Chapter 9

Lightning gently stroked the soft feathers on the Chocobo's neck. The stables were located conveniently on the outskirts of Oerba. The only two problems were getting in and getting out without the guards noticing. Chocobos had been captured and trained for military use only. Civilians were not allowed into the wild without an escort.

Ironically, the guard was thin and if someone left the city, no one asked twice. No one even tried to stop you. It was a silly law, in Lightning's view. Her and several others made routine visits clear to the Archylte Steppe without notice.

She looked around to make sure there were still no guards and slowly snuck out of the stables. With any luck, she would have the chocobo returned before anyone noticed it was even gone.

"Hey, you!"

Or not...

She kicked the yellow bird into a full run, leaving the guard behind quickly as she headed for the wilderness of Pulse.

She reached the long crystal stalk of Cocoon and halted the Chocobo. This time she was not going to go so easy on Hope for ignoring her commands and going to Cocoon.

She snapped on her anti-gravity device and jumped, soaring into the sky and past the difficulty of climbing the crystal stalk. She passed a small alcove just below the broken entrance to Cocoon and snapped off her anti-gravity. The crevice where Hope usually stood was empty... but now a giant hole was placed in the crystal wall. The sound of laughter reached her ears... a child's laughter.

Hope's laughter.

She stepped cautiously toward the hole, looking for signs of life. It looked empty. She peeked in. "Hope?"

(Hope's POV)

I felt so light inside the crystal. It was like nothing I've ever felt. The closest thing I can imagine to describe it is being underwater, but there's no pull to the surface from the oxygen in your lungs, or having to hold your breath. Here I could breathe, and I could float wherever I want.

I kept getting closer and closer to the center. It was like it was calling me...and then I heard your voice.

"Hello, Hope."

The laughter stopped.

"Hope, is that you?" Lightning called.

"Li-...Lightning?" Hope said cautiously.

"Where are you?" She demanded.

"I'm''s really great in here."

"You get out here right now! Do you have any idea how worried your father is?"

"My father? He...he doesn't even..."

"When I couldn't find you I went to him."


"Hope, you can't keep wandering off like this! It's dangerous! Did you even see the C'eith inside Cocoon?"

"I fought it!" Hope said defiantly, holding onto the crystal branch he had snagged a moment ago. He pushed off toward the exit.

"That's another thing I need to talk to you about. Our days as l'Cie are over. You shouldn't have those powers still!"

"Well, I do." Hope said, floating up to the edge and grabbing onto the crystal wall.

Lightning stared at him for a moment. Her gaze softened. "I'm sorry..."

He did not say anything.

"They're coming."

"What?" He asked.

"The Calvary. The new PSICOM. They're assembling now. They're coming to destroy Cocoon."

His eyes widened. "D-..destroy?" A lump rose in his throat. "But, Vanille! And Fang! They're alive, Lightning!" He cried desperately.

"Hope, they are gone."

"I heard her!" He insisted.

"Hope, we have to go."

"I'm not moving!"

"Listen to me! An attack squad is coming, and if you're still here when they arrive, they will kill you! You're no help to Vanille dead."

Hope stood stubbornly for a few seconds, contemplating her words. He looked down in defeat, and then climbed out of the hole and back to solid ground. "Alright..." He said quietly. He turned and gazed into the crystal one last time before taking an anti-gravity device from Lightning and stepping lightly off the edge after her.

A/N: It's short, I know... Sorry. But hey, happy New Year! :D ...or something!