
(A/N: Gargoyles is a Disney product which I do not own. The only thing I own is my OC character. This story is purely fanfiction.)


Name: Rylee Maza

Age: Newborn-16 (ages through out the story)

Hair: Dark w/ brown tint

Eyes: Light brown

Parents: Elisa Maza & Goliath

Race: Halfling (half human, half gargoyle)

Rylee Maza is the Halfling daughter of Goliath and Eliza. She looks more human than gargoyle, but she does have gargoyle traits; she is a little stronger than most humans, she heals when she sleeps, and when angered, her eyes glow white and she develops claws. She doesn't turn to stone during the day. She cares a lot for her gargoyle family and, like Elisa, will protect them and keep them a secret until Manhattan finally accepts them.

Chapter One: Welcome to the Clan

The sun had started to go down and the moon began to appear in the sky. A lot of activity was going on at the Eerie Castle, once known as Castle Wyvern, atop of the Xanatos building and Owen Burnett was waiting at the very top of the castle, with the lone Gargoyle statue. One the sun was fully gone and night has officially begun, he saw the Gargoyle crack and knew that the other Gargoyles at the bottom were doing the same. The stone Gargoyle started to move; the stone was gone and in it's place was a Gargoyle of flesh and blood.

"I hope you and the others are well rested Goliath." Said Owen as the gargoyle turned and walked to Owen. The six Gargoyles below climbed up to were Owen and Goliath were.

"Goliath…eight hours ago, Detective Maza went into labor and gave birth to your daughter a half hour ago."

"What!" Goliath looked in shock.

"Elisa had the baby?" Angela rushed into the building to the room where Elisa was supposed to have given birth. Xanatos had thought it a good idea to give birth to the baby in the Xanatos building due to the fact that the baby is half Gargoyle and since over half of Manhattan hate the Gargoyles, he deemed it safer and hired a doctor a few nurses and made sure they keep their mouths shut.

"The baby is fine a quite healthy as well…" Owen said. Goliath ran into the building with the others behind him.

Inside the room, Goliath could see Elisa on a bed looking at Angela as she held a little bundle in a pink blanket. On the other side of the bed was Elisa's parents, Peter and Diane, Elisa's sister, Beth, and Elisa's brother, Derek/Talon, who was mutated. Beside them were Xanatos and Fox. Goliath could see Angela cooing to the baby.

"Your so cute…I'm your big sister Angela." Goliath smiled at the image of his two daughters, and then he walked over. Angela and Elisa saw Goliath and Angela gave the baby back to Elisa, who put the baby in a little cradle.

"Allow me to introduce you to your daughter, Rylee Maza. Elisa smiled at him. Hudson, Bronx, Broadway, Brooklyn, and Lexington walked into the room and stood at the foot of the bed.

Goliath peered down into the cradle and smiled. "Rylee." Goliath spoke her name and the little baby squirmed a little and opened her eyes. She held up her little chubby arms to Goliath who put a clawed finger by her face and she grabbed it. Goliath smiled and picked her up, being careful with her head. The clan gathered around him.

"Would you look at that?" Brooklyn started. "She looks nothing like a Gargoyle…"

"At the moment, with all the Anti-Gargoyle group around, it's probably a good thing she doesn't look like a Gargoyle." Xanatos spoke up. Elisa and her family just nodded their heads.

"You don't think she turns to stone during the day do you?" Broadway asked. "We won't know until the sun comes up." Xanatos said.

"It looks like Alex will have a friend." Lexington spoke as her climbed on the edge of the bed to look at the baby. Lexington was referring to the 1 year old son of Xanatos and Fox. Rylee looked at Lexington and squealed at him and smiled. "Aw…she likes me." Bronx started barking and jumped on Goliath, not enough to knock him down or hurt the baby, but enough to get some attention.

"Of course…a new friend for Bronx too." Elisa chuckled. Goliath bent down with Rylee to allow Bronx a look at her. Bronx gave a small bark with a smile.

"She's perfect." Said Elisa smiling as Goliath gave the baby to her.

"Ay, that she is. Welcome to the clan Lass." Hudson smiled.