These are the lyrics to the theme song from the A-Team TV show.

The A... Team!

Blow shit up!
Blow shit up.
Gonna blow some shit up!
Blow the shit all up.

Throw a grenade!
Smoke a cigar!
Shoot up some cars (with our guns)
Couple of fist fights, break down a door
We need at least one
Helicopter, too.

Here is a scene where we're
Locked in a barn.
We build a Hummer
From bales of hay

Then we'll make sure when
We shoot the bad guys
We always miss so
They'll be OK

Always a villain in town
Who's picking on the old man
And his hot daughter
Until we show up to help
And then...

Blow shit up!
Blow shit up.
Gotta blow more shit up!
Blow that shit all up.

Blow the shit up!
Blow it all up.
We've got a van
And we'll blow something up!