My friend minifreak101 was sitting next to me when she realized that I hadn't updated in so long and sat me down on my laptop and told me to stay there until the next chapter was done or she would kick my ass.


Chapter Four - Training with Old Enemies.

Emma POV

The soft sound of a humming filled my senses as a hand stroked my hair away from my face. I looked up into the eyes of dark brown. A woman's face, a face so foreign yet so familiar. She had long dark hair falling in waves down her shoulders, holding a giant smile that lit up the room.

I looked down at myself and saw a green floral dress with frilly socks and small black shoes. I couldn't have been any older than four years old. I touched my hair and realized they were braided down to my shoulders.

I looked back at the woman and her eyes creased in confusion, "What's wrong Emma?" she asked me.

I gasped. I knew that voice. I would know it anywhere, but who owned this voice I couldn't think of. Then before I could comprehend on what I was doing one word escaped my mouth, "Mom."

I woke up with a pull. Lacy, my roommate was shaking me awake, whispering my name, "Emma! Emma! Are you alright?"

"What are you doing?" I groaned slapping her hands away, rolling over.

"You wouldn't stop moving around and yelling mom!" she said, "What were you dreaming, was Elena strangling you or something?"

I didn't answer her. I pushed her aside and grabbed my large white hoodie, "I'm going to the Gym," that was all I said, slamming the door and ignoring Lacy's protests.

I began to run as fast as I could, while analysing the dream over and over again in my head. Who was that woman? Why was I only four? Why was I calling her mom? When have I ever worn a floral dress? Or a dress at all?

The gym seemed more and more appealing as I continued to run towards the gym. I needed these strange feelings to disappear, for some unknown reason this dream freaked me out. I needed to release this energy, and for as long as I have known, beating the shit out of something always helps.

I stopped at the gym door, opening it very slowly and making sure no one was around. I sighed in relief when I saw that I was completely alone. I walked over to the supplies and grabbed a pair of gloves, but started to have trouble putting them on. "Stupid pieces of shit," I said while yanking the gloves off my hands, throwing them down and staring at them viciously, before picking them back and trying all over again.

"Would you like some help with that?" a voice from the darkness said.

I jumped in surprise at the voice behind me. My shoulders slumped when I saw Belikov and realized that I was in deep shit.

"Great, I thought I was alone." Rolling my eyes at the narcissistic man before me.

"So did I." He said in a bored tone. That same tone that infuriated me.

"Are you going to send me back to my dorm?" I asked in disappointment and defiance. Like hell I was going back to my room that dream still clinging to me.

He shook his head, "No, if you want I can help you with your sparring because it is lacking."

I gaped at him in astonishment, "And I'm not an idiot either, once I leave you will come right back. You have something on your mind and you want to get rid of it. What's the point of punishing you?" He smiled, "and this way I can teach you a thing or two about fighting as well." He smiled smugly and my dislike for him grew and I had a feeling by the end of this "training" session I was going to hate him with a passion.

I shrugged but my brain was screaming at the jerk in front of me. The good for nothing ass that stood before me in arrogance and I wanted to show him that I could fight and beat him as well.

Belikov walked over towards the storeroom and pulled out another set of gloves and stood in the middle of the room.

"Well," and he just stood there.

It was like he knew how to irritate me in the worst ways imaginable.

Breathing through my nose, I relaxed then tensed all my muscle ready for the on coming attack from the man in front of me.

The first punch came at me fast and straight at my face. Ducking the on coming blow I sent a roundhouse kick right back at his face.

Smiling in triumph when I saw him falter in his step, never noticing the glare he sent me or how close I was to him.

"Lucky, but if you would have notice you are now, in well let say in a unorthodox position." He casually remarked. He lent in and grabbed my left arm twisting it around my back until I was in a position that it was either kneel or have my shoulder pulled from it socket.

I was infuriated how I allowed him to get one up on me. My whole body was strumming with adrenaline. I had to level out and find that "calm" place the instructors always talk about, but it was kind of hard when the guy I hated was above me trying to read the right act. Ohh yes I hated him now.

Breathing deep, the ass currently above me started talking again.

"Now, if I was a Strigoi you would be dead." The self-satisfied smirk he was wearing on his face made me wanted to slap him, then he just had to open his mouth again. "I would suggest…" His voice was smug and laced with superiorly, that pissed me off like nothing else. I quickly tune out remembering my number one rule that I had taught myself; you do not fraternize with the enemy when in battle. His mistake if he didn't get the memo that day the idiot.

Quickly weighting up the options I hastily decided on option A, because really that's all I had to decide from.

