"Ginny dear, are you ok?" Harry called groggily from the bed he shared with his wife.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Ginny tries to say as she pukes, yet again, into the loo. Harry looked at the clock, 4:34 it read. He then gets up, puts his robes on and walks over to the loo. Bending down to sit next to Ginny, Harry starts to rub her back as she pukes for the fourth time in the past 15 minutes.

"Are you sure this is normal?" Harry asked nervously.

"I don't know Harry. I'll ask mum when everyone come over later." She replied as she leaned up against the wall behind her.

Just as Ginny finished fixing her hair a few hours later, she hears the door open.

"Ginny… Harry?" Hermione says.

"Be down in a minute!" She yells back as she takes one last look in the mirror. Once she finished looking at herself in the mirror she made her way downstairs, giving both Hermione and Ron a hug.

"How far are you now, Gin?" Ron asked as he switched Rosie to his other hip.

"28 weeks." Ginny answered as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley walk through the door. Just as Ginny finished giving her mum and dad a hug, Harry comes down with a wet head and like his wife had just done, gives everyone a hug.

"Are you ok, honey?" Mr. Weasley asked as Ginny gave him another hug.

"I don't feel good Daddy. I woke up at 4:20 this morning and practically puked my guts out." She replied as she rested her head on his shoulder. After planting a soft kiss on his daughter's head, Mr. Weasley then noticed Harry's distraught face,

"Are you ok, Harry?"

"Oh yeah. I'm fine, thank you." Harry said as he forced a smile on his face, despite the fact that he was worried.

"It'll get better, love." Mr. Weasley said reassuringly after a few seconds, "It will go away once you're further into the pregnancy."

"But I shouldn't be puking at seven months."

"I puked until I was in the eighth month with all of you." Mrs. Weasley said as she came back into the room were they were standing.

"You sure it wasn't just with the twins, mum?" Ginny asked as Harry looked at his mother-in-law with relief.

"Yeah, I'm positive it was with all of you, why?"

"I puked four times this morning and I still don't feel good." Ginny replied as Mrs. Weasley walked over to her, resting her hands on her daughters stomach once she was there.

"Oh, Gin, you're perfectly fine! Though I would get checked, just incase you're carrying twins." Hearing that his wife might be pregnant with twins, Harry immediately looked at Mrs. Weasley with a surprised look.

"You think she's pregnant with twins?" Harry said as his face lit up with excitement.

"Yeah, it's a possibility." She replied, getting a huge hug in response.

"Thank you." He said quietly in her ear.

"For what, dear?"


"Oh." Molly said with surprise, "You're welcome."