This is a work of fiction which is in no way affiliated with the original creators or producers of the Naruto animated series or published manga.
The setting is 1611 China, I am aware that Naruto is a Japanese animation and as such the setting would usually be Japan but I've decided to make it China. However, within the story the country will be referred to as Konohagakure.
The style of dress I imagine resembles the costumes of The Curse of the Golden Flower (fabulous film, you should see it)
Please enjoy.
Book One: Coming of Age
"Your son kneels before you, Emperor."
Uchiha Sasuke, or, as he's more commonly known by the people of Konohagakure; Lord Uchiha Sasuke-sama. Sasuke was the second son of the great Emperor Uchiha Fugaku-sama and as such he was raised with the utmost care and attention.
"Rise, my son."
Sasuke rose from his customary kneeling position and thanked his father. Sasuke hated the formalities of the Imperial Family, but his father reminded him time and time again that without structure, tradition, and rules the entire Dynasty would crumble beneath them into chaos and hysteria.
"Why have you called me here?" Sasuke looked questioningly into his father's eyes; a feat only someone as close to the Emperor dare attempt.
"Very important business, my son." Fugaku rose from his seated position on his favourite golden throne and walked towards his favoured son. "Today you are eighteen; you are a man and a shining beacon for all the men of Konohagakure to enjoy."
"Your words are too kind." Sasuke bowed his head in pretend reverence, if his father could tell he was faking it, he did not let on.
"It has been two years since First Brother went to fight the Tsu Tsin never to return. Your mother and I held out for as long as we could, but as you have become a man now, we feel it is time to let Itachi's spirit rest."
Sasuke's palms became slick and his pulse quickened. Sasuke despised his elder brother, when he had been at the palace Sasuke lived in his long shadow. Regardless of his talent or perseverance Sasuke could never match Itachi because Itachi had charm. Itachi could grin his way to perfect scores in arithmetic, laugh his way into the spot of top student in etiquette and schmooze himself an award or two in kung fu.
But none of that mattered now, because he was dead, and that could only mean...
"Thus, I am naming you—my son—heir to the Empire."
Sasuke bowed deeply and fought to keep the excitement out of his voice. "Thank you father, you are too generous."
Fugaku nodded and with a quick flick of his wrist dismissed Sasuke for the time being and called for his wife. Uchiha Mikoto entered the room in a flurry of gold silk and glistening head garments. Her entourage of hand maids and chamber men scuttled behind her with their eyes cast down—always cast down—as she first bowed to her honoured husband then sat at the smaller, yet no less ornate, throne beside him.
"So, my husband, you have told Second Son of his new post?" Mikoto was a soft spoken woman; her ways were kind and just. All the servants knew that to be taken into Mikoto's personal entourage was a luxurious relief as she never shouted or beat her help.
"It is so. He was pleased, I am sure, but raised well for he did not make it obvious."
"Sasuke is just a shy boy; he has lived in honoured Itachi's backwind for so long it is nice to see him rising to the occasion." It was no secret to anyone close to the family that Itachi was Mikoto's favourite, he always appeared respectful; even to her unbearable side of the family and most of all he was popular with the ladies. Mikoto loved that because more than anything she loved family, and the prospect of expanding the family. Mikoto wanted grandkids.
"Indeed. Do you know why, my wife, you have been called to me?"
"I believe it is time for Sasuke to take a wife." Mikoto allowed a shiver of excitement to rattle her body.
"An Emperor is nothing without his Consort and without his heir."
"I believe that, too."
"I wish for your opinion on my selections, honoured Consort."
"Yes, my Lord." Mikoto turned smiling to her Help, "Leave us." The maids and man-servants bowed deeply then, eyes cast down, scuttled backward out of the room, drawing the curtains that replaced doors and stood in the hall.
"So, who are they?" Mikoto always relaxed formalities when the Help was not present. The only reason she kept it up was because Fugaku believed without structure, tradition, and rules it would be the end of the peace of the Dynasty.
Fugaku rubbed his hands together getting a little excited himself; his favourite son was soon to be Emperor and married!
"Alright dear, first we have my cherished friend Yamanaka's daughter. Her name is Ino-san," Fugaku took a photo out of the folder on the table separating the two thrones. Mikoto took it and squinted, the rich color of the room and the drawn, golden blinds made the picture hard to view.
"She is...blond? A foreigner?"
"Her mother was not of the Konohagakure, and you know Yamanaka dyes his hair to make her more comfortable." Fugaku noted his wives troubled look. "Do not worry my sweet, she has been brought up with grace and wisdom, Yamanaka trained her in all his abilities including tactics and weaponry. She would perform excellently by Sasuke's side during war times. She is an asset and would undoubtedly bear strong children."
"Oh yes! Yes she would wouldn't she, might even have more than two, or three...or five."
"Ahem, yes dear, well..." Fugaku took back the photo and replaced it with a picture of a girl with red hair. "This would be Haruno-sensei's daughter."
"Haruno-san had a daughter! I had no idea..."
"She has been kept hidden away by her mother and, dear do not over react, often dressed as a boy to remain pure."
"Unheard of! Uncanny! Improper!"
"Now there was good reason for this; the girl often traveled with her mother and I into war territory to mend the wounded. Starved and hollow soldiers often forget their manners and good sense and as such even a twelve year old girl might appear to them a comfort of home, a woman's arms..."
"Oh dear, yes it hadn't initially occurred to me. The poor pet, was she kept intact?"
"Oh yes, Haruno-san swears it beyond reproach, her daughter was never spoiled. Young Miss Sakura-san is her name."
"Good to know, I want only the most respectable of girl for our Sasuke. And no doubt the poor girl wants to cast off her boyish garbs and express her womanly prowess."
"Naturally," Fugaku replaced Sakura's photo and pulled out the final picture. "How do you perceive this one?"
"Oh! Hyuuga-san?"
"Correct! How did you guess it?"
"It is the eyes; the whole family has the same eyes. As if they viewed the world differently than the rest of us, they view it behind a painted screen..."
"I concur, but there is a beauty to her and perhaps the mystery will enchant our Sasuke. Her name would be Hinata-san."
Mikoto sniffed. "Her credentials?"
"She is my esteemed advisors First Daughter, Hyuuga-san has guaranteed me she was raised with eloquence and grace unmatched by any of her generation. As well, being the daughter of my chief advisor her knowledge of the Empire is perfect."
"That is all well and good for the successor of an advisor, but for a wife..."
"Ah! Hyuuga-san also mentioned her goodhearted nature, she often adopted stray animals and cared for them, she is—as Hyuuga-san put it—nurturing.
"N-nurturing?" Mikoto licked her lips and stared at Hinata's photo. "Does Sasuke know of any of this?"
"He does not, but he will find out before tonight's feast."
"We are to have a feast?"
"Yes my love! Dress in your finest silks and grace us with your shining presence for supper, tonight Sasuke meets his future bride. Which of these three is she? Only he can tell!" Fugaku laughed heartily and rubbed his hands together as if to light a fire.
"Oh how thrilling! There hasn't been a young fertile maiden in the palace since honoured Itachi's departure," Mikoto dabbed the corner of her eyes with a silken sleeve. "I must prepare!"
And thus, by the hour of the horse Sasuke's future had been mapped out for him.
End of book one.
Sound promising? Too short?