AN: I realize this story could easily work as a T instead of M rating so if that's what you'd prefer ignore between the xxxxxxx breaks

Under the Influence 7

Miyuki and Tsukasa part 7

I just couldn't calm myself down. I was so nervous, so excited. Things between us had been going so well, it had been wonderful. But… Well… Something still seemed to be… missing.

I had not been able to stop thinking about that night we spent together. The events of that night repeated themselves in my mind thousands of times by now. After all the time that had passed, my mind was beginning to cut out some of the details.

Still, there were things I couldn't possibly forget... The way she wrapped her arms around my back… The small weight of her body on top of mine… The sweet taste of sugar cookies lingering on her lips… And the feeling of her warm soft hands caressing my cheek… And my neck… And my shoulders… And almost to my… My… Oh my…

I was quite aware that it was my idea to stop where we did, but I must admit that at the time I had not considered how much I would later dwell on that decision. Nor did I think that I would be the only one to dwell on such a thing, but in the last few weeks that did seem to be the case.

Despite how eager my dear Tsukasa seemed in the beginning, I was starting to wonder if she had almost forgotten that night all together. We were certainly spending time together, but rather than progressing things further it seemed as though the true objective of our relationship was getting her sister and Izumi-san reveal their relationship to us. It was not that I minded helping her in her attempts, but it did seem quite strange that such a thing had become our main venue for acting as a couple. I could not honestly say I was enjoying it.

But that night I was determined. There would be no such distractions because that night was just for the two of us. I had already prepared everything. Dinner had been cooked, the table had been set, the movie was already sitting in the tray of the DVD player, I had even drawn the bath and placed the cover over it to keep it warm.

Yes. That night I was sure that things would certainly change between us. Perhaps that was why before she arrived I was so nervous that I sat stiffly in my chair, staring at the door awaiting her arrival. Maybe nervous is not the correct word though. I was not worried so much as I was very excited.

When the doorbell finally rang I was so startled out of my thoughts that I instantly shot out of my seat, only to lose my balance and trip the moment my feet hit the floor. But soon I was able compose myself enough to let her in. She smiled at me happily, bowed, and stopped to take her shoes off before she suddenly bust forward with energy and hugged me tightly.

"Yuki!" she shouted out as she held onto me and nuzzled at the side of my neck.

"Well… Welcome. I suppose Izumi-san's plan worked?" I giggled out.

"You bet!" She pulled away slightly so that I could see her bright smile again. "It almost worked too well! I had to tire myself out a bit so I wouldn't have too much energy… But it worked, I've got more than enough for tonight!" she declared with a small wink. Even with the slight innuendo she seemed to be hinting at I couldn't help but giggle at her cute expression.

"Well lets get started then, what would you like to do first?" She walked further into the house and put her bag down before starting to take off her coat.

"Hmm, I'm not sure," she wondered with an adorably thoughtful expression on her face.

"Well if you're hungry we could eat dinner. Or you could use the bathroom upstairs if you'd like to freshen up first. Either that, or we could just go start the movie now."

She suddenly smiled slyly. "Yuki, I think you said it wrong."

"Hm? What do you mean?" I asked surprised.

"Well aren't you basically asking…if I'd rather eat dinner…" She turned to me and dropped her jacket on the floor. "Take a bath…" She walked up to me and watched her hand as she gently brushed her fingers against my arm before looking me in the eye with a slight blush covering her cheeks. "…Or…"

I gulped as my cheeks were overcome with a heavy blush. Her fingers, still lingering on my arm, traveled down to grab my slightly shaking hand. She brought her lips close to mine, but passed over them to whisper in my ear.

"Have me."

I was beyond nervous now. I was about to back away but somehow we had ended up against a wall. "I…I didn't realize we were playing at being newly-weds…" I giggled out nervously.

"Well… We do get to spend tonight together… and have a house all to ourselves right?" She cooed out.

"In…indeed we do… So…" As she moved her head back I reached out with my free hand to touch the side of her face. She leaned into it so her warm pink cheek rested securely in my palm. "Which would you like to do first, Tsukasa?"

"Well… How about the third choice then?" It's amazing that she can say such seductive things and still be so cute. Wait…Wait did she just say?

"Th-the… The third choice?" I asked, quite shocked by her forwardness.

"Yeah, it'd be fun to watch a movie," Oh, THAT third choice. Hehe. Silly me. "And it'd be fun to cuddle up with you to watch it."

