Sorry I havent added in forever I have been really busy and I was really stressed out the first few weeks of school because I play an innstument [stand up base it rocks] and I was in an advanced class with it when I had come from the beginign so I was a little mixed up on notes plus homework I had no time but here is the next chapter.
Adrians pov:
Well I had the fake postive pregnancy test in my hand and I was in front of the butcher shop I faked it thanks to I know straight to the point but as long as it got me Ricky I didint give a crap what the websites name was.
I walked up to the door and sent Ricky a text saying come down it is a emergency.
"Adrian?" He qeustioned.
"We need to talk." I stated. I brushed past him and went upstairs and opened his door to find Amy and John. Perfect.
"What are you doing here slut?" Amy said in a nasty voice.
"I dont have to answer to you its Rickys baby." I replied in the same voice.
"What?" They said simultaniously.
"Oops that was soposed to come out smoother but ok yup I'm carring his child." I said then showed them the pregnancy test.
"Oh my god Ricky I, I, I think I'm gonna go and when you do call dail 1-800- your a asshole dont try calling." Amy said in a cool voice until the one eight hundred part then she shreiked. And walked out.
"So I guess we have to talk about this I will have to call Amy later when she has cooled down. Funny I swore even though I was drunk I was still used protection." He said sadly and confusidly.
Ricky POV:
I could have sworn I used protection I knew this was pretty much the end of the relationship with Amy so I guess I knew it was to good to bet true I was going to have to settle for Adrian and I am so stupid another kid great job Ricky. And no birth control? Wait Adrian is on birth control she has been since she was 16 and she never stopped taking birth control. But she was pregnant the tests are never worng. Thats so strange and I have to figure it out ecspecialy becuase I dont want to loose Amy becuase lets face it I cant settle for Adrian.
"Ya we do but I think we should get recconected first baby." Adrian purred while rubbing her hands up and down my chest.
"Amy never had sex when she was pregnant I dont think we should I mean I love Amy. I dont think we should do this." I said backing up.
"God Ricky can you just think about for me for a second! Adiran yelled "And our child." She tacked on.
"Because your not pregnant!" I roared.
She looked shocked."How did you know?" She said quietly.
"I didint you just told me and you know I cant beleive you would stoop this low how were you gonna lie in nine months when you popped out a watermelon baby?" I yelled.
"I dont know I wanted you back ok god you never gave me a chance ok you know what I will get back with you one day ok and you just wait." She screamed and walked out.
I hopped in my car and drove to Amys and walked in on her and Ben making out on the couch. They didnt know I was there so I waited and heard Ben say:
"Lets go to vegas babe and get hitched."
I dont know Ben lets just think." Amy replied.
"You sure move fast Amy." I said coming out of the shadows in a hurt tone.
"Well now you know how it feels to be hurt me and Ben are going to Vegas tonight to get married." She replied shortly.
"So dont try to stop us you just go back to Adrian and have your baby." Ben said trying but epicly failing to match Amy's tone.
"Amy Adrian wasent pregnant it was another scam to get me back she faked the test and I'm sure lover boy was in on it to." I pleaded.
Amy POV:
"I dont beleive this Ben oh I want to slap you right know so I think you should leave." I said as calmly as I could.
When Ricky had shoved Ben out of the house against his protests. I sat down and waited for him to come back in. He walked back in and sat down across from me.
"Amy I need you to talk to me okay we have to figure this out right now before it gets worse." Ricky said pleadingly.
"I am just really sick off all this drama and I mean I think we should totally and completely pull ourselves away from all the drama." I told Ricky.
"Well do you want to break up?" Ricky asked.
"No of course not but I just want to get away from it." I replied.
"What are you going to do then?" Ricky said.
"I dont know but my parents want us all to go to Hawaii so they can get married there but we would be gone for like 2 weeks so there waiting till summer which is only a few weeks away." I said slowly.
"Your going to leave how are we going to sort all of this out, and what about John I mean I dont think I can..." Ricky started talking franticly.
"Hush when I said all of us I meant you to my parents they think your part of the family now so dont worry." I said.
"Oh okay so when are we leaving?" Ricky replied.
"The second Monday of the month were leaving and then we will be back in two weeks." I told Ricky.
"Okay I guess were going on a Vacation then." Ricky said.
"Yes I'm so excited finally something I can do without worrying about Adrian lurking somewhere." I told him.
"I know what you mean." Ricky replied
I stood outside the window listening. So they thought they could just leave and think me and Adrian wouldent find out. I pulled out my phone and txted Adrian:
Hey Amy dumped me Ricky told her everything now their leaving in a few weeks for a two week vacation in Hawaii for her parents to get married. -Ben
What? They cant, come get me at my house we'll go to dinner and figure it out. -Adrian
I drove to Adrians house which ironically was right next door to Amys. She ran out in a denim mini skirt and a low cut red shirt.
"Hello Ben." Adrian said kind of flirtily.
"Hey..." I couldent finish my sentence because Adrian started kissing me. Soon enough we were in the back seat and did the unspeakable deed.
My phone buzzed it was probably Ben saying Ricky would be headed over in a few minutes. I opened up the text and shocked I read:
Hey Amy dumped me Ricky told her everything now their leaving in a few weeks for a two week vacation in Hawaii for her parents to get married. -Ben
What? They cant come get me at my house we'll go to dinner and figure it out. -Adrian
So Ricky is going to be a one woman guy huh? Well I'll just sleep with Ben and they'll both freak and want us back. I went in my room curled my hair and threw on a red low-cut top a mini skirt and some stilettos. I ran to Bens car and said seductivly
"Hello Ben"
"Hey..." Ben tried to say but i cut him off and started kissing him and we got into the back seat and did it. That will show Amy and Ricky. Me and Ben went to dinner after and then i went home and set up my birth control for tomorow, I just started a new pill last week. Then I went to sleep.
I dreamnt I was walking down the isle and Ricky was at the end of it. When I got there Ricky turned into Ben. But instead of running I just went with it. Then a little girl with black hair and brown eyes stepped up and Ben said to me:
"I'm so glad me, you and our daughter can finally be a family."
I woke up in a cold sweat, and couldent sleep for the rest of the night. I wonder what that dream meant.
Whoa some crazy stuff hapening wonder whats coming next.