Hey! This is sometime after spirit bound. I was slightly upset when the ending came, but I don't want to say anything bad about the lovely author who by the way made the greatest ending ever. Now we have to wait seven months till the next book. But I want to congratulate Richelle Mead for making me react the way I did. I went nuts.
And to my friends I was also right about Adrian. I always liked him more than Dimitri. Sorry to those that think different but I want to say to my friends reading this that I WAS RIGHT! Adrian is way hotter and sexier.
Okay to clear the stories confusion. This will spoil spirit bound so it's your own fault if you read this before the book! This is not what I think will happen in last sacrifice.
Also in this story Adrian and Rose did have sex in Rose's room that time when they wanted to be responsible. In my story it did happen. Otherwise this story would be really weird. And most of the first chapters are in Adrian's point of view.
Btw this story has sad and happy parts that will bring heaps of tension. Don't be surprised because I love tension!
Chapter 1: Don't take my life away
Adrian's POV
Rose's trial was in an hour. I craved to see her face again. Since the hearing it was forbidden that anyone see her, even Lissa. It didn't help that my mom wanted me to stay away from the situation, of course I didn't, how could I when the one I loved was being framed for my great aunts murder.
Only Abe was able to see her. Since he was her "lawyer". I was screaming with what was to come. I heard them talk about executing traitors. I couldn't ever, never let the Moroi council do that to her. I would rather turn Strigoi then see them kill Rose.
I hadn't had a drink or smoked ever from the time when I saw Rose walk out the door from the hearing. I sat in my room shaking, staring up at the ceiling only thinking of Rose. The smell of her and the feel of her in my arms. I needed her here more than anything else in my life. I knew that everyone thought it would never work out between Rose and I, and I knew that Rose thought the same, but I told myself that I wouldn't leave her. I would work out all situations and tell my parents to shove it up their ass if I had to.
Now there was a chance I would never see her again. I was frantic. I wouldn't talk to anyone unless it was Abe or Rose.
I turned to my bedside table; the clock read that the hearing was starting in half an hour. I was off the bed and out the door within seconds. My hair was atrocious, I hadn't shaved and stubble was growing across my face terribly. My clothes weren't designer at all. In fact I was wearing plain jeans with a simple red and white checker shirt. My mother was going to flip. I hadn't slept in days and I didn't listen to anything as much as I used to.
Up ahead I saw Christian, Lissa, Mia and Eddie. They looked as bad as me, but probably not as much. I stood by them not saying anything. They all had looks of surprise. I hadn't talked or seen any of them since the hearing. They were surprised by the outcome of discovering that my girlfriend might die by the hand of my own kind. Then my mother walked in. "Adrian! What happened?" she exclaimed.
"Nothing," I shrugged.
"Why are you wearing that?"
"Couldn't be bothered to try on anything else," I continued to shrug.
She shook her head in exasperation. "Why have you done this?"
I didn't answer. I didn't need to, everyone knew the reason. They also had bloodshot eyes and pale faces. We knew the outcome wasn't going to be happy.
The doors opened and people around us rushed in. We all took our seats near the back, holding hands. Even I was clutching onto Lissa. Dimitri was behind us and I felt no jealousy what so ever. I didn't care; the only thing I cared about was Rose.
Once everyone was seated a loud girly grunt came from the door. There was Rose, beautiful as always, yet very tired and sad. She was faced towards the ground, away from the audience. I hated that; I needed to see her face.
"Rosemarie Hathaway. You are summoned here today at this trial for the murder of Queen Tatiana," said the judge.
"Yes," Rose answered.
"And your lawyer here Mr… Mazur."
The room was silent. Waiting for the questions to start. Lissa was staring at my hands shaking, a worried look on her face, "It's okay, it will be alright," she whispered.
I couldn't tell her what she wanted to hear, because we both knew it would be a lie.
By then we missed some of the trial. The tension was unbelievable, there were people agreeing and disagreeing with the case. Honestly I think they all knew that she wasn't guilty, but wanted to believe differently. To feel safe.
"Miss Hathaway, all the evidence against this made us come to the conclusion that you murdered the queen."
There was an outroar from the people. Guardian Hathaway, Abe, Lissa, Christian, Tasha, Mia, Eddie and me. "Its obvious she didn't do it."
"How could she even get into her room?"
"This is an outrage."
"I have known her most of my life, she wouldn't do that to anyone."
"QUIET! Now this is stupid. We all have our own opinion, but right now the court needs to decide," breathed the judge.
We had to stay quiet then, my mother kept on urging me to stay quiet and stay out of the situation. I knew she was trying to protect me, but it was my girlfriend that was being accused of murder. I couldn't stand and watch. "Rosemarie Hathaway the court has decided that…"
Everyone turned to see Janine Hathaway yelling, "She can't be sentenced to death."
