A/N: I don't own Darkest Powers. How sad.
I don't really remember what the time frame was for all of the books but this story begins after the Edison Group has been defeated and it's late August.
First Day
The fight was finally over. The Edison Group was no longer a problem and although there was a chance that a Cable would try to get their hands on us, it wasn't an immediate worry. We all wanted nothing more than to get back to a normal life, or as close to one as possible. I still didn't feel safe going back to my dad. I was still having problems controlling my powers, and I knew that I was going to need a lot of help from Derek. Derek, ever since we shared that kiss, my stomach would tie its self up in knots whenever I thought of him.
Aunt Lauren and I had kind of intertwined ourselves with Kit and his family. Aunt Lauren didn't have to connections to the supernatural world that Kit did, but I really needed her with me, so she was around for moral support more than anything else. Her nursing skills did come in handy though. Living quarters with six people was a bit uncomfortable, but even though no one came out and said it, I knew that Simon, Derek, Tori, and I weren't quite ready to be separated from each other.
We were currently living in a small city in Oregon. Kit had found a rental house that was far enough away from everyone else that we could practice our powers without fear. The house only had three bedrooms so Kit had set up a bedroom in the den. We'd lived for about two weeks in comfortable solitude. Simon and Tori, who now knew that they were related, would go outside and practice spells together. Normally they worked well together; Tori could do most spells her first try although they were somewhat out of control. Simon would get so irritated with Tori's endless mocking that he would work three times as hard to replicate the same spell, but when he achieved it, he definitely had more control that Tori. They balanced each other well.
I was pretty hesitant to do much with my powers besides research so I would help Derek with his. Although he had not only completed the change, he'd even done it once on his own. We began to practice changing even when his body wasn't forcing him too. It took some getting used to, but it seemed to be working well for him. He didn't break out into fevers anymore, and he seemed less stressed now that he didn't have to worry about changing and attacking anyone in sight. Our only problem was that he refused to change on his own. He said that it was a comfort when I was there. Derek asked so few things from others that I couldn't deny him.
We'd grown a lot closer, Derek and I, and we were slowly trying to figure out how to be in a relationship with each other. Neither of us really knew what we were doing, although I did walk in on Simon trying to give Derek tips one day. We were taking things slowly, holding hands was about the only thing either of us could do comfortably; and I think that was only because it felt so natural that we hardly realized it. We were still experimenting with him putting his arms around me in public, and don't get me started on kissing, we did it, but only at times when we were sure no one would see. It's not like our relationship was a secret or anything, it's just that neither of us were big fan of PDA.
Derek, Simon, Tori, and I were on the couch watching an old syfy movie. It was a Sunday night and we had nothing better to do. I was trying my hardest not to comment of the horridness that was the movie, I flinched at ever awful camera angle, continuity error, and bad effect. I think Derek realized too because everyone in a while I would look up at him and catch him smirking at me. I had just elbowed him in the side when Kit and Aunt Lauren walked in.
Simon grabbed the remote and turned down the TV, "what's up dad."
"We just wanted to tell you guys that you might want to head up to bed and get some sleep. You have an early day tomorrow," Kit said with a mix between a goofy and a conniving smile on his face. I was very confused.
"Why it's not like we have anything pressing to do with our lives. Wake up, eat, practice, eat, screw around, eat, bed, then repeat," Tori droned. She wasn't so much being the negative Tori that we all knew and loved, she was just starting to get bored, we all were.
"Actually," Aunt Lauren began, "You all have school tomorrow. You've been enrolled at the high school and the first day of class after summer breaks is tomorrow."
I know that we complained sometimes about being bored but going back to school wasn't what I had in mind, I honestly hadn't thought much about school for a while. As sad as it sounds, my education kind of took a back seat over the past few months.
"Thank goodness, I finally get to spend sometimes with people who are normal," Tori exclaimed. It wasn't shocking that she was excited, she thrived off of attention, although she had calmed down a bit.
Simon simply nodded an okay, but I was in panic overdrive. All I could think about was the last time I was inside a school. I'd been chased by a burned, dead janitor. I may have had a better understanding of my powers now than I did then, but that didn't mean that I could handle another situation like that, especially with other people around. I still had nightmares for goodness sake.
Sitting next to Derek, I think he could feel that I was getting upset, I'm sure I was shaking a bit. He put his arm around me, even though we were in public, he took my cheek lightly in his hand and turned my face to his.
"What's wrong," he whispered it so quietly that I was sure that I was the only one who'd heard him, but the talking in the room stopped and I realized that all eyes were on me.
I looked into Derek's emerald green eyes that still made my heart stop and felt tears well up in my own. I knew that I was scared of leaving our little utopia, but I guess my body was more afraid than my brain realized.
"I…I…I just…I want," I sighed and drew my eyes down. Everyone was looking at me, and despite the fact that they were my friends and family I was just too upset to try to explain this to them. I didn't fully understand why I was so upset myself, but I knew that Derek would understand.
I looked back up at him, "I j-just… a-at m-m-my la-ast… I'm j-just," I just suck is what I wanted to say. Why couldn't I get this out? I did the only think I could think of despite how juvenile it would seem later, I leaned forward an pressed my face into his chest and threw my arms around him. It was the only place where I knew I would feel completely safe.
"Chloe, baby," I could hear the concern in my aunt's voice but the tears were running down my face now and I though it better not to let her see those.
"I need to talk to Chloe," Derek demanded, he was stroking my hair, now a light brown that was much more flatter than black. I knew that no one had moved because I didn't hear any feet or movement of any kind, I could still feel the eyes at my back.
"Will everyone just get out," Derek was getting irritated. He knew that I was upset and he knew that I wasn't going to say anything until everyone cleared out. However, I knew that Derek yelling at everyone wasn't going to make things better. Thank goodness for Kit.
"Lauren why don't we give them some time," my aunt started to protest but Kit cut her off, "Chloe needs someone to talk…" their voiced faded out I was pretty sure they'd gone into the kitchen. I heard Simon and Tori leave and when the coast was clear Derek took my chin into hands again and forced my eyes to meet his.
"Chloe," at the mention of my name and the worry in his voice more tears began to fall. "Talk to me."
"I just… I just… I'm scared," I finally managed to push out.
"What are you afraid of," that was what I liked about Derek. He knew when to comfort me and when to get me talking, and believe it or not, I really needed him to know exactly what had happened at my old school. As far as I'm concerned seeing that janitor was the first step that lead me down the path to the Edison Group. I told him about the janitor and how I woke up in the hospital and how everyone thought I was crazy, including me. The story flew out of my mouth only interrupted by my stupid stutter a few times. I knew in the back of my mind that I'd over reacted with the tears, but the more I talked to Derek the more I calmed down until the tears had finally come to a halt.
Derek didn't say anything immediately say anything but his hold on my hand, which he has somehow taken a hold of was tighter than usual. "Although tears were a little much," he smirked at me and I fronded "I guess I can understand. You're last school experience was worse than mine. But you know what, I'm not worried."
That was the last thing I thought he'd say. "Chloe you're stronger than you use to be. You know what to expect and how to banish ghosts back to the other side. Don't let something that happened a long time ago mess you up."
He was right he was always right. I knew that I probably looked a mess, I wasn't one of those people who were instantly more attractive when tears became involved. My face got all red and splotchy, and I got rings around my eyes like I'd just been in a fist fight, but when I smiled up at Derek, he smiled back too, a smile that he seemed only to reserve for me. He leaned into me and his lips met mine. The kiss wasn't long or intricate, but I knew what he was saying.
Don't worry, I'll always protect you.
Please R&R. Let me know what you think.