Chapter 9


Katy hurt.

It felt like she had fallen from a cliff. She felt bandages all over her body, and a it hurt to move. She slowly looked around.

She was in her room. Ken and Izzy were sitting at her desk with Izzy's laptop. A picture of her was on the screen. He was looking at different meters. Wizardmon and gatomon were fast asleep in a chair. She could see in a mirror that Myotismon was standing out on the balcony.

It was very late. The clock read midnight. She moaned, and Izzy and Ken immediately ran over to her.

"are you ok?" Ken asked.

"yeah…" she moaned.

Myotismon walked in and saw Katy was awake. He ran to the bed.

"are you sure you are ok?" Izzy asked, worried.

Katy glared at him. "yes. I'm sure." then she looked at him calmer. "why do you ask?" she said nervously.

"well," izzy said, glancing at Ken. "you see… when Myotismon and wizardmon healed you,

A little bit or their data got lodged in you."

She raised her eyebrow. "why is this important?"

Ken shuffled his feet nervously. "well, you see, you are now 2/3 digimon.

Katy sat up, wincing a little from the pain. She looked in the mirror. She looked slightly different. She did actually look like a digimon. There was a hideous scar running from the corner of her eye to her chin. A second scar crossed diagonally across her lips. Her bangs spiked a little, kinda like Myotismon's. her brown eyes seemed slightly bigger than usual. Then, suddenly, the scars disappeared, and she looked normal.

"that's been happening a lot. You seem to be able to switch between human and digimon. The scars on your face only appear when you are in digimon form, but you do have a scar on your wrist that appears in human form." izzy said.

Myotismon sat down next to her. "you ok?"


Myotismon looked shocked. "you just answered me telepathically."

Katy was shocked too. "does that mean that I have your powers?"

He motioned towards a book. "try to move it with your mind." he said.

Katy concentrated hard, and suddenly the book rose into the air. "cool!" she said.

Myotismon held her hand and pulled he up so she was standing. It hurt a little, but Katy didn't care. "jump." Myotismon said.

They jumped, and, to Katy's surprise, they floated in the air. She let go of Myotismon and flew around the room. Katy laughed and flew down to wizardmon. She motioned to his hat, and it lifted off his head. And floated in the air. Wizardmon woke up.

"wha- AAA!" he screamed, waking gatomon up.

Katy and Myotismon laughed as she made the hat fly over to Myotismon.

Wizardmon growled and set gatomon down. He jumped into the air and flew towards his hat.

"oops!" Myotismon yelled. He made the hat fly back to Katy.

"hey! Give me my hat!" wizardmon yelled.

Katy caught it and motioned to the back door. It opened and she and Myotismon flew out it. Wizardmon followed them.

"what's going on?" kari said, opening the door to Katy's room. She, Tk, Davis, Cody, Yoli, and all of the digimon had been sleeping in the front room.

Davis came in as well. "where is Katy, Myotismon, and wizardmon?" he asked.

Ken pointed to the open door. "out there." he said.

They all walked outside. "oh my." Tk said.

"GIVE ME MY HAT!" wizardmon yelled, tackling Myotismon. Katy only laughed and made the hat come back to her.

Two young boys were outside in the middle of the night.

One of them looked at the other. "what time is it?"

"12:00" he answered.

The first boy shivered. "we should be getting back, Sam."

Sam turned towards the first boy. "not yet. I left my notebook out here. It has to be here somewhere, and I'm not going home without it."

They searched through the grass, but did not find it. Suddenly sam tripped over a rock.

"ow!" he yelled. He looked up. In front of his face was a small black rectangle, and etched into it was a crescent moon. It seemed to glow when sam picked it up. "odd." he whispered. Then a voice filled his head.

"Sam, this is your crest. I created these crests for the darkest souls on earth, and when all wielders of the dark crests are together, they will be the only thing powerful enough to destroy the digidestined. You are the first of the dark digidestined. Find the others, and you will rule over all digimon and humans."

"I'm a digidestined?" sam asked.

"a dark one, yes. You will have a digimon. But not yet. First, find the other dark digidestined. Your crest will glow around another dark crest. There are two more children. Go, and find them."

Sam looked around. His friend was searching near a small river. He then looked back at the crest. "what does this symbol mean?" he asked.

"that is the crest of darkness. And when all the crests are together, only then can I be whole!" the strange voice said.

"ok!" sam said. "but what if I need to contact you?"

"come to this spot and hold out your crest. I will hear you."

"but, who are you?"

"I am Apocalymon."

The End.