Ok guys, I totally understand why you may be slightly annoyed at me. I am sorry I haven't posted in, well forever but I swear I will finish both this and the other story - even if it kills me. If I am taking to long please do message me. Thank you for your patients.
"There is a slight problem." Bella tensed.
"There is a Problem?" Bella asked to which Rose nodded.
"The police are following the trail."
Bella looked around the room.
"Which trail exactly?"
Jasper POV…
Everyone hesitated, the discussion that had occurred before Bella and Emmett came back to light. According to Rosalie; Bella would go ballistic when she found out that there is an active warrant on her head. But only because being a spy was something that she was meant to be good at.
"So is someone going to tell me what the problem is?" Bella asked rather impatiently.
We all hesitated; but only for a few seconds when Edward just blurted it.
"The police found out you worked for Espirit de corps and now there is an active warrant out for you."
Bella didn't say anything. We all began saying how it would be ok and Bella could take over for Rosalie and Rosalie would do Bella's job. No one registered Bella speaking until we heard the word "arrested". We paused and Bella repeated herself for a second time.
"Well then I take it I need to get myself arrested then don't I?"
"No way in hell."
"Not happening"
"Only over my dead body."
Were all said at the same time, making it too difficult to decipher who had said what.
The yelling of what was and wasn't going to happen continued for another 2 minutes. That was when I finally had enough.
"SHUT UP!" Everyone became eerily quite.
"Finally. Now we have gotten rid of almost all of the evidence right?" I asked everyone in the room, to which they nodded.
"So it will only take a couple of days to get rid of all the evidence, am I still on the right path?" I asked.
"That sounds about right." Rosalie commented. "What is your point?" She asked me.
"Well if we can buy a couple more days and then Bella can be caught by police and they will have nothing to charge her with."
"No." Emmett gritted out of his teeth.
"Em, you need to think more logically." Bella started.
"Bella I am not losing you again."
Bella shook her head before quietly whispering
"You won't."
"But you can't promise me that can you?" Emmett challenged her.
"No. I can't but then again I can't promise you we will be together forever either can I? I mean Em I do want a family. And a proper one. But there is only so much that we can do, people can't live forever."
"Bella you can't have a family in prison."
"Well it is a good thing she won't be getting arrested then isn't it." I told him. He glared at me, but I wasn't backing down. We were now all involved and could all be arrested it was better if they found out quickly they had nothing than messing around and putting rubbish on the news turning the people against others. I mean they don't really have any real leads to go on as they put up behaviour analysis of an average spy from Espirit de corpse and got people to call in so it was more like a witch hunt than anything else.
"Besides Bella could steal any hard copies of evidence that the police could have." Alice piped up.
"Why doesn't someone else go? Anyone else go?" Emmett asked with desperation filling his voice.
"Because I am the person who everyone has decided to point fingers towards Emmett. Who ever their source is, they are accurate and obviously don't like me. We find the source; we can find who they will go after and protect them and we can get any other incriminating evidence."
"I still don't like it." Edward said.
Rosalie sighed.
"Well it looks like we are out voted."
Bella smiled, obviously happy that she won. However Rosalie, Edward and Emmett looked less than pleased.
"Guys, we are talking about me doing what I am best at for Christ's sake."
"Bella, its not that we doubt your skills, it is more that we don't think you will be able to do what you do best while your hurt." Rosalie tried telling Bella.
"Rose, I can handle it. The police are a lot nicer than most people we deal with." Bella tried to argue.
Rosalie hesitated; it was a full minute before she nodded her consent. So the decision is made, Bella was going through with it.
"So what's the plan?" Alice asked in a small-ish voice.
Everyone turned to Rosalie while Rosalie turned to Bella.
"Alice I want you to hack into the police database; find out exactly what they have and then Rose, I need to you get into the basement of the FBI building and get rid of the evidence from the evidence room." Bella took a breath.
"Jasper I want you to go with Rosalie, you seem to be good at appearing and disappearing when the need comes to it." I nodded in understanding.
"Edward I want you to finish my job of getting rid of all other evidence to do with Espirit de corpse. Emmett you need to talk to anyone we worked for and pay them off or threaten them, whichever one works. No material witnesses." Edward and Emmett looked nervous but nodded once.
"Sweetie, what are we supposed to do?" Esme asked.
"Nothing, we need to get rid of the evidence and let it be. The world will get over it and forget anything ever happened."
No one said anything and after about 3 minutes we all went our separate ways some of us beginning looking for any more evidence while others got ready to leave. Rosalie and I got given a list from Bella of all the pieces of evidence we needed to get rid of.
I asked Rosalie what I would need to pack; apparently I would need clothes and weapons, which Bella would pack as she has experience with this type of thing.
Within the hour, both me and Rosalie were ready to go, in the car. Blue five doors and five seat car which would totally blend in to the surroundings.
"Are you nervous?" Rosalie asked me with pure sincerness in her voice.
"Just a bit. Are you?" I hesitated, thinking she didn't understand the question.
"Are you nervous? I mean." I tried again.
"Yeah I am. I am very nervous about this. Bella always does this kind of thing not me."
"How come?" I asked her, my interest truly piped. I guess I didn't understand why she would just let Bella do all the hard not to mention all the dangerous.
"I would let her do all the destroying of evidence, and breaking and entering because it is something she is good at. I mean she is the best at it, actually." She told me. I thought she had finished until she continued after the pause.
"When she lived on the streets, she got to know... lets say less than savoury people, however they treated their work and presented it like artwork."
"How do criminals present their work like artwork exactly?"
Rosalie smiled softly towards me.
"The criminals she got to know were very skilful Jasper; I mean con artists, thieves and professional hit men. Most of them have either never been caught or learnt well from their mistakes. They never left evidence nor would they leave loose ends."
"But they didn't kill Bella; she is technically a loose end." I pointed out.
Rosalie laughed.
"Bella is one of a kind, they trust her enough to know she won't get them arrested or killed and if I am honest I don't know why she or I would want them arrested or worse."
"Why? Rosalie you tell me that she was friends with dangerous criminals who get rid of anyone who poses a threat to them, for money but they don't deserve to be arrested. That is not how normal people work." I exclaimed.
Rosalie turned towards me in the passenger seat; looking at me in all seriousness.
"Jasper, those men saved Bella's life. I personally don't care what those men do as it has nothing to do with me; that is for the police to take care of." Rosalie told me seriously.
"Ok," I relented, although I did not think it was ok for Bella to be associated with such evil men but I also know that if Rosalie would comfortable with it then I would be too, I should not judge Bella as I made mistakes.
"Jasper, they taught her how to survive as well as gave her companionship when she had no one else, and to be clear, they could have tried to have her killed years ago if they wanted but they haven't even tried."
I nodded in understanding.
"Why haven't they tried killing her? I mean if they could why wouldn't they. She is on the other side of the law."
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Rosalie shake her head.
"If you hadn't noticed we aren't exactly on the other side of the law." She commented off handily.
I grinned; she did defiantly have a point there.
For the rest of the trip to Nebraska we talked about everything but our jobs. Neither of us honestly wanted to talk about work, especially as it has been dictating our lives for the last couple of months.
When we got to the motel in Nebraska, the weather to be honest wasn't that great but that didn't matter.
After 3 hours of getting into Nebraska both me and Rosalie had a job to do. It was all very quite as we prepared to do our job. According to Rosalie it would be rather long and a difficult one as we would have to break in, find evidence which hasn't been specifically listing and exit before setting off any alarms or getting caught.
By 9 PM we were leaving and heading off to an office block in the centre of Hastings. The whole area was industrial or office buildings. There were no hardly any lights on in any of the buildings, except for a few at the top of some of the office buildings for some of the late workers.
I looked at Rosalie who grinned.
"No worries, they won't be able to see us." She told me. I nodded; taking a deep breath, they won't be able to see us I chanted.
I followed her to one of the smaller office buildings. The entire building was blue panelling and windows. The logo on the building had West Hastings investigators in a darker blue almost black and white outline.
I looked down to see Rose picking the lock.
"How do you know there isn't any alarms?" Rosalie huffed, immediately stopping.
"Do you know where the central electricity is?" I thought for a moment.
"Yeah, the breaker is about 3 blocks from here." She looked at me.
"Do you mind if I ditch you to switch it off? Or would you prefer to?" she prepositioned me.
I smirked.
"Can you switch it off?" I asked and she blushed a little.
"No, I don't." I held my hand out for the keys which she handed over without a fight.
I quickly got into the car and drove off, keeping an eye out for the nearest electricity box. It took about 5 minutes to get there and then I grabbed the tools out of the back of the car.
Surprisingly the area I was now in was a residential section full of apartment buildings, but I wasn't concerned as anyone who might see me would most likely assume I am an electrical engineer.
I stood for a second, just looking at the small green box. It didn't take me that long to open it up and found the breaker. I didn't hesitate to pull the breaker.
Suddenly it went pitch black. It was the entire street.
I took the small cell phone from my pocket and text Rosalie.
Are you all done?
About 10 minutes later I got a reply.
So I switched the breaker back on and the surrounding area came back to life. You could just about hear everyone cheering that the 'blackout' didn't last very long. Before anyone could see me I shut the door and re-locked it to prevent anyone touching the power. Then I went to find Rose.
*********************** Later **************************
Finding Rosalie wasn't hard, she was in a fight with someone in a bar, I couldn't see them particularly clearly.
"I wasn't hitting on your damn boyfriend, you bitch. Why would I want his ugly ass when I have a sex god of my own!" Rosalie yelled.
I immediately jumped out the car and stood between the two ladies.
"Well you whore; obviously your 'sex god' isn't as good as you make out as you went after my man!" The smaller petite blonde yelled back at Rose.
"Why don't both of you shut the fuck up!" I yelled. They both paused and looked at me quizzically. Neither of them spoke, so I took the opportunity to calm the situation down.
"I am sure that we can sought this out like adults rather than 5 year olds."
I starred them both down till they nodded and we went into the bar.
"Now ladies, what is the problem?" I asked, trying to be diplomatic.
"Well Baby, she just started on me, calling me a whore and a slut. Saying I was hitting on her boyfriend. I mean seriously, why would I want that" Rosalie pointed to an older man who had a massive beer belly and was balding. "When I have you." She then started rubbing my shoulders. I ignored the awkward feeling that was bubbling in my stomach; the awkward feeling like your sister was trying to hit on you. I turned to the other woman.
"Is that true?" I asked, wanting to leave immediately.
"Well my man told me that she was hitting on him. Obviously I didn't know she was taken, not like that stops some people." She said eying me up and down.
"Well, I can say my girlfriend doesn't cheat; now if you don't mind we just want a quite drink." I told her.
"That's fine." She said but her tone told me she was feeling less than fine.
"Well that was awkward." Rosalie mumbled to me when the other lady had left.
I laughed. "I know."
There was a pause and Rosalie looked at me. She didn't say anything for a second before going straight in and kissing me. I would have been shocked if I hadn't seen the lady who just left looking at us, so I played along and kissed her back. After a few seconds we both stopped and ordered vodka and coke.
"Sorry. I had to." She told me.
I smirked at her.
"No worries..." I let it hang before saying. "So when are you going to tell Bella about Emmett?"
Rosalie's face went ridged in shock. A beat later she smiled.
"Probably when she becomes clean about Edward." I chuckled.
"So not for a while yet?" I asked.
"Nope. No real point, right now we have to worry about ourselves."
I nodded in agreement.
"So what's going on with you and Alice?" Rosalie even put on a bitch brow.
"Not a lot, when we have time I want to take her out, but it will be a while before that happens."
Both me and Rosalie chuckled lightly but the sadness of living a life of a fugitive crushed down on both of us; so hard that it almost suffocating me.
We ended up having more than one drink, but neither of us was drunk as we had been drinking water simulatiously with the alcohol. By the time we were leaving there was only two people in the bar, the man from the argument and the bar lady. We didn't say anything to either of them and they didn't say anything to us.
We went straight to the hotel and into bed. Only when I was half asleep did I realise I never asked Rose if she got what we were supposed to get.
"Did you get it?" I asked her in a whisper, just in case she was asleep.
"Yeah, it was CCTV footage; I burnt it all; as well as destroying all the cameras in the building."
"Isn't that a little extreme? I mean the cameras were all switched off" I asked her.
"I know, but they might have had back up power."
"I suppose that you have a point."
We didn't speak after that; we just tried to fall asleep. It took about an hour for me to finally fall asleep.
What felt like 5 minutes later, the alarm was blaring. I began stirring and Rosalie switched of the annoying alarm. Rosalie then came up and shoved me out of bed onto the carpet.
"OUCH! What was that for?"
"Well I needed to get you out of bed some how." Rosalie responded after falling on her ass laughing.
"Haven't you heard of coffee? Or patients?"
"I have, but that takes time."
I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything further. But Rosalie wasn't finished.
"Go get dressed; we need to leave in 35 minutes."
I went into the bathroom, took a shower and got dressed all under 15 minutes.
When I got back out Rosalie was already packed and had everything out the door. Luckily I never bothered unpacking like she did so I had nothing to repack.
"Ready to go?" she asked.
"Yeah I am."
"Ok, then."
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"We're going back?" I asked her, thoroughly confused.
"No, we have some work there."
"Where are we going after that?" purely out of curiosity I had to ask.
"After that, we are going to Nevada."
"Lets go."
The way back to Texas took 2 more hours than the way from it, because we had to keep on the back roads and avoid the main ones, just in case Rosalie has became the focus of the police since we have been gone.
When we arrived, we didn't bother going to visit the others, we were literally in Texas for about 8 hours, laying low until about 6 to then break into a massive office building. Then when we were finished we left town immediately.
We were on the border of Utah when a police car flagged us down; I was driving while Rosalie slept in the back seat. I shook her shoulder while I pulled over onto the side of the road. She jumped with the sudden movement of her shoulder. She sat up as the two cops came over.
"Sir," the taller of the two called to me.
"Yes officer." I answered.
"Where are you going?" the second one asked me.
"We're going to California" Rosalie told them matter of factly.
"Why?" they immediately asked looking at me.
"We are going to visit our parents." I answered without hesitation.
"Why, may I ask officer?" Rosalie asked innocently from the back.
"We are monitoring the boarders miss, for the traitor spies. We are keeping track of everyone's movements across boarders."
"Well sir, you seem to be doing a good job of it." Rosalie complimented him.
Both officers left without glancing back.
"We are going to need to get a new car." Rosalie stated when she got into the front seat.
"Then we need to detour to South Dakota." I said, to her.
"Why?" Rosalie asked curious.
"Well I have a friend that lives there, who is looking after a old car of mine."
The detour took no longer than a day and a half but we managed to make good time on the way back as we cut directly through the states to Nevada. So instead of wasting 3 days we only wasted 2. We arrived at the motel; it was a rather small, ugly place just like any other motel. The walls in the outer building were peeling; the windows were inch thick with grime and the tiny bit of grass was totally overgrown.
Rosalie managed to only get a one bed room, which the receptionist looked way to unsympathetic when she said that was all she had left. As she didn't want to give us a two bed room, I told Rosalie I'd sleep on the floor for the night.
The bed room looked as appealing as the rest of the place. The walls we peeling, the carpet worn and the furniture had chips with cracks.
When we got into the room; we immediately got to work, powering up computers; putting our phones on and charging then finally we got our note pads out; ready to write down anything and everything.
The time we had taken everything out and sorted them out the laptops were both on as well as logged on.
I googled the name of the office which we were going to break into tonight, using a secure server while Rosalie hacked into the business to find the blue prints of the businesses. Rosalie managed to get into their server within 10 minutes.
"I take it that you were the computer tech before Alice came on to the team." I commented to her.
Rosalie laughed.
"No actually, we would take turns." I nodded; I guess that would be fair.
"The website looks like it's just a photography company. Why would they have a mission for a photography business – especially one which doesn't leave the country?" I asked.
"Maybe because it is a cover business, or it could have inside information on our government which we had to protect."
"Then why are we bothering with it now? I mean the government gave up on you guys, completely sold you out."
"I know, but until we get into Espirit de corpse, we are screwed."
"Probably because we have absolutely nothing to blackmail the government with Jasper. I mean we could have spies' words, but without evidence no one will take our word – traitors words mean nothing to the American people."
I nodded in agreement, she had a point and to add salt to the wound mine, Edward's or Emmett's word will also mean nothing at the moment because they would just paint us as accomplices to traitors. To make matters worse we were in the army, which they would probably make it look like we were spies in the army – keeping track of the information flow or something.
"This isn't good is it?" I suddenly asked.
Rosalie looked at me, very confused.
"What do you mean?"
I smiled sadly towards her.
"I mean that you, Bella and Alice looked like traitors and then me, Edward and Emmett were in the army. They will make it look like we worked for Espirit de corpse before we worked in the army."
Rosalie nodded with a matching sad smile.
"We did try to warn you." Rosalie said but the continued. "I am not trying to say we told you so."
I laughed a bit.
"I guess we deserved that."