"Yes, that does sound like it would be quite good."

Our hands squeezed each other a bit more tightly as I led her into the next room. She sat down on the couch as I began to search about for the DVD. Then, once I realized it was already in the player, I had to begin searching again for the remote.

I was expecting her to giggle at my 'moe antics' as Izumi-san would put it, but I soon realized she wasn't. When I turned my head to check on her I saw she was staring at me quite intensely, but suddenly turned away embarrassed. It wasn't until I found the remote and stood back up that I realized that I had been bent over in front of her for some time looking for it. Once I got to the couch we were both blushing.

"Yuki," She turned to me and grabbed my hand again.


"We can probably start the movie now," she giggled.

We hadn't quite made it through the previews before I suddenly heard a strange noise. I turned to the cute girl beside me as she let out a nervous laugh.

"Sorry," she giggled out. "I guess I hadn't realized how long it's been since I ate." I smiled at her and got up off the couch.

"That's fine. Everything has already been prepared, so all I need to do is heat it." We left the movie on the title screen while I went to get the food. I was planning on simply bringing it out to eat, so I assumed she would just be waiting by the television. Instead I was surprised to suddenly feel her arms wrap around me from behind while I was waiting for the food to heat up.

"Ah! Tsu… Tsukasa you startled me," I shouted out surprised.

"…Yuki…" She sighed out happily while nuzzling into my back.

"Eh… I… I need to finish warming the food up," I replied a bit nervously.

"…Warm…" She giggled out while holding me even closer. I slowly moved my hands up to gently touch hers, and I leaned back into the embrace.

"Re… really Tsukasa… weren't you hungry just a moment ago?" I happily sighed as I relaxed even more into the sweet hug.

"It's all right, isn't it? It's still cooking." Her fingers began to move across me, tracing my curves.

"We…well I suppose…" I finally resigned as her hands began to wander further. One steadily moving upwards while the other… um… took a different, and much more nerve-racking path. "Tsu…Tsukasa… I'm not quite sure if… if that's-"

"AHH!" We were both startled as the timer's alert went off and alerted us that the food was ready. We had suddenly jumped apart when it sounded. Once she realized the moment had passed she pouted, but I couldn't help but giggle at her cute expression.

"We should eat first, should we not? You seemed quite hungry a moment ago."

"Yeah…" She forfeited her pout for an adorable smile, which suited her much better. We sat down with our food and began to chat in a more relaxed manor than before. She told me of her earlier adventures with Izumi-san and the 'mysterious super potion' that had allowed her to stay so awake.

"I came so close though! I was sure I had her this time, with something like that she was bound to confess right?"

…Again? It's rare for me to loose interest when people are talking, especially when it's my dear Tsukasa talking. But, lately my annoyance at her desire to force her sister and Izumi-san to confess about their relationship was leading me to simply tune out her voice whenever the subject came up. Unfortunately I believe I might've given away that fact that the subject upset me.

"…Yuki? Is everything ok?" She asked concerned.

"Oh! Oh my I'm sorry, I suppose I was just distracted for a moment there. I'm sorry," I replied, hoping she would let the subject go and move on to another one.

"But you looked… are you upset about something? Did I do something wrong Yuki?" The concern on her face was filling me with guilt, especially since I had already agreed to help her with this little endeavor. I shook my head and smiled at her.

"No Tsukasa, you haven't done anything. I'm sorry for making you worry. I suppose I just… well… perhaps we could spend a bit less time on… uh… the confession plan?"


"Well I… I was thinking that maybe, for tonight at least…" I was a bit too embarrassed to admit it, but I suppose I was a bit jealous. It was starting to appear that Tsukasa was spending more time exposing their relationship than we were progressing our own. It was getting to be quite frustrating.

She didn't reply right away, and I was starting to get nervous that I would have to further explain myself. Then she picked up a bit of her food in her chopsticks and held it up to me. I looked up at her, and then to the food that she placed in front of my lips.

"Say aaaaahhhh" She cooed out, in the same manor she had at lunch a few days before. And, once again, my cheeks became covered in blush.

"Ah…aaaahhh" I shyly replied as she placed the food in my mouth. It was actually a bit too hot and I ended up quickly moving backwards while covering my mouth slowly trying to consume the overheated piece. I suppose that worked in my favor however, because as I looked back to her I could see she was smiling sweetly at me.