I still didn't know why they wanted to kill an eighteen year old. How could someone be so cruel? "And why is this?"
"Because my daughter…" she took a nervous breath, "is pregnant."
The stillness was infuriating. There were no eyes on Rose, except mine. Everyone was gawking at me. "Is this true Miss Hathaway?"
"NO, no, no, no, no… NO!"
"Yes you are," yelled Janine.
"No I am not." Rose's eyes met mine and I could see that what her mother said was right. Without thinking a smile spread over my face, which led her to confusion.
"Yes you are. Since I last saw you, you have been clutching your stomach, having bizarre mood swings and apparently from the last time I saw you, you skipped your period."
If she was pregnant there was no way that anything could happen to her. "Are you really?" I asked.
She couldn't speak Abe was looking at me like he was going to burst a vein. "Rose…"
"NO! I am eighteen. I am too young to get pregnant."
"Well this changes things," said the judge, "We need the truth NOW miss Hathaway."
She was only looking at me; her mouth was shut and eyes staring into mine. "I…I… I'm not sure."
A tear ran down her face to confirm everyone about the situation. This meant even if she made it through the trial she would be accused as a major blood whore. I didn't even think she had every really had sex before. I then made a vow to myself that no matter what; I would look after Rose better, and especially our baby. "The jury has come to a vote. There is no way that Rose is not guilty."
"WHAT!" I yelled.
"Mr. Ivashkov, sit down!" continued the judge.
"Excuse me but I have a right to object about the death of my baby!"
My mother grabbed my arm, "Adrian…"
"NO! THAT'S MURDER! YOU ARE GOING TO HURT MY BABY AND THE MOTHER THAT HAS BEEN FUCKING FRAMED!" tears were spilling from my eyes. "I loved my aunt and she knows that. If I knew she killed her then I would probably be here supporting your decision."
"Mr. Ivashkov you need to be taken from this court immediately."
Almost instantly guardians had me in a hold while I yelled and struggled. The last thing he heard was from the judge, "The court has decided her guilty."
And the last thing he saw was the mother of his child caressing he stomach in sadness and loss.
Rose's POV
The last thing I would ever do to a child of mine would kill it. Even if I knew that it would be hard to look after them at a young age, I would try to give them a life.
What the Moroi planned to do disgusted me. I could no longer see myself in the future caring for something so special. Just as the tears began to stream down my face the jail cell opened. I was confused. The execution wasn't until tomorrow.
When I looked up Abe was standing before me with Tomas. "What are you doing?"
"We have come to get you out," said Abe.
I jumped in excitement, "Why?"
"You have no idea how I would hate to see my Grandson or daughter die."
I had to laugh as realisation came to me, "I can't stay here can I?"
Abe looked disappointed at my face, "I'm sorry, we are going to have to hide you for a while."
I nodded, knowing this was the best I was going to get, "Oh and we can't tell Lissa or Adrian that you are alive."
I stopped at that sentence, "Why not?" I stared in disbelief.
"If they know then it could get out where you are."
"But… but… they will find out anyway when I escaped."
He sighed, "No if you escape the court will tell everyone different so that they don't run in fear."
He no longer gave me time to argue. I was dragged out of the cells like a bolt of lightning. I was shoved into the back of a car, covered in blankets from suspicion. Honestly I didn't think it was a good cover up.
After a long quiet, tearful car ride we arrived at an airport, "Where am I going?" I asked.
"To New Orleans. You are going to be living with Sydney. I know you are both on good terms, and I will be back as soon as I can so we can talk about the baby." He touched my cheek giving off a confident smile.
I was given the plane tickets and boarded feeling more lonely than I had ever been before.
I sat beside an old lady, she continued to eye me and ask sweet questions while I tried to keep the tears in.
Sydney was waiting for me at the terminal. We walked to each other giving awkward hugs, "how are you Rose?" she asked.
"I feel like hell."
"Come on I have a nice cup of Hot Chocolate at home. Always helps me." She threw her arm around my shoulders directing me into the future I did not expect.
We arrived at her house minutes later. It was small and homey. I liked it. Sydney went out of her way to make me feel comfortable, "Why are you being so nice?" I asked.
She sighed, "When I was younger, my mother went through the same sort of thing and there was nothing I could do. I just… wanted to make sure that the rest of your life doesn't end up like my mothers."
I smiled in happiness. "Thanks I appreciate that."
And I did. Sydney soon became one of my closet friends. Also the godmother of my beautiful future daughter.
WOOT! Awesome isn't it. Yes I know I am a genius! Lol
Review and tell me what you think! I personally feel sorry for Adrian! What will his reaction be! You have to wait to find out HAHA! Don't worry it wont be long! Hopefully! Hee hee