Readying myself, my plan steady fast in my mind, I put operation "Fuck with Belikov" into action.

I went limp in his arms, evening my breathing out, so that I breathed a shallow breath every twenty seconds, with this it slowed my heart rate down also.

He must of felt the sudden submissiveness of my actions since he instantly sagged under my dead weight.

"Miss Mazur are you okay?" Did I hear a hint of fear in his voice? Opportune moment was here.

As he released my arm, I flip my body so that I had the advantage using all the leverage I had I propelled myself off the ground and into the air using the strength I could muster. I punched that smug asshole in the face, followed by a kick to the nuts and he went down hard.

There was something about seeing him in pain that gave me a buzz and that worried me, I think it was just due to the fact that I was in pain everyday when I was in his class listening to his self centred voice drone on and on about jack shit.

Well I hope so any way.

"See comrade, I do have some skills so stick that in your pipe and smoke it." I smirked feeling triumphant at my achievements, not ready for his next comment or the consequences it would bring with it.

"Roza!" he grinded out, clutching at his crotch in pain, rocking to and fro on the floor pathetically. "Why?" I wasn't listening anymore he had caught me off guard, and left me questioning who the fuck Roza was.

"What the fuc..." I started but he opened his eyes staring at me in shock and horror. The strong man who would take my sharp comments with a grain of salt was horror-struck, confounded, perplexed because of an unknown factor and it was all present of his face and did I see a hit of tears as well.

I just looked at him in my own shock and slight amusement, I mean its not everyday you see your teacher confused, is it? But what was going on here, what was with that name and why did it sound so familiar. I was just about to ask him to explain his actions but he beat me to it.

"I'm sorry that was uncalled for." He was pail and he quickly jumped to his feet, "Well I was mistaken you are fine in your sparring arts, now if you will excuse me I must leave and go to something." And with that he was gone.

He didn't even take his gloves off, he just left, leaving me confused and without a sparring partner.

Looking around I wondered what I was going to do, slowly taking my gloves off and trying to decided what was up Belikov ass and coming up with nothing but deciding it had something to do with the name "Roza".

Moving around I did some reps, push-ups and sit-ups finding myself fatigued enough to fall asleep without dreaming, so I made my way to the showers. Turning on the water, I stripped quickly and jumped in feeling the water wash away all the grit and grim of my workout. The stream relaxing the tightly wounded muscles in my legs and arms making me feel sleepier than before.

I jumped out and I dried and dressed back into my sweaty clothes because I rushed out of the dorm without getting another set, cause I'm not that intelligent.

Walking slowly back to my dorm I saw the gates to the school open and a limousine pulled in to the driveway a late night or late afternoon visitor to the school? This was interesting.

Creeping to one of the tall pines that lined the driveway, I watched. The limousine pulled up I briefly looked over the car in its grandeur and I must say I was impressed.

The windows were double-glazed and bulletproof with runes inscribed in every corner. The tires where puncher proof and the whole body of the car was covered in runes and silver was infused in the white paint work giving it the illusion of sparkling. Overall it was a very impressive car, the person residing in it either was royalty or extremely rich. I wasn't sure of which one yet but I was going to find out.

Creeping forward until I was level with the school building I looked on in mild interest. The headmistress came out looking flustered but neat as the driver open the door.

I couldn't see the mans face it was just a shadow to me but what I did know that he was tall and had air of mystery about him, he stood proud and was wearing a suit but he didn't seem like the suit wearing kind of guy.

As I was mental tallying all I knew about mystery man 101 I missed the introductions, and I was cursing myself for that cause I could have a name to go with the suit.

Then Belikov came out of the shadows "Headmistress you called…" he never got to finish because the mystery man 101 snarled out "YOU" if I was Belikov I would start running cause this guy sounded pissed, really pissed.

"Now boys" the headmistress started "You're just going to have to get along because I will not have your little feud upset my school now I have invited..." I never got to hear what headmistress Kirova was going to say because at that moment I slipped and fell thankful semi quite but enough to alert the guardians to the fact some was out of bed and listening. So I had to bolt. Missing my opportunity to hear more I slunk back to my dorm and cautiously opened the door .Lacy bless her soul was prop up against the end of the bed, head lolly to the left side fast asleep.

Smiling at my friend untactful techniques of staying awake, I made my way across the room to my draw and grab another pair of JP and slipped them on.

Looking at Lacy fast asleep one last time I made my own way to my bed. Mystery man 101 still on my mind, as sleep over come my sense I couldn't help but think that I had saw that tall framed somewhere before.

All credit goes to minifreak101