Thanks to the the people who reviewed and added this story to their alerts list. I'm trying hard to keep everyone in character! I can't stand OOC fics so I am giving this my best effort!
I do not take credit for these amazing characters or show.
The Glee club made their way out of the choir room when the bell for first period rang.
"Great," Mercedes said to Kurt. "Another fundraiser. I can't believe we have to go through this again."
"At least it's not another bake sale."
"That's true."
"I still don't get what we are doing," Finn said coming up behind the two.
"We're basically preforming a cabaret," Kurt said excitedly. "It'll be like a dinner musical theater show."
"Is it like that one show Rachel was in? Because that was a weird musical." Finn said nervously.
"No, Finn. We are not preforming Cabaret. We are preforming a cabaret." Kurt replied in a short tone. "Don't worry."
Mercedes looped arms with Kurt and the two of them rushed off to their first period when late bell rang.
Finn silently cursed himself. He didn't mean anything bad by saying thought Cabaret was weird. He read the script with Rachel before and didn't want to perform that in front of people. Then he would really be getting shit from the jocks.
"Finn!" Rachel suddenly appeared next to him, jolting Finn out of his thoughts. "What's your first period?"
Finn reached into his pocket and pulled out his schedule. While he was unfolding it Rachel was tapping her foot impatiently. "Where were you walking to if you don't know where you first class is?"
"I don't know. I was just day dreaming, I guess." He realized he had absentmindedly been walking in the direction that Kurt and Mercedes were going in.
"I understand. I am trying to figure out what song I want to preform. I know Mr. Schuester will let me sing a solo. I just have to figure out what I want to sing. It should be a real power ballad. Maybe something sung previously by Bernadette Peters, or Barbara Cook, or-"
"English," Finn blurted out. He didn't want to interrupt her, but once she started listing off Broadway divas there would be know stopping her. "I have English first period."
Rachel's face lit up. "Really? Me too. In room 24?"
Finn looked down at his schedule and nodded. "Yeah, I guess we have a class together this year."
Rachel snatched the schedule out of his hands. "We have English, chemistry and drama together." She raised her eyebrows at him. "You're taking drama?"
"Yeah. Kurt convinced me to this summer when we were signing up for classes. He thinks it will make me a better performer,"
"He's probably right. How is living with Kurt?"
"It's good. He's a really cool guy," Finn wanted to continue to talk about Kurt, but Rachel was already leading the way into their classroom.
Forty-five minutes later the class ended. "I can't believe we have homework on the first day of school!" Finn said dragging his feet as he walked. "This sucks." He looked down bitterly at the worn out copy of Things Fall Apart that he had in his hands.
He had Spanish next and stopped short. Rachel bumped into him and nearly fell. "Ow! Finn, what's wrong with you?"
Finn turned around and looked down at her. "Sorry, did I hurt you?" She shook her head and he continued. "I forgot about Mitchel. I have to show him where his next class is."
Rachel grinned "Oh really? Can I come?"
"No," Finn said and rushed off before Rachel could follow him.
Mitchel was leaning against the lockers in front of of his first class when Finn found him. Girls were eying him as they walked by. He nodded in Finn's direction. "I thought you forgot about me, man."
"Almost," Finn replied. "So what class do you have next?"
"Spanish with Mr. Schuester,"
"Oh. So do I,"
Mitchel smiled and swung his backpack over his shoulder. "Cool, dude." Finn lead the way hoping that Mitchel would keep silent. He didn't feel like making polite conversation.
"So what is Glee club?"
Finn suppressed a groan and said, "There's a group of us and we sing songs and preform them and stuff."
"So, it's show choir?"
"Yeah, I guess you could call it that," Finn wanted to kick himself for just not simply saying that.
"That's cool."
Finn stopped and looked at him dumbly. "It is?"
"Yeah. I mean I know I am a football player, but I was in drama and art club at my old high school. I wish I could sing otherwise I might be interested in Glee."
"Uh huh, yeah it's shame you can't sing," Finn tried not to grin.
They walked into the classroom. It was practically empty because they were still pretty early. Kurt was sitting in the front, avidly writing something down in his notebook.
The desks were set up in pairs. Finn planned on taking in the seat next to Kurt and when someone beat him there. "Is anyone sitting here?" Mitchel asked Kurt.
Kurt looked up at him and shook his head slowly. He moved his books from the desk beside him. "I was saving it for Finn because I agreed to help him with Spanish, but you can sit here."
Finn's jaw dropped. "You're doing to help me with class?"
"You can sit behind us, Finn. " Mitchel replied getting comfortable next to Kurt. A little too comfortable, Finn thought as he watched the new kid inch closer and closer to Kurt. Their knees touched and a blush crept up Kurt's face.
Finn didn't like knowing that for once he wasn't one having that effect on Kurt.
"Of course I'll still help you Finn. I mean we share a room so I will be seeing you around,"
Mitchel looked alarmed. "You guys share a room?"
"Yes, our parents are dating."
"That's interesting. You know my ex and I got together that way. Our parents were engaged and were got a little closer than brother are suppose to."
"You're gay?" Finn blurted out. He looked around embarrassed as a few of the classmates glanced curiously over at them. "Sorry," he muttered.
"Don't worry about it. I completely comfortable with letting people know who I really am." Kurt was beaming up at Mitchel by this point. His eyes shinning in admiration.
"Oh... that's good," Finn replied still watching Kurt.
"Very good," Kurt willfully responded.
The three of them and the rest of the class fell silent when Mr. Schuester began speaking. Finn's plan of acing Spanish this year began crumbling as he watched Mitchel and Kurt brush shoulders and write each other notes that made Kurt smile brightly.
Finn definitely had more important things to worry about. After all, he had made a promise to Burt to watch out for Kurt and he planned on doing just that.
Let me know what you all honestly think so far! xoxo