I am SO, SO, SO, SO, SO SORRY! I haven't updated in forever. Though I did get my laptop confiscated and now I got it back I've been studying for my GCSE's so I have a valid excuse but that doesn't change the fact I am so sorry.
By the way, I just wanted to thank my beta StunningSpellRocks2345 for being totally awesome. I also want to say, I need some HELP.
So I'm not sure whether I should give Shigure a pairing becasue I have some majorly conflicting thoughts on it. At first I was thinking I don't really like Akito/Shigure but I might go with it, then my fingers ran free and well... you'll see at the end so should it be Shigure/Akito or Shigure/Hatori or nothing at all please help.
Other than that thanking for reading my story Fruits Baskets does belong to me and I really love to hear from you all soon. Oh and as a quick reminder my sister has an account she doesn't write for ths fandom but I'm endorsing her because I did something really bad yesterday and I felt guilty and read one then I remembered how good they were and here we are now. lol
Enjoy...I hope.
Dear diary, no not a diary I thought as I scribbled out the word, a journal (much more masculine),
Back to school. To be honest after everything that had just happened over the weekend, going back to normality felt rather strange. Like I was in a world that I didn't truly belong in, like I was an intruder on my own life. However I have to admit that it was probably the best weekend of my entire life… and the worst.
I saw so many different things that confused me then and still do now, but being able to see a more vulnerable side to the man I had loathed since I'd first heard his name, made me realize that Akito wasn't the monster I had always thought him to be but a real human being with feelings. I think Yuki saw it too and he probably understands it more than I possibly could and even though it scares me that the three of us share a loneliness that surpasses most others, the night of Shigure's stabbing shows me that the gap in all of our hearts can be easily filled with love.
I closed the notebook I was writing into; it had been suggested ages ago by Shigure that I start a diary (probably only so he could read it) but I hadn't really wrote in it until I started having strange feelings for Yuki – which I now recognise as love . I still can't get used to the fact I'm writing all the ridiculously girly and surprisingly deep thoughts that enter my head but it helps.
Shigure's POV
Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored. Even though my head is filled with thought somehow the feeling of boredom cannot be shaken off. If only… if only somebody would entertain me, so far I have seen no perks to getting stabbed. I sigh the upbeat attitude that I had been forced to wear around visitors now fading. Then as the door opened and Akito walked in, I slept.
Maybe not slept, but at least tried my hardest to feign sleep. It's not that I'm angry she stabbed me, it's probably jealously that Akito would even care that much about Yuki to stab somebody, not just somebody either…me.
That was the punch line to sad joke I call my life, for how long have I loved Akito? Only for her t care more about a rat who can't even stand the sight of her (he doesn't even know she's a woman).
I open one eye to look at the once great God whose eyes were no longer the fiery, alive ones I had loved so much but had lost all hope and power. The door opened again only for Hatori to walk, he should have been the person had expected seeing as he's a doctor, but in all honesty I was more prepared for a visit from the two new lovebirds.
Hatori turned to Akito and asked her to leave while he checked me over, I quickly closed my eye again and waited. After what seemed like forever I heard a voice from above.
"Shigure you can stop 'sleeping' now she's gone."
I let out my first hones smile of the day, "Thanks for not telling."
Hatori sighed, "What are you, a two year old? You'll have to talk to her sometime, hopefully soon. You've got that stupid, beaten puppy look on your face."
I opened my mouth to speak again only to be interrupted by my very annoyed doctor.
"I cannot believe you. Just tell her how you feel already the-"
I cut him off "What do I feel, all knowing one?"
Hatori frowned at me "That is not a question you should asking me."
I frowned back the joy of seeing my friend quickly disappearing, "Then who am I supposed to ask." I questioned tersely.
I sighed only a second ago I was sure that Akito was the one, not that I believe in that rubbish I just write about it, but somehow seeing Hatori changed that. Not only did I just get stabbed but now I'm worrying about love like a high school girl what has the world come to?