A/N- This is just going to be a story that I update as I write, no promises on how often, I make no guarantees on quality or consistency. I'm just doing this one for fun. That's all.

Harry Potter was not his own man. He had not been under his own power since the night he was left on his Aunt's doorstep. He grew up with his Confounded and Compulsed relatives as a servant, no, a slave. He was allowed no friends, or even the chance to succeed and develop his talents and intelligence. He was beaten and neglected. All this, merely so he would be a pliable child that could be maneuvered to fit the mold Albus Dumbledore had set for him.

And then fit the mold he did. Between his low self-worth and self-confidence, he viewed his own life as negligible if it meant saving another.

His only true friend was Hermione Granger, and even then, she was blinded by her trust in authority.

And so then it came to be, that in the summer after his fifth year, it all became too much and broke him. Dumbledore had convinced his only friend to spy on him, supposedly to 'protect him.' It was the straw that broke the camels back for him. He didn't have anything more to lose. He was a shell, a broken man. He didn't have any more love, for all those he'd loved had been taken away. So he fulfilled his destiny for the memory of love, for a shattered and dead dream. He lost the will to live, turned his back on magic, and left this world for the next.

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She was horrified. Why, why would Harry kill himself? Voldemort was gone; he would have been able to live without fear! And then she remembered the look in his eyes. A look like he'd never been loved. But she'd loved him! He was her best friend. He looked betrayed. Hurt. Like a dog that's been beaten so much as to finally just lie down and die. But why would he look like that?

Looking up at the headmaster, who had informed her of her best friend's death, she noticed something in his eyes. They were still twinkling. They looked, no, they looked triumphant!

And then it hit her. Harry had looked as he had because of this man. This was the man who'd left Harry at the Dursley residence, forced him to return every year, and destroyed his self worth. He was the one who had told her to betray him. That was supposed to protect him! This was his, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore's, fault. It was his fault her best friend, her only friend, was dead.

"You are a manipulative old bastard."

"Excuse me Miss Granger?"

"You knew this would happen!"

"It was necessary."

"How is destroying his life necessary?"

"He was a risk. A necessary risk to be sure, one that was no longer needed. He had defeated Voldemort, and had no other reason to be allowed to live."

"I trusted you!" She shouted, tears beginning to fall, "You said, you promised! You swore to me that he would be safe! The only reason I spied on him was because you said you needed to know what he was doing in order to help him! Why in the world could you lie to me so horridly, treat him so awfully?" And then, without awaiting an answer, she tore out of his office and Apparated to her flat in London. The one she'd shared with Harry. Running into his room, she curled up on his bed and cried. He had been her best friend, her first and only friend, and Dumbledore had killed him. How had she been so blind?

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A few hours later, Hermione stopped crying. His room still looked as though he'd come back at any moment. The bed was neat despite her crying on it, and there were all those books he'd studied so furiously starting after fifth year. He always said they were what allowed him to fight. And his desk was still all messy with plans and papers littered about. Oh Lord, how did everything go so wrong? Her eyes finally strayed to the inconspicuous stuffed bear. She remembered giving that to him. It was his seventeenth birthday, and she had decided at the end of the year after waking him from a particularly awful nightmare to give him something to help. Her mother had told her as a child that her teddy bear would fight the nightmares, and while her head knew that to be a story, her heart also knew it helped to hug one after a nightmare, and so she gave him one. The look on his face at that bear had been almost painful; he just looked so shocked and grateful for the more personal gift.

Grabbing the bear, she staggered into her room and started throwing them in the trunk Mad-Eye had given her when she had begun Auror training (Like his, it had multiple compartments, but only four. One was connected to the Hogwarts kitchen and thus made it so she wouldn't go hungry if she was marooned somewhere, the second held an expanded chamber for books, mainly defense, but still a good collection, the third one was just a normal trunk compartment, and the final one was expanded like the book one, basically double the trunks exterior, save it was empty, He had told her that if necessary, compartment sup to a total of ten could be added,) with only the mantra get away, get away, get away running through her head. She continued her frantic packing in Harry's room, packing his books, papers, clothes and even his bedding in the fourth compartment. She then grabbed his wand, stuck it in its case and packed it as well. Dumbledore and his idiotic Ministry would get nothing of his, so help her God. Proceeding to the mini vault Harry had insisted on keeping 'just in case' behind the one painting, she added a compartment and added in the contents. Closing the trunk at last, she looked around the now bare flat, and finally stopped to plan. She couldn't stay in England, probably not in Europe, Dumbledore had too much influence. America was a possibility if she could actually reach it, it gave asylum to those who reached its shores, but the Ministries of Europe were extremely strict upon intercontinental magical travel, and Dumbledore would expect her to try Muggle lines of transport. What to do, what to do?

An hour later, she had come up with a plausible plan. Knowing as she now did that Harry had been manipulated so, she decided to change things. Dumbledore had given her a time turner again in fifth year, but this time not for classes, but to spy on Harry. Now she'd use it to change things. She could try going back to just before Harry's death, but Dumbledore would see through that, and stop her. No, she had to go back a bit further. First year, yes, first year would work. She just had to get the runes right.

Plan in mind, Hermione started setting up a rune circle. The runes should enhance innocence (to place her in her eleven year old body), travel (no comment necessary), and time (again, obvious), and then she started turning. She ended up only twelve hours previous. Oh, damn. So she tried again. And then she tried again. Finally, she just quit with careful turning and turned as rapidly as possible; Harry's death was most likely causing a time jam.

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Needless to say however, that even with the utmost of caution, messing with both time and experimental runes together, or even either one separately is a very messy business. Thus, instead of 1991 in her own eleven year old body, Hermione found herself surrounded by endless darkness…

-End Prologue-