Holy Pure Seductress by ellahist

'holy pure seductress' room

Ruthless_velvet has sign in

Ruthless_velvet: hello, long time no connection... *creepy smirking face

me: y y ye yeah, hehehe *laughing nervously... well, I just spend some time for my birthday, you know?

Ruthless_velvet: oh your birthday, well since you celebrate your birthday, I'll forgive you... and this will be my birthday gift for you... *creepy smile

me: ugh, t t thank you...


+crImsOnHeLL+ has sign in

+crImsOnHeLL+:shut that big thing on your face... it makes my ear bleed.

me: oh don't be harsh on her, she's just greeting me hehehe *super happy

+crImsOnHeLL+: oh really... well that greetings is enough cause my ears to bleed... but I'll let you pass now for not updating for so long, keep your 'sorry' thingy in your butt.

me: thank you! *totally happy

^cOOl+tUrqUOise^: hahaha, you're totally lucky that it's your birthday last September, 10... but if not they usually terrorize you, well anyways belated happy birthday...

me: hehehe, god is in my side... fortunate of me...

Ruthless_velvet: oh what do you mean by that, huh? * pointing her baka gun

LiTtLeHaZEl: anyway ellahist onee sama doesn't own Gakuen Alice...

^cOOl+tUrqUOise^: no I didn't mean anything... I just said that... oh you've got another new invention that's cool hehe *laughing nervously

Ruthless_velvet: oh trying to change the topic...

^cOOl+tUrqUOise^: of course not, what are you saying? I'm not trying to change the topic, well I was just... oh look at your self, I think your blooming...

+crImsOnHeLL+: yes, you are... *sweat dropped. anyway beware of wrong spelling, mistype and wrong grammar, your review will be appreciated, thank you…

LiTtLeHaZEl: wow they're sweet

me: huh? which part? *sweat dropped

+crImsOnHeLL+: STOP! sorry readers, here's the 7th chapter, we hope you'll like this...

Previews Chapter

...afternoon came...

Hotaru woke up, back to her normal self, she finds herself snuggling into Ruka's, but she felt nothing strange about it and she feels like she's enjoying this...

as she questioned herself what happen to her, she remembered kissing him... she thought what the hell am I doing then, why do I kiss him? what the hell happen to me... ugh!

Hotaru's not dense like Mikan, she thought am I falling for this idiot? still thinking with her poker face...

Chapter 7: no words just true acts

... friendship id more than anything, true acts are more than words and fake acts ...

soon Ruka had wake up just to find Hotaru staring at him...

"w w what?" he was embarrass for some reasons as he looked at her face... what I meant was her poker face that made him thought that she was back to her usual cold, calm, merciless, and compose attitude...

"nothing, why is it a crime to look at you?" well Hotaru was not looking, she was more like staring...

"no I didn't mean that, it's just... ugh! never mind it" he was trying to say 'it's just that he's not use to be stared at BY HER...'

and that is the fact...

"you know? I'm not sure but I think I love you.." she said out of blue like she was saying her favorite color, for an example 'you know? I'm not sure but I think my favorite color is violet'

"what?" is the only thing he said...

"don't make me repeat my words." Hotaru glared. but it had no effect on him.

"what?" he bidded again...

"are you gone deaf?" Hotaru continued to glare...

...meanwhile at Natsume and Mikan...

"Hotaru and Ruka didn't report to the class, the candy must really work hehe" Mikan said happily accomplishing a task. she was eating ice cream take note it is strawberry flavored.

"you're really something, strawberries" Natsume moved his right hand swiftly around Mikan's waist and so Mikan's body collided to his...

they were currently at the classroom, standing, they were being watch by their classmates but he didn't care less...

"w w what are y you up to?" Mikan nervously said as stutter.

"nothing..." as Natsume licked the ice cream on the side of her lips and then licked his lips...

the class gasped, really astounded by what they witnessed... as for Mikan, she was blushing like mad and she was too surprised that she was too busy trying to register what just happened.

Anna and Nonoko pulled their guts and asked...

"Mikan, is Natsume your boyfriend?" Mikan snapped out... loading, loading... she didn't get it.

"well, yes" Natsume was surprise, the class too.

"he's a boy and his my friend so his my boy friend..." she meant boy SPACE friend...

"yeah and she is my girl friend" Natsume butted...

...one week passed...

at the central town

Mikan, Natsume, Hotaru and Ruka decided to go out in central town although as you know Mikan probably forced Natsume to accompany her although Natsume was playing hard-to-convince rather than hard-to-get... and as for Hotaru, she probably forced Ruka too... of course, by blackmailing him. oh I forgot, Hotaru and Ruka was finally... FINALLY going out...

they shopped around, eat in a restaurant, then shopped around again. they rested for a while in a bench while Mikan and Hotaru leave them for awhile to buy some juices.

"hey, Natsume... you know, well, Hotaru and I were going out finally, at first I had a hard time but see... it's successful" Natsume took a look on him.

"so what are you trying to say?" on the same time, Mikan and Hotaru were there eavesdropping with their juices in their hand they bought earlier...

"well, *sigh, you really know me well, I just want to ask... why don't you ask Mikan to be your girlfriend?" Mikan blushed as Hotaru smirked, thinking how will he answer it...

"are you gone mad?" Natsume teases.

"Natsume!" Natsume knew what he mean by calling him like that, it means he's serious.

"I don't want to" just that.

"why?" Ruka don't understand him for the first time...

"because I understand something..." Ruka looked at him curiously.

"what?" as Ruka added.

"friendship are the best relationship of all relationship I've known..." Natsume explained to him as he knew that Ruka doesn't get it...

"marriage have annulments, boyfriend/girlfriend relationship have break ups, but friendship is forever even without contract or the approve of the girl... because bond is the one that bind you too in friendship, no words, no fake acts, you understand each other even without words..."

Mikan smiled, Ruka and Hotaru too...

Ruka thought you've mature... Natsume

Hotaru thought I guess this is the time that I can approve of you and give Mikan to your hands

Mikan and Hotaru showed in the picture and give them their juices like nothing happened...

"you two are late..." Ruka said...

Mikan replied "gomen gomen" happily...

...back to their dorm...

...11:37 p.m...

the lightning was bright and the thunder was frightening... it's raining hard and the wind was blowing stronger and hard.

Natsume was resting to his room while he heard a knock, he went to the door and opened it, revealing the brunette haired girl, his friend...

"what's your business?" he asked her while his friend didn't say anything.

the thunder roared...

she suddenly hugged him causing him to be unbalanced and fell on his butt. he already knew she was afraid... Natsume lifted her up, carrying her bridal style and put her to his bed, she didn't say a word or shouted like 'why will I sleep on your bed?' then argue it but still in the end she ends up sleeping with him in the bed... she didn't say anything.

Natsume turned off the lights and shared the bed with her, another thunder roared, he noticed that her hand formed into fist, he hugged her and whispered to her ears...

"don't worry, everything's fine..." he kissed her forehead and as she felt secured to his arms, she fell asleep while Natsume just stared at her until she fell asleep...

and she cuddled to him unconsciously saying...

"I love you..."


finally complete, please! can you give me some of your thoughts and review this last chapter, I noticed some of you reading without leaving any review, so please this is the last chapter so review...

I know you'll be reviewing this... i know you might say you had a lot of mistakes like this and that and all the crap, I already know that... I'm too lazy to read this chapter it's because again and again I finished this late at night so I got sleepy...

so thanks for those who read and review I love you guys, this is not the last time I'll write a story, you know... I'll be doing my new story... I'll be taking the plot of "b" based on the poll and it will be entitled "toooootttt" secret!

for you to know review me first hahahahahahahahahahaha!

I love you guys,
