Sector V
"Ye' say ye' goodbye's then we got to get e' move on," Numbuh 86, also known as Fanny Fulbright, told Numbuh 1(Nigel Uno), Numbuh 2(Hoagie P. Gilligan), Numbuh 3(Kuki Sanban), Numbuh 4(Wallabee Beetles), and Numbuh 5(Abigail Lincoln).
They had decided to get decommissioned together. It would be to painful for them to watch each one of them to watch each on of them leave and forget them.
All of Sector V nodded and Numbuh 86 walked out of the room to give them some privacy, which was surprisingly nice for the 12 year old Irish red-headed lass, Fanny always had quite a temper.
As soon as Fanny left the room Numbuh 3 burst into tears. The entire sector didn't know what to say. They couldn't say it was going to be okay because lets face it, it wasn't going to be okay. They weren't going to remember the KND, they weren't going to remember fighting adult tyranny, and worst of all they weren't going to remember each other.
Wally was the first to speak.
"Kuki…I need to tell you something." he managed to say. Abby, Hoagie, and Nigel eyes went wide, all though you could barely see Numbuh 1's.
Kuki turned to face Wally, her face in her hands, her black hair lung limp around her and her eyes were rimmed with red.
"Yeah Wally…" she whispered hoarsely.
Wally cleared his throat, it was now or never he had waited way to long. This is so cruddy hard he thought to himself.
"I…well…for awhile now…" he tried again and again. Hoagie elbowed him.
"Just spit it out man" he muttered.
"KUKI I LIKE YOU!" he yelled loud enough for the waiting Numbuh 86 to hear. Wally's face was beet red, and he was freaking out on the inside. Nigel was grinning. Hoagie was dancing around and pumping his fist in the air, Abby just smirked.
Kuki's face began to redden as she stood up strait.
"What?" she asked not fully believing what she just heard. Wally put up his tough guy image again.
"It was notin' never mind." Abby gave him a kick.
"I like you." Before anyone could blink Kuki was on top of him eloping him in a hug.
"I like you too." She whispered softly into his ear. She leaned in to kiss him, but before she could a teary eyed Fanny walked in.
"We're ready for you."
Sorry for shortness. Leave comments.