"It's ok Yuki. I know I go a bit overboard around Onee-chan and Kona-chan. I'll try to calm it down a bit from now on ok? But it's not like getting them to confess is the only reason I get all lovy dovy around you." She moved closer to me and reached out to gently hold my hand.

"I like doing that stuff Yuki… Cause I like you."

I squeezed her hand within my own as I reached down to take some food from my plate. Without even requiring me to say anything she leaned in and took it as soon as I raised it from the plate. We continued that pattern for a while, slowly and simply feeding each other. Then I took another small step in boldness, as she leaned forward to eat another piece I pulled it away from her mouth and placed it in my own.

"Hey! No fair, it was my tu-" she began to pout before I moved in to… to feed it to her… with my mouth. I'm sure I was blushing like mad the entire time. It was almost as if I could feel heat radiating off my face. As we separated she looked up at me shyly with a blush across her cheeks.

"…Tsukasa," I sighed out before pulling her close to me again for a hug.

"Yuki… I'm not really hungry anymore."

"Yes, well… We've pretty much finished dinner."

"So if we've… If we already had dinner… would you… want to take a bath?" she asked hesitantly against my shoulder. I must've stiffened up a bit when she said that, because she suddenly tightened her grip around me.

"…To…Together?" I quietly stuttered out. She pulled away quickly, apparently embarrassed and nervous about making such a suggestion.

"It-it's not like we haven't. I-I mean before we…we," She began to stumble over her words more and more as she tried to make her point. She was correct. We had done it before, as a group with Kagami-san and Izumi-san. Of course that was long before we had gotten together and we had much less privacy.

This would be quite different. This would… This would mean something entirely different. But there was no reason I could see for turning back now.


"…Yes? You mean… You'd… wanna?"

"Yes… I think I'd like that… very much."

Then there was a short pause, as if each of us was unsure of what to do. I stood up and took her hand.

"What about the dishes?" she asked.

"Th…They can wait," I answered while giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"Are you… are you sure," she asked. I looked at her surprised for a moment.

"We've been together for quite a while now Tsukasa, and I've loved you for even longer," I answered while moving my hand up to brush her soft cheek.

"I love you too Yuki," she nuzzled further into my hand. "So much. But you said you wanted to take things slowly. I know I've been a bit forward lately. I don't want you to feel like-" I silenced her with another kiss.

"I know, and I thank you for your patience, but I… I want this." I smiled as she looked at me in disbelief.

Before I even realized what was happening I was facing my bathroom wall. The soft towel was wrapped snugly against my body. I considered turning around while I was disrobing…just for a peek, but I lost my nerve. I gulped hard, wondering if she was as nervous as I was…or as excited? I couldn't exactly pinpoint what the emotion was actually.

"Are you ready?" I quietly asked her.

"Heheheh…heh… I was so excited before but I guess I'm pretty nervous right now," she replied in an adorably embarrassed tone.

"Yes well… That's to be expected, I think."

"…I didn't peek… promise."

"Y-yes… I didn't either."

"So we're about to… You're gonna… see me…"

"We-well yes of course…and you'll… see me…"


"Yes…well…oh my…"

"…Naked Yuki…"

I'm not sure why she kept saying it as if she had forgotten what we were doing, but she had a point I suppose. Only two thin towels were separating us now. Just that one bit of soft cloth between her, the girl I love in her purest form, and I.

"Yuki… I think I'm ready. Do you want me to go first?" she asked me shyly, but with a cute hint of excitement in her voice.

"No. Le…Let's do it together," I lifted my head from the floor to look determined at the bathroom wall.





We both loosened our grips on the towels, letting them drop to the floor. I slowly turned my head and realized we had been standing much closer together than I thought we were. From where I was I was only able to see the side of her head, her neck and her slender bare shoulders.

Our eyes locked as she continued to turn, and then I allowed my eyes to drift away from hers. I gazed longingly from the nape of her neck to her collarbone, and then down further to her pert breasts. For a moment I was at a complete loss as to what I should say or do. My mind went blank as I saw her. She was just so beautiful.

"Wow," she whispered, which pulled me out of my trance. She was looking down at her feet with her cheeks covered in a heavy blush. She tensed up a bit while moving her hands to quickly cover herself out of embarrassment.


"You're just… You're so pretty Yuki. To have me here next to you like this seems so strange…" Suddenly feeling unusually bold, I quickly grabbed and embraced her. We both gasped at the intimate contact. Although it was only a hug it was amazing to feel so much contact between our trembling bodies.

"You're gorgeous Tsukasa, more so than I ever could have imagined."

Then she wrapped her arms around me, holding me even closer. She sighed contently while nuzzling her head into my neck. Her mouth moved to trail kisses up from my shoulder to my neck. I could feel her lips pressing harder against the pulse in my neck as she began adding her tongue into the mix and… was that her teeth?

"Ahh… Please not so rough," I moaned out. She giggled and proceeded to kiss and lick at the same area more gently.

"I'm sorry Yuki. I didn't hurt you here did I?… Or here?… How about here?" She began to kiss me all over while her hands gently stroked my back. As she captured my lips in a deep kiss she moved her hands up to massage my shoulders like she did that first night we spent together. I moaned into the kiss as she applied more pressure. When we broke away I inhaled deeply, and began panting in pleasure.

"Oh Tsu… ah… Tsukasa… it feels so good," I whispered out between pants.

"Oh? Do you like this, Yuuuukiii~" she cooed out as one hand left my shoulder to trace my spine. As it went down I began to arch my back in pleasure, pushing our soft chests together. Rather than go for my backside as I was expecting her to she brought it around to trace my hips.

"Ye-Yes!" I squeaked out, probably a bit too loudly. She giggled at my response. I felt the palms of her hands smoothly moving down my thighs as her fingers began to inch ever closer between them. I could hardly contain myself as I began to pant and whimper in anticipation.

Her mouth had been busy placing chaste kisses wherever she could easily reach but when she moved her fingers nearly millimeters from my lips she moved her mouth down to kiss and suck at my heaving chest. My moans grew ever louder as her index finger traced gently around my pubic mound, lightly touching all around but leaving my eager slit unattended. It was unbelievable… Tsukasa was… teasing me.

"Please… Please Tsu… ka… saaaah ahhh please!" I barely managed to beg as her fingers continued to twitch between my legs and her tongue swirled around my hardened nipples. It was incredible, but at the same time it was becoming more and more unbearable.

"Yuki," Again she giggled and I felt her warm breath as it tickled the moist skin her lips had recently left. "You're quite eager aren't you?" She moved her finger near my entrance and dragged, terribly slowly, up my slit. When she reached my clitoris she pressed hard against it, causing me to make an unusual yelp-like noise I was not aware I could even make. She played with the small nub of nerves for what seemed like an eternity, slowly rubbing it in untraceable patterns and lightly pinching it at times.

When she switched to begin rubbing it with her thumb I could hardly stop myself from screaming out in pure ecstasy as I finally felt her fingers moving towards my entrance. I had lost all track of time. Had we just started? It felt like years had already passed.

When she finally entered, well it's a strange thing to explain. It was unusual, even a bit uncomfortable at first. Yet still it was incredible, the most amazing feeling I've ever experienced. I winced as she added a second finger but urged her to continue on. I was so absorbed in the feeling I could hardly keep my eyes open, but when I did I could see her looking down at me with concern. I smiled up at her.

"Tsukasa," I gasped out between moans.

"Yuki… I'm sorry does it hurt?"

"I love you, please don't stop." She smiled and continued. Deeper… Faster… Her fingers continued as I yelped and gasped in pleasure. Her warm lips pressing kisses across my body. The heat within me continued building and building until I finally couldn't take it anymore.

I screamed out as my climax hit me, startling her a bit more than I meant to. When she looked across my smiling face she understood and returned the look to me. She then bent down to kiss me on the lips again. Then she moved down to cuddle with me on the bathroom floor.


"Yuki… at some point we should might want to actually take a bath," she quietly said with a small giggle.

"Yes, I suppose we should…" I quietly replied before a small smirk came to my lips. "Would you like me to wash your back?"

"…Only my back?" she pouted playfully. I smiled and reached for the soap. That was hardly my intention, but I saw nothing wrong with teasing her a bit before we cleaned up. After all, we had plenty of time.

AN: Damn that took forever, I almost forgot bout this ^^' I'll be taking a break from this pairing now to work on the next domino to fall but I'll probably come back to these two eventually.

By the way, something I keep forgetting to mention in author's notes. In case anyone guessed or has noticed the similarities this fic was greatly influenced by a doujin called aogeki murasaki mamoru, not so much because of the idea that it was hot and made me wanna make a crazy sex filled fan work of my own, but more because there was that tiny little hint of tsukasa x miyuki that was just left very unresolved in my opinion.