Two years later at Mori-senpai's graduation

"Mr Morinozuka Takashi, please step up on the stage and receive your certificate of graduation." Said Sir Sasuke the headmaster as he presented Takashi-kun with a cream-coloured roll of paper.

He looks like the ever same boyfriend to me though.

Although he has a little stubble on his chin, but I like it as long as he shaves.

I clapped and cheered and so did the others.

He waved his navy blue cap around in pleasure and as always, monotonously.

His fan girls screeched and he nodded his head at them with a waiver of a smile.

I immediately felt very jealous although he was my boyfriend and he had waved to me first.

"What are you clenching those fists for dear? Are you jealous?" observed my beloved Aunt Dana and Mitskuni saw too.

I nodded vaguely, waiting for my alone time with Takashi.

He was alone at last after the graduation in the hosting rooms with the certificate, smiling in his sleep.

"He sure must be tired', thought I.

Lately he had been planning something; God knows what and seemed rather busy of the late.

A lock of his ebony black hair fell on his face and I lovingly brushed it away.

He woke up with a start and crouched in defence.

"Relax, it's just me, Takashi." laughed I.

He smiled while straightening up.

"That was some speech you gave just now...,"said I while remembering the barely 30 words he gave on the stage. "I'll bet that was the most you talked right?"

He said "The most I've talked was since you fell from Heaven and came into my life."

I ran a tip of my finger down his cheeks with pride.

"Keira, do you love me?" asked Takashi.

"Of course I do! What kind of question is that?" spat I angrily.

"I'm here rite?"

"Alright it was just a question, Keira..." said Takashi while rolling his eyes.


"Remember what we wanted to save...urm..Touching each other for?"

My eyes grew round with disbelief and I smiled.

He got down on one knee and held out a felt covered box to me.

I gasped out loud. He looked at me with earnest in his eyes.

"Keira-San will you marry me?" asked him.

I begged him to stand up. He did.

"Yes, oh yes I will!" shouted I. I hugged him hard around his waist.

Shouts and cheers and claps emitted from inside the room as he kissed me and slid the ring onto my ring finger.

Well, I think the rest is needless to say, we had a fairytale-like life together.

The Hizumi's and The Hitachiins got married and became world class fashion designers with Yizuko and Shizuko on child fashion.

Their own little twins have been born and Mummy's designs suit them well...

Kyouya became a successful heir to the Ootori company, outstanding both his brothers and Renge is content to be a helpful housewife who still reads and watches anime and manga during her spare time.

Tamaki and Haruhi, well, they love travelling around the world now too much to settle down.

I hear Grandma Suoh still doesn't accept her though.

That's something she and Ranka-san have in common. They can't stand whom their children love.

We get postcard from them all the time from bizarre places like Africa one day and Rome the next...

Mitskuni and Utako have yet to get married, they are still dating, says him.

Now they manage a famous stuffed toy company that cater to every customers order.

Sometimes, their house is literally doused with bunnies.

How about me and Takashi you ask?

Yes, we got married and I have a daughter, Misaki, as silent as her father and as 'intellectual' as her mother.

We all adore her.

Sometimes, the kids have playdates altogether so we parents sit down and have chats about the past with Auntie Dana in the old armchair.

Although we get older every day, we'll never forget the host club and all the fun activities we had.

Not all of them were perfect nor great, but every rose stem has thorns and we just have to make the best of it, ne, minna-san ?

Finally, I have finished my favorite fanfiction and may I say I must thank all my beloved readers(if u r still there) and a very inspiring duo of teacher, Mr Zann and Madam Loga who have helped me realize that although I don't fit in it's ok because I stand OUT!