Title: He Called Me Baby

Disclaimer: Bones and its affiliated characters do not belong to me. I mean no copyright infringement.

Summary: Did Booth & Brennan say their good-byes before the day of Brennan's departure? What could have happened that we didn't see in the season finale?

Spoilers: Nothing Intentional. Any possible similarities to the new season is purely coincidental.

Rating: T

He Called Me Baby

The title of this story was inspired by a couple of things. First, I loved the song playing in the background while Brennan and Booth were holding hands and staring into each others eyes at the airport in the season finale. The lyrics went something like this: "He called you baby all night long." In the scene, Booth and Brennan were sad but they weren't as upset as I expected them to be. And everyone seemed surprised when Booth showed up. These together made me think that they had already said their good-byes. This scene of just hand holding and communicating with their eyes could have been made with the understanding of their previous departing moments. Secondly, in the first episode of the season, Booth was very affectionate, almost intimate with his words as he settled Brennan down after being attacked by the doctor. While doing this, he called her "Baby." So it seemed plausible to me that the song had deeper meaning to something we may have missed.

Chapter 1 – So Many Questions (Published June 13, 2010)

Friday, 10:00 PM

What am I doing here? Memories of the past 5 years won't leave my head. I have so many memories. It almost feels like we're a couple. Sometimes I wish that I didn't have such strong abilities of compartmentalizing my feelings and experiences. And I have so many questions. I'm not ready to leave. I want answers before I spend a year clearing my mind and regaining perspective on my life. Angela. She talked me into this "talk" with Booth. I just need to get this done.

She gets out of her car and finds her way to his apartment. What am I going to say? What am I going to do? Her heart is racing as she knocks on the door. To her surprise, it didn't take long for him to open it.

"Bones! What are you doing here?"

"I.. I came here to… to…" His eyes are widening. What does he know? "What?"

"I've never seen you speechless before."

"Booth. You can't see speech. The sound enters the ear…" He chuckles.

"OK," he said, cutting her off. "How about… You're a sight for sore eyes."

"I don't know what that means."

"It means you're beautiful." He notices a blush appear on her face.

"Well, you look. Hmmm. Let me see." She slowly walks around him as her eyes roam up and down.

"Bones?" His jaw was dropped.

"What? I have eyes, too."

"Are you flirting with me?"

"I'm sorry. That wasn't fair. I just came to talk. Ask some questions really."

"I was just about to have a beer. Would you like one?"

"I think that's just what I need!"

They sit at opposite ends of the couch, feet up and looking at each other. They take a couple of swallows, never taking their eyes off of each other. How am I going to live a year without those eyes? He slowly gives that lopsided grin. And that smile, too.

"Shoot" he said as he motions to her.

With a confused look, "Shoot what?" He smiles and shakes his head. "Oh. You mean start talking." She sighs as she contemplates her first question.

What is going on in that pretty little head of yours? I can't believe you're really here! This is killing me. Please, please, please open a door for me. She lifts her head.

"Have I been holding you back?"

That wasn't what he expected. "Why would you ask that?"

"Daisy thinks I've been holding you back. Sweets told her that you have a warrior's spirit and he's surprised that you haven't gone back to the army sooner. He thinks that the only reason you have stayed is because of me."

"And you believed him?" He was astonished. "Sweets is 12!"

"So it's not true." She stated it as a fact rather than a question.

"I wouldn't say it's true or false. It isn't anything. I like working here with you. I don't want a different partner. Going back and training soldiers just seemed like the right thing to do while you're making important discoveries in Mapoopoo."



"So you don't have regrets about letting me work in the field with you?"

"Bones. What is it that's really bothering you?"

I don't even really know how he feels about me. "I want to give this a try," he said. That leaves room for regrets. If it doesn't work out, he can leave. I can leave. And then everything's ruined. I'll have lost my best friend. Yet, when he looks at me, really looks at me, there are no words needed for several moments. And when he leans so close to me, I could reach out and caress his lips with mine. I believe it would feel so natural. He's thought it, too. I've caught him glancing at my lips. Why doesn't he? He must be unsure. I can't take that chance. We're not at all alike. I will disappoint him.

"Bones." She looks at him with a look of anxiety. Booth gets up, places their bottles on the end table, and moves her so she's sitting right next to him. He gently reaches for her chin with one finger and turns her to face him. "Please tell me. Please trust me."

Her eyes start to water. "I can't do this. I shouldn't have come." She stood up quickly.

"Wait." He jumps up and wraps his arms around her waist from behind. "Please don't go," he says softly in her ear. "I'm sorry. You don't have to talk if you don't want to."

"Booth. Why do you always do that?"

Now it was Booth's turn to look confused and concerned. He realizes he's holding her and he jumps backwards as if he had just touched a hot stove.

"Not that." The tears that she was holding back started to fall down her flawless skin. She sits back down, leaning forward and putting her face in her hands. He could hear a whimper and it crushed his heart. He kneels down in front of her and kisses the top of her head.

"I can't leave in a couple of days knowing that I did something to make you cry. Please, Baby, tell me what is wrong." And he kissed her head again.

"I was afraid. Petrified really. I still am." He waited silently for her to continue. She sniffled. "I hate it when I cry."

"I know you do. Come here." He pulls her up so she can hug him. After settling her head onto his chest, she hesitantly begins talking about that night on the football field when he reiterated what Sweets had told him. He was the gambler.

Wow! I'm so nervous. This is the first ever fanfiction story that I have started. I have loved reading so many others and just had to give it a shot. I have so many new and fun ideas running through my head but no real outcome, yet. Thank you for the inspiration. I would love some comments and any advice you have for me.