Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, but I do own this plot line and the creations of different things in this piece of fanfiction. OCs belong to their respected creators.

Life after death isn't really what we all make it out to be. What our religions proclaim as truth is actually far from it. There is no heaven. There is no hell. There is no automatic rebirth. There is no dark abyss.

Giratina, the ruler of the Reverse World (otherwise known as the Distortion World), may be the legendary residing over Death, but he does not decide where all lost souls go. In fact, neither does Arceus, nor Mew (contrary to popular belief).

Some humans are given the privilege to be reborn as Pokemon once they die, but as for the rest, it has always been a mystery. Everyone has their own destination, their own journey in the afterlife.

Thus, to each their own, right?

No, not right, not right at all. Because, for those who end up in 'The Lost Region', everyday is a struggle to keep on living. Wait, no, that's not right either, for once you die the first time, you can't die again.

Character List (?)

Normal: Micheal Johannes Aberdeen (Kios)

Fire: Elizabeth Marine Thomas (MidnightheartXxX)

Water: Still Deciding

Electric: Still Deciding

Grass: Ivory Thriving (xXKaminari-TsubasaXx)

Ice: Kali Alinah Simina (Froggiecool)

Fighting: Geraldo Firenze (Bearded Zeus)

Poison: Lyall Resenbol (Formerly Chilltown)

Ground: Still Deciding

Flying: Jason Argonaut (Silver Don)

Psychic: Christopher Langley (ffgtfgtr)

Bug: Heathcliff Chesterton (tinfoilman4)

Rock: Still Deciding

Ghost: Lauren Shadowhart (Altaria Fan)

Dragon: Rick Andrew Vaylens (Thomas3Garchomp)

Dark: (?)

Steel: Still Deciding

Till Next Time Everyone. Adieu!
