AN Well then, I know I know, another new story. This won't be a major concern of mine, but it is a response to Mr WriterWriter's "Whats in the Scroll?" Challenge. Or rather, that challenge makes for a good excuse, I just watched the Prince of Persia movie (loved it, way better then I thought it was gonna be.) Drove me to re-look up a bunch of prince of Persia stuff, and thought about how badass a scimitar wielding, dagger of time abusing, daggertail whipping Naruto would be. Hope you enjoy. A quick note I should give you all, I'm bumping the academy age up a couple years, and Naruto will be one year older then his current class.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Prince of Persia.
Chapter 1:
"Someone get that blasted kid!"
"He ducked behind that alley!"
More frenzied shouts followed him, and Naruto laughed, bounding up the alley wall, grabbing a hold of any holds he could grasp and leaping onto the roof. He had long ago learned simply not using chakra to achieve such affects got you spotted less by angry ninja. Not that he understood WHY, he simply knew using chakra got him caught. He paused briefly, ducking into a bale of hay, though WHY there was a bale of hay on the roof he had NO idea, and stared at the painted faces of the Hokage monument, his latest success. Truly, the ninja of Konoha had no appreciation for the fine arts.
He sighed in exasperation and morning of such fine art lost on these ingrates as he hopped from roof top to roof top, every so often throwing a paint bomb at a particular store that offended him with it's drabness. He paused and scrunched up his face, stopping on a post sticking out of the wall he had been swinging off of. Was that the sound of bells in the distance? Why the hell would there be bells- "Shit!"
The orange clad ninja-hopeful swore and twisted mid pole swing, and started a mad dash towards the academy. Late again!
Iruka sighed as he glanced at the classroom door. Naruto was late, again. A quick glance outside was all one needed to see the reason as to WHY he was late. He had to hide a small snicker, lest he be shown to actually approve of his young charges antics. Shaking his head the teacher turned to his class, "Well, since apparently all who are going to show up are here, we'll begin the tes-"
He was interrupted mid sentence as an orange and black blur slammed through the window, the previously closed window, sending glass shards everywhere. "I'm here!" Naruto said, panting on the ground, raising an arm in victory. "I'm not late am I?"
Iruka palmed his face in frustration, "Just, just go sit down Naruto. It's time to begin."
4 hours later, Naruto was thinking that missing the final exam might not have been so terrible after all. He had done fine on the weapon portion of the exam, scoring 4th in the class, behind Sasuke Uchiha, Kiba Inuzuka, and Ino Yamanaka. Which was fine in his opinion, he was always more of a close range fighter. But he absolutely tanked the written portion of the exam, he was after all a little woozy from self-inflicted blood loss at the time... And he wasn't cursed with an over abundance of brains either. As for the ninjutsu portion of the exam? HE slammed into the desk he was trying to kawamiri with mid swap, his henge was, well actually that was fine, but his bunshin? As soon as it came into existence, it screamed and wailed to be put out of its horrid misery before dropping to floor and twitching funny. The class just stared, they hadn't known you could have quite such an epic fail while making a clone.
A sigh, "Naruto... You fail." 'epically.'
"Well now, lets not be to hasty, he did make a clone. Technically." 'Albeit one that will haunt my dreams.' Silly Mizuki, he didn't know he'd never get to dream again after this night.
"No Mizuki... Sorry Naruto."
Naruto sighed, and bit back tears. "I understand." He stared down, and headed out of the classroom. CRASH, BAM. "SUNOVABITCH WHO CLOSED THE DAMN WINDOW AGAIN."
Iruka and Mizuki both sweat dropped as they watched the now three time failure depart via window... Again.
As Iruka called in another student, the Yamanaka girl, Mizuki smiled to himself. And not a happy, I just heard a good joke smile. No, this was an, I be plotting something dastardly smile.
Naruto grinned to himself as he ran through the dark training grounds, a rather large scroll on his back. Seriously, ninjas relied on detecting active chakra way to much. If he had known getting the scroll would have been this easy he wished Mizuki, or some other teacher, would have offered him this bonus test earlier! Preferably 2 fails ago.
Now, those of us with a general foresight of events that are to unfold, perhaps wonder how Naruto was stupid enough to believe Mizuki? One has to understand that the mood he was, after failing yet again, he would have grasped onto any sort of offer. Not really the best state for a jinchuuriki to be in now is it? That and that little voice in the back of his head, no not Kyuubi or his dead parents, his sense of self-preservation was screaming "Hark! There be Subterfuge and Treachery afoot!" was ignored. After all our blond hero had long ago learned to ignore the voices in his head no one else heard.
Upon finding the training area Mizuki had told him about he promptly sat on the ground and started unrolling the scroll. "Lesse, Kage Bunshin? Umm, no. Fork Of Unyielding truth? No. Mask Of The Betrayer... No. Souls of Dolphin? The hell? Fist of the angry porpoise. Yeah... No." It continued in this vein for some time until... "Staff of Obligatory Insults... No. Wait, this looks promising. Good thing to, it's the last on the scroll. I'd hate to have to go back to the Fish of Endless Terror. Hmm, Weapons of the Prince of... Hmm, its faded, oh, whats this? AKA The King of Blades. Sounds bad ass. Hmm, bit finger, put bloodied finger on seal array. What could be the harm?" Later in life our young and sometimes plucky hero will look back and realizing putting blood, especially your own, on an unknown seal array often results in failure. The failure often being explosive in nature. This time however he lucked out, and for boxes, weapon cases now that he looked at them, of varying size popped out. Each with some sort of manual on them. Popping the smallest one open, he found what appeared to be an ornamental dagger, that was, glowing? Weird. "Hmm, The Dagger of Time and You." He mused to himself, reading the cover of the book that was on the case. "Cool." He popped open another box, this with a long, oddly curved sword with nasty looking serration partway down its edge. "Using the Lion Sword for Fun and For Profit." He raised an eyebrow and shrugged, grabbing another box, this time reading the title of the book first. "1001 Ways to Disembowel Your Enemies with the Daggertail." He peered into the box and saw an elbow length fingerless leather glove, with this weird bladed chain... Thing, wrapped around it seemingly attached to it. "Cooool. Ok, last one." He grabbed the final case and opened it, finding a long curved blade, and a sheath for it. The blade looked to be the same type of sword as the previous one, but the design was different. "Hmm, the book is called... How Not to Suck While Using the Scimitar and Related weapons. Fun." He paused and looked around, noticing a smaller fifth book, "Huh, missed that one. Hmm, Suggested Outfits and Wears. Whats wrong with what I'm wearing now?" Everything, but alas our hero will probably never truly understand that. Deciding to start small Naruto grabs the Dagger of Time, and its accompanying manual and settles down to read and train...
A few hours later, well into the night Naruto can only stare in awe at what he read about the dagger he was holding, and the power it wields. He glanced at the handle and narrowed his eyes, "It's empty of sand? Odd. The book says it can be filled but how... Hmm lets try-" We should pause here again, and consider how incredibly stupid it is to send a pulse of chakra into an unknown, and recently to be discovered magical artifact. But as said before Naruto has never been terribly bright in that regards. "This!" He grinned as he channeled chakra into the weapon and saw granules of sand form in the handle. He frowned as he discovered he couldn't stop the flow of chakra, or drop the dagger. "Shit..." Was all he managed to say before a hoarse scream tore through his throat as he and the dagger exploded into a column of light. A column that would attract the attention of two Chunnin...
Naruto groaned as he opened his eyes, he glanced down at the dagger clutched in his hands, feeling it give off a warm pulse of chakra. What used to be HIS chakra. The weapon had imparted knowledge, somewhat anyways, of what it was doing during that light show. It had bound itself to him, taking more then 95 percent of his chakra core, so that it could fuel itself. It could convert it's new found chakra into sand, and when it ran out, it would simply regenerate it. Useful plot device ain't it? Of course it left Naruto with almost nothing, and as it took part of his actual core, and not just chakra he would never be able to have the amount of chakra he used to. Of course, he had no idea at this point in time about the other source of chakra residing in his body, but that's fun for a later time.
"Naruto! I found you! What the hell happened? There was this beam of light and-" Naruto looked up to see his teacher Iruka standing over him, panic on the young man's face. "What were you thinking stealing that scroll!"
Naruto blinked, "Whatya mean stealing? Mizuki told me this was a test. Ya know to become a ninja?" He frowned as the color drained from Iruka's face. "But you didn't know? But He, I... Oh... Crap."
Oh crap indeed. "Ha! You fell for it!" Teacher and student turned and looked at the voice coming from behind them. Mizuki was in a tree, dressed in full battle gear, a huge shuriken in his hands. "Here I thought kitsune were supposed to be intelligent!"
Naruto furrowed his brow, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Mizuki NO!" Iruka shouted, in vain, to make the other man stop.
"Didn't you know idiot boy? The Yondaime didn't kill the Kyuubi that night, so many years ago. He sealed it into an infant, he sealed it into You!" The traitorous chunnin laughed as Naruto slumped, still clutching that strange dagger. "That's why nobody likes you, people think you could snap at any minute! You killed so many people... Why, even Iruka's parents died underneath your feet."
It should note, that this particular comment threw Iruka off his game, instead of launching an attack against his now former friend, he whirled towards Naruto. "Naruto, I'm not like them. Maybe I was at first but I've seen you, the real You. And your definitely not the fox, your one of my precious students."
Naruto was shocked, to say the least. Tears spilling down the corner of his eyes. "Iruka-Sensei..."
The touching moment was broken when Iruka suddenly jerked, and coughed blood. Undoubtedly a result of the large thrown weapon now residing in his back, somewhere between the 5th and 6th vertebrae. The man looked down at Naruto. "I'm sorry..." He said softly, before slumping down.
"NOOOOOOOO." Naruto screamed in fury and sorrow. The dagger in his hand hummed and glowed at the unbidden command. The world stopped, and then re-wrote.
"Naruto, I'm not like them. Maybe I was at first but I've seen you, the real You. And your definitely not the fox, your one of my precious students." Naruto, eyes wide, grabbed Iruka and threw him out of the way, catching the shuriken in his stomach.
Iruka went wide eyed as Mizuki laughed, not what he was aiming for but a good result anyways. He stopped laughing when the blond ripped it out of his body and threw it. Time stopped.
To Iruka, it happened fast, one moment Naruto was shedding copious amounts of blood, the next Mizuki was dead. He had no idea Naruto could move quite so fast. With a gaping stomach wound no less.
The blond slumped against a tree as red energy burned his wound close. "Nee, Iruka. Think think that counts as a pass?" He said weakly.
Iruka smiled softly at him, "Yes Naruto I think it does. Here, you've earned this." He took off his own headband and handed it to his student, who grasped at like a life preserver.
Naruto smiled, and glanced briefly at the dagger, two fifths of the sand was gone, though it was now slowly filling itself. He grinned, things were proving to be interesting.
Deep withing Naruto's mind, two crimson eyes snapped open, awoken from the fact Time itself had been stopped, and re-written around it. A deep malicious laugh rang through the empty sewers that caged it. Perhaps it's vessel would be interesting after all...
A/N: Phew, done. Well now, how'd ya'll enjoy that chapter? I have a good outline for this story up to the time skip, so it should be fun. Minor notes of interest:
The Dagger of Time is the version form Two Thrones. The Long Sword is the sword the Prince uses in Prince of Persia 2008. The Lion Sword is the crazy looking one he's holding on the cover of Warrior Within. And the daggertail is used by the Dark Prince in Two Thrones, although in this its attached to a glove, and not embedded in his arm. His eventual outfit will resemble what Dustan (The Prince) wears during the assault of Alumat in the movie. Which resemble The Princes outfit in Warrior Within.
Questions... I'm pairing Naruto with TenTen, and maybe Temari. I have interesting plans for Temari wither way but would ya'll like to see her with Naruto as well? And the Naruto vs Shukakku fight will be... (cackle) fun. So review, gimme any questions, thoughts ideas. Anything really... Tell me if you liked it, hated it. Want me to die, want me to give you children. Anything! I simply like reviews. Till next time, Draton out.