Warning: This is Yaoi, Slash, BL, etc and probably will have mature content.
Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara or Harry Potter
Pairing: Shizuo/Harry
Chapter Three: The Wild Beast
As is turned out Heiwajima Shizuo was the one who threw the vending machine toward him. According to Karisawa-san and Yumasaki, Heiwajima Shizuo is considered the strongest man in Ikebukuro. He always wears his bartender suit and as long as you don't annoy him there is nothing to worry about.
Also accoridng to Karisawa, the only person that annoys Heiwajima Shizuo is Iza Iza or Orihara Izaya. Harry was also
warned by Karisawa, Yumasaki and even Kadota that getting involved with Orihara Izaya wasn't a good idea. They didn't really elaborate why but Harry figured that if someone was messing around with a person who could lift up a vending machine effortlessly who was human it was better to stay clear of him or her.
Karisawa, Yumasaki, and Kadota left after they pruchased their books and Harry was left to tend to the store. Getting back into his working routine it felt as if yesturday was just a dream and completely forgot about it. Harry continued to organize and restock the books in the throughout the day came in and left until finally it rolled around to five when his shift was over. As Harry was going to leave a customer called for his attention. The customer who called for his attention had a very nice face Harry thought, someone who could easily be a model. The customer
was wearing black pants, shirt and jacket with fur lining on the hood.
"How may I help you today?" Harry asked.
"I'm not really into manga but I heard you had some interesting light novels," the customer simply stated with a smile.
"Ah yes, if you're looking for light novels then they would be over there to your left. A popular series right now is Baccano and Suzumiya Haruhi," Harry explained.
"Thanks, oh by the way I'm Orihara Izaya, what's your name?"
Harry felt himself stiffen when he heard the name. Just earlier today he was told by Kadota to not get involved with the man in front of him and also Harry felt as if he seen this man before. As Harry didn't immediately answer Orihara Izaya continued to talk.
"You see I was surprised yesterday when someone caught that vending machine. Shizu-chan was aiming for me but what do you know I dodged and it was going to hit someone else. To honest I didn't really feel bad that I dodged since getting smashed by the vending machine would hurt but then the person who was going to get smashed instead of me actually caught the vending machine! And here I thought that only Shizu-chan had that monster strength," Izaya said with a mocking smile on his face.
"That's nice but why are you telling me this," Harry asked hoping that this man, Orihara Izaya hadn't connected him with yestruday's events but considering the way Orihara Izaya was talking hope was futile.
"Come on, don't play dumb; I know you're the one that caught the vending machine yesterday," Orihara Izaya smiled, and it wasn't a pleasant one in Harry's eyes. "Now what's your name? That's all I want to know."
Harry at this moment wished he still had his magic, with it he could easily obliviate Orihara Izaya and be done with it. He could also easily snap the others neck and be done with it too but that would go against his morals also it would cause unnecessary panic. Harry felt his entire body twitch in agitation; panic was quickly turning into blood lust and if he didn't get out of store he was going to go berserk.
"I'm sorry but I don't give strangers my name, and I need to get going," Harry's voice was strained as he tried to curb his blood lust. Harry turned away from Orihara Izaya and headed straight for the door. Orihara Izaya quickly grabbed onto Harry's hand. In that instant Harry almost snapped; he turned around sharply and glared. The air around Harry felt darker, heavier and for Orihara Izaya, he felt fear. Orihara Izaya for the first time in a long time felt genuine fear; he felt no fear dealing with the yakuza, thugs or even Shizu-chan but he felt fear from this young boy.
"Let go of me," Harry practically growled and Orihara Izaya quickly let go of the other's hand. Harry quickly headed out the door and as Izaya went out to see where Harry had headed, the other was already out of site. Orihara Izaya stood in front of the store slightly dazed but then quickly a grin that would but Cheshire cat to shame.
'Interesting, interesting, he's much more then I expected. When's the last time that I actually felt fear and that fear was was caused from that boy. Also the boy's hands were cold, almost as if frozen," Izaya thought. "I need to get more information" Izaya said to himself as he headed back to Shinjuku.
Harry after leaving the shop dashed home in an inhuman speed. To people Harry appeared as a shadow in the corner of your eye. Harry arrived in home no time flat and headed straight toward his kitchen where he nearly ripped open the fridge door and grabbed a blood bag.
Harry not even bothering to put a straw into the blood bag just bit into it and devoured the blood; but one wasn't enough. As he finished the first one, he took another and another one and another one until he gorged himself with blood like a wild beast. Blood stained the floor and his hands; his face was practically covered with it.
Harry just sat in on the kitchen floor dazed and full; no longer controlled by the blood lust. Harry felt extremely satisfied, even high from all the blood he had consumed. Vampires as Harry found out from his first feed after he was turned found out that blood contain part of a person's soul, their essence. With every drop of blood Harry gained memories, strength, and bits of their soul. Some vampires, ones who were usually rogues or weaklings don't understand how blood affects them since they are either too caught up on the blood lust or high from killing. Harry could feel the fragments of souls shifting inside him, becoming one with him and he accepted it because as a vampire this was a natural process. At first this process had freaked Harry out but now it was part of his everyday life.
Harry eye's once glazed came back to focus and sighed at the mess he had made. Still sitting on the floor Harry touched the floor with his pale hands and focused. The blood around him moved as if it had come to life and moved toward his hands. The blood traveled up his arm and inside him; this continued for a few minuets until the kitchen was spotless of blood. Harry looked around in satisfaction and got up from the floor. With his bloodlust in control and no longer panicking he started thinking what to do with the Orihara Izaya character.
Author's Note: Well here's two chaps for you guys and gal out there following my crossover fic. The fact that I am actually uploading a chapter surprises me but whatever. Also no Shizu-chan yet, but Harry did make contact with Izaya so that's good I guess. As I said before with the whole vampire power thing it's taken from Hellsing. Those who have read Hellsing or are familiar with it know that Alucard can draw blood to him and also sort of summon people he consumed from inside him. Still don't know when I'll introduce Harry to Shizuo but I think soon so keep reading.