(Review of last Chapters: Annabeth died. Katniss and Percy fell into the ocean. Katniss wakes up on Ogygia. *gasp* And she wanders aimlessly and doesn't trust Calypso. Percy does, so she says fineeee. But worst of all, Percy doesn't remember anything. Then he had a nightmare that Annabeth died. Hardy har har.)
True Faith
•Percy's POV•
It was only a few days ago since I had woken up in Ogygia. I had missed Calypso and all, but I knew I had to return to our mission—again. I took a deep breath, that I didn't need, and submerged into the ocean.
There's another problem, I can't seem to remember why I am here. Last time, at least I knewI ended up here after being blown up on Mt. St. Helens, but now? Nada. I've tried to ask Katniss but she either shrugs or just walks away. I feel like I have this block in my mind. It's strange. Not to mention we need to get back before people think we died or something.
I walked back from my daily swim to look for Calypso and Katniss. I found them in silence over a game of chess. I smiled. It must be extremely strange for poor Calypso to have a female visitor. She told me she thought she was going lesbian when Katniss arrived, but they seem to be getting along quite well.
"King me." Calypso called. A smile rose on Kat's face.
"It's check mate." Kat smiled, maintaining a laugh.
"It's been a while since I've had someone to actually play with." She grinned at Katniss before looking back to me. "Come, I'll send the servants to bring food for us. It's time for lunch."
While we ate, Calypso began to talk. "I've been meaning to talk with you two about this." I kept chewing on my sandwich while she spoke. She wiped her mouth and crossed her arms. Her eyebrows arched in a weird manner. She's never looked so serious. "Why were you two sent here to me?"
I sighed. "I don't remember anything." Calypso nodded. "Katniss?" I called. "What about you?"
Katniss cleared her throat. "I seem to have forgotten as well." Calypso nods.
"Ogygia has been cloudy lately. It worries me. Something is wrong," Calypso sighed. "Even though you two have already explained your story to me, I can't help but keep telling you two again that you must go." She looked from me to Kat. "Something is wrong."
"You want us to leave?" I called slowly.
"Percy," she said, looking at me with a artless glance. "You and I both know I enjoy yours and Katniss's company greatly. I've never had such fun with a female." She smiled and Kat, who returned the smile genuinely. "But something is seriously wrong. You need to get back to the camp immediately." She looked back to me. "And . . . I'm not asking." I felt bad. For once I wanted to escape my mission. Something had to be really wrong for Calypso to be kicking us out.
"I'm going for a short walk." Katniss called. "I think it's better for us if we leave in the morning." She looked at Calypso as if exchanging some sublime message to her. Katniss got up and left. Calypso sighed in sadness. She placed her hand over mine across our table.
"I feel bad for kicking you out of my prison, but I feel that you should go. It's the gods' will." She smiled as she squeezed my hand before she got up and went inside her cave.
•Katniss's POV•
The stars shone brighter than any night here. The cool sand seethed through my toes as the sound of the cool waves crashed against the shore. I started writing my name in the sand again.
I had done this every night for some reason. I guess just to hope I'd wake up knowing who I am, and was. Sadness can be an emotion I'd love to live without, but it'd be impossible to survive without. I want to keep every memory of mine. I don't want to forget like how Percy has.
A voice startled me. "The waves tonight look smashing, do they not?" I sprang up, only finishing the first half of my name. A man with a lemonade called out to me. "So you're Katniss." He looked at me, or should I say, through me. "I guess you can assume who I am."
He wore leather sandals and a flower patterned shirt. His gray beard was nicely trimmed and he had such startling green eyes. "You're Poseidon." I noticed my voice became a whisper at that point.
"Not bad, not bad." He offered me some lemonade but I declined. "I came to see you," He sighed. "Because I cannot talk to Percy about this." The waves shushed and paused. Cooing to the sound of the god's voice and the water stood still like silence. "I had to get part of Percy's memory blocked." The waves resumed to their true nature. They went and came in a rhythmic matter. "You know, I had hoped he would end up with her. Get married. Have kids. I really had put hope in their future. But sadly, I put my guard down." For a god, he's quite sappy. He gave me an amused look. "I can read your mind, you know." I couldn't help but grin and he did too.
"Forgive me for disrespecting." I called out of formality. "But, may I ask," I looked at the sea god. "Why?"
He sighed. "You survived seeing Peeta die because you know death as is if were your best friend. You've seen it in its best and worst forms. Percy hasn't. He's never killed. He's nota killer." I raised my eyebrow out of habit. "Not saying you're a killer but you're more bound to 'carry out the job' if need be." He sighed. "What I'm trying to say is, I need you to play along. He'll need time." I held my breath for awhile.
"Isn't it wrong, though?" I whispered. "To not tell him? Doesn't it do more harm than good?" The god sighed.
"It does in most cases. If I know Percy, it won't affect him the same way." He looked at me. "He wouldn't survive if he knew now. So, the plan is to get back to your time and bring him with you. There you need to get to Vathia. If you don't, it will be too late. I also need you to bring Stephanie with you."
"But that's impossible—" The waves rose to a scary height but settled down. I should really put a filter though my mouth.
"No," He said, looking at me with those sea green eyes. They were the spitting image of Percy's, it wasn't even funny. "Not anymore at least. Ever wonder why you could will yourself to change times?" I nod, but honestly, I've never really put that much thought into it. "Peeta's death. And with Annabeth's, the worm hole grew. We're trying to stop its growth, but we can't. There's a spell put into it both ways, like a door unlocked only if opened from both sides." He scoffed. "And those types of doors do exist." I wouldn't doubt it. "Point is, get off the island, Katniss." The way he said my name sounded sweet, like silver, and it had feeling..
"Yes, my lord." He chuckled.
"You're not so good with these titles are you?" I shook my head.
"No, sir." I smiled, but then turned more serious as a thought occurred to me. "What about everyone else that knows?"