Hello everyone, I guess I have a lot of explaining to do.

This was written and published before but I lost the idea for the story so I have decided to rewrite it and make it better.

Thank you to maxibatts who is my Beta Reader.

Disclaimer: This is for all chapters of this story, so that I don't forget later on, I do not own Sarah Jane Adventures. I just own the plot and any characters that haven't appeared in the series or in Doctor Who. Sarah Jane Adventures is owned by Russell T Davies.

I hope you enjoy this story and please tell me what you think of it.


The Time Traveller

Chapter One

Captain Erisa Magambo marched briskly down the corridor towards the new prison and psychological section of UNIT, the Unified Intelligence Taskforce. Her face had a determined and slightly intimidating look, even though inside she was nervous. She turned a corner and marched towards the end where two soldiers were stood in military uniforms with faces void of emotion. She stopped before them and saluted. They saluted back and let her through the door they were guarding.

She walked through the door, not even looking at the soldiers she passed. When she entered the room, a group of three or four scientists glanced up from their clipboards as she walked over to them. The room that she was in was just a huge circular laboratory filled with X-ray scans of alien skeletons and organs, racks of test tubes in metal test tube holders, filled with strange colourful chemicals that were bubbling and steaming, cementing Erisa's curiosity deep in the part of her mind that she had no desire to go to.

"Has there been any change in the prisoner?" she asked one of the scientists abruptly, getting straight to the point. The scientist was a young woman in her late twenties with dirty blonde hair tied back in to a bun.

"If you would like to follow me, we can show you." The scientist replied with a grim look. The scientists led Captain Magambo through a door on the other side of the room, which led in to a small dark room with a large window on one of the walls and a large desk with buttons and switches on it underneath the window. Captain Magambo looked through the window to see a large white room. At the far end of the room was a bed with a body lying on top of the covers, fully clothed and facing the wall.

"And she hasn't moved since last time?" Captain Magambo asked seriously, not looking away from the room.

"No ma`am."

Silence enveloped them as they watched the body in the cell. The only movement that could be seen was the rise and fall of her torso as she breathed. Erisa watched the girl, noticing that the girl's long brown hair and tattered black converse shoes, the odd long black leather coat draped over her like a blanket. The coat itself looked as if it had seen many days on the streets. It was old, faded and dirty. It was a miracle that it was still in one piece.

"Can we get sound from inside her cell?" asked Erisa curiously, looking over her shoulder at the blonde woman beside her.

"Umm...I think so. Hold on..."she said quietly, pressing a few buttons and flicking a few switches until after a few minutes the sound was switched on. What filled the room were the sound of buzzing from the microphones in the cell and the sound of a small child whimpering and murmuring something.

"What is she saying?" demanded the Captain, making the young scientist cringe as she quickly turned two dials in opposite directions.

"I didn't do it. I didn't do it. I didn't do it."

These four words kept repeating over and over again in the same whimpering voice. Erisa felt tears prick at the back of her eyes. Now, Erisa was never really one of those emotional types of people who would cry about anything. Heck, she wouldn't even be in UNIT if she was all emotional, but the girl sounded so scared and upset that she couldn't help but empathise with her.

"Turn it off. Now." she ordered her voice shaky. The scientist obliged without a moment's thought. They were silent, just watching the girl in the cell. She was still in the same position as she was before. The young scientist glanced at the Captain with a look of sympathy on her face.

"Captain, are you alright?" the scientist spoke hesitantly, wondering whether or not to pat her arm or not.

"I'm fine." snapped Erisa, immediately regretting what she said as soon as she spoke it. It was just the same as saying No I'm not, can I have a hug please? "Keep an eye on her. Report back to me as soon as you see any changes."

"Yes ma`am."

And with that they exited the room and closed the door silently behind them. If only they had just stayed behind a bit longer then they would've seen the girl in the cell slowly roll on to her back and stare at the ceiling. If only they'd stayed longer to see the girl turn her head towards the window, even though she couldn't possibly know that the window was there. If they had stayed there they would have seen the girl smile so cruelly that it would've made your skin crawl. The girl's face suddenly blurred and distorted but then changed back to normal, before she turned back to face the wall.