I own nothing of Sega of America, Team Sonic, MGM nor anything else associated with any franchise mentioned within. The only thing that I own is the name Kerra. It is mine and if anyone steals it I will not hesitate to get creative on the torture. Also I do not own the original idea for the Mjolnir armor, that belongs to Microsoft and Bungie. That's how Kerra got the idea for her own version of it.

Chapter 1

Wait, I have to do WHAT?

A/N: Hello everyone this is Hokuto Ulrik. I have decided to jump on the band wagon of writing a high school themed Sonic fic. Though please bear with me when it come to the environment of the school, this is due to the fact that I graduated high school just a little over five years ago now so some things might not work out to well, but we will all be on this trip together. Now on to the story.


Mystic Ruins, Kerra's house

Kerra was in the backyard of her modest two story house enjoying her new pool. She was floating in the deep end on an inflatable lounge chair wearing a conservative blue two piece.

'Ahhh. This is the life. A new pool, a nice warm spring day, not a cloud in the sky, a few days of leave with strict orders of no interruptions unless the world is about to end, and all the phones are off and unplugged. This has to be the best day ever. Nothing could possibly ruin this day.' Kerra thought as she enjoyed the light breeze as it ruffled her fur as her tails wagged lazily in the water on either side of her.

Sonic was enjoying the pool as well. He was in a lounge chair that had been mounted to foam pontoons so he didn't accidentally pop an inflatable chair with his quills if he moved wrong. The only other difference was that there was about three feet of rope between one of the chair's arms and the side of the pool. Kerra had spent the last few weeks after her return from Melissa's Zone attempting to cure her blue hedgie husband of his hydrophobia. Things started slow, but they were progressing nicely.

Kerra, slightly out of it due to the euphoria of having such a relaxing day, didn't realize that she had thought one of the phrases that in every book, TV show, and movie lead to either someone dying or having a perfectly nice day ruined due to uninvited guests.

Kerra was about to have her perfect day ruined by the latter.



"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kerra screamed as she sat up quickly to see who had yelled at her and disrupted her day.

This however, had the unfortunate side effect of her chair to pitch to the side, effectively dumping her into the ten foot deep water.

Sonic's eyes snapped open at hearing his vulpine wife's scream and the subsequent splash. Looking around he saw her empty lounge chair, the disturbed surface of the formerly calm water and a figure wearing red, green, and gold armor standing on the pavement that surrounded the pool.

"I take it that this isn't a social call, Zonic?" Sonic asked.

"I wish it were, but something's come up that I need KerraAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Zonic started to explain before a furry hand reached up out of the water, grabbed his ankle, and unceremoniously dragged him into the pool.

Kerra, now sopping wet, pulled herself out of the pool before reaching back in and dragging an equally soaked Zone Cop out of the water.

After clearing the water from his lungs Zonic asked, "What the hell was that for?"

"For coming in, uninvited, on what was shaping up to be the perfect day, and causing me to get completely soaked!" Kerra replied as she slicked back her now mid back length hair. "I was thoroughly enjoying myself until you showed up. Now what is so god damned important that you had to do that?"

"Well we've got another Multiverse threatening plan that is right up your alley. Though you're going to hate what you're going to have to put up with in order to get to the bottom of the plan and help that Zone's Freedom Fighters stop it." Zonic explained.

"What, pray tell, do I have to put up with?" Kerra asked, her sunglasses riding low on her muzzle as she glare daggers at the Zone Cop.

"You have to go to high school." Zonic replied, flinching to avoid the wrath that was about to ensue.

"I have to do WHAT now?" Kerra asked, not believing what she was hearing.

"You have to go back to high school as a student to help them! Please don't kill me! I tried to set it up so that you could be one of their teachers or something, but there was no way to pull it off!" Zonic replied still cowering slightly as he waited for the vixen's temper to kick in.

He was relieved when the vixen leaned back with a thoughtful look on her face as she considered this. He knew that she would agree to do it no matter what, but in the past few years the kitsune had developed a rather nasty temper that had put more than a couple of people in the hospital.

"Hmm. This could fun. Never really got to have a whole lot of fun while I was in high school, I was always either studying or running track. So how am I not going to stand out? I mean even if I bind my tails together and brush them down, I'm a little old to be in high school. I mean, I'm pushing thirty here man." Kerra replied as she grabbed a fluffy towel and began to dry off.

"Well, that's what this is for." Zonic said pulling out a pentacle necklace with a sapphire set in the center.

"Hey that looks like the one I have in my jewelry box in the house. How did you get that?" Kerra asked accusingly.

"Actually this is a copy. The gem in the middle is actually a data crystal of sorts that will make you look and feel like a seventeen year old, single tailed vixen. It will also make it to where no one will know that you have more than one tail or that you are almost ten years old than every one else. It should also cover up your rather unique markings that you've acquired." Zonic said.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Kerra asked as she looked herself over for any strange markings. Then she realized that he meant the tattoos that had some how become a part of her fur when she shifted back to her Mobian form." Oh, okay. I can see how these would look a little strange. So where is this school? Knothole? New Mobotropolis? Station Square?" Kerra inquired.

"None of those places. You see for whatever reason in this Zone, Mobians evolved at the same time that humans did. You will be going to Earth." Zonic replied.

"Okayyyy. So what country is the school in?"

"The United States."

"Alright what is the city and state?" Kerra asked digging for as much info as she could.

"It's in a place called Norman, Oklahoma." Zonic replied.

"Sweet! That used to be my old stomping grounds when I was stationed in Lawton before the whole Chaos Control thing that led to me coming home. At least I'll know my way around. So when do I leave?" Kerra asked as she began to grow excited that she could walk around her favorite town without fear of who she was. "And is the school all Mobian or is it mixed?" She added as an after thought.

"It's an all Mobian school. Apparently a number of years ago there were a few Mobians with special abilities that damn near destroyed the normal schools. So everyone made an agreement that for everyone's safety that the schools would be segregated and the schools were outside of the city to prevent any nasty accidents." Zonic informed her.

"You leave in a couple of weeks. I have a house arranged and a sufficient cover set up to avoid the awkward questions of why you have no parent or guardian when it come time for parent teacher conference time as well as any field trips that you might take." Zonic explained.

"Thanks. By the way, what will I do about money while I'm there? Or transportation? I am not riding the school bus again." Kerra said crossing her arms.

"You have an account set up with a local bank with around five hundred thousand in it. As for a ride, you have a brand new, black Mustang sitting in the garage waiting for you." Zonic said.

"Okay so what classes do I have to try and stay awake through?" Kerra inquired.

"Math, English, History, Science, PE, and Auto Shop. In that order if I recall correctly."

"Alright, at least I have a fun class to end out the day with. Any limitations as to what toys I can bring? I will be bringing my weapons since I can store them in Chaos space, but what else can I bring?" The vixen asked.

"No limits really. They have Extreme Gear, so you can take your board, and you can bring pretty much whatever you can get on Earth in this Zone." Zonic said.

"Alright. See you in a couple of weeks then." Kerra said as Zonic opened up a portal and stepped through.

"Are you sure about this babe?" Sonic asked his spouse.

"Yeah, I am. I'm sure that if you had gone to school more than the little bit that Elias made us back when we were kids you'd probably want the same chance to do it again. You know make new friends, try new things, maybe just have a complete redo of the whole thing if it sucked." Kerra said as she leaned back in to her hubby's arms.

"Maybe, but I mean, it's high school. The drama is probably gonna be through the roof if you wind up having Sally, Amy, Mina, and, if your counter part is a girl to, yourself all possibly going after me. That alone would give me chills." Sonic said as he shuddered slightly.

"Come on that's whats going to be half the fun. Besides, I'll probably just wind up hanging back to observe and intervene if need be. I try to avoid drama as much as possible." Kerra explained turning to give her husband a kiss.

"If you say so babe. If you wind up becoming friends with them you need to take lots of pictures so I can see how much fun you have." Sonic replied returning the kiss.

"Oh I will. That way if I have to go back in a few years, I have blackmail." Kerra said as she gave a maniacal giggle.

A/N: Alright folks, that was the first chapter of High School: Redeux. I know that the build up is killer but I want to add some more depth to the story. As always thank you for reading and please review!

~Hokuto Ulrik~