A/N I know it's been a -long- time since I updated either story of mine for TB. I myself hate when others just abandon stories and I'm no better. I've kinda lost my feel for TB after the last two books and the horribleness of the TV show these last two seasons. It's going to take me a bit to get back into writing as my real life has become chaotic due to a pending separation within my marriage. For anyone interested who sees this.. my two True Blood Stories are up for grabs if anyone would like to finish them. The only thing I ask is that you credit me for the chapters I posted and allow me to keep those chapters up on my profile. If you would like to take over and continuing to write the stories either Comfort or The Right Temperament please send me a PM and I'll make a note on the story as to who has taken it over so it doesn't go to anyone else. It will be a first come first serve type of situation.

Thank you all so much for all your amazing reviews and your favorites. It truly brightens my day when I receive the emails. Choosing to hand over my babies took months and months of agonized thinking as I poured many weeks and months into my writing. Hopefully soon I'll be able to get back to you all with more stories.

~ Thank you all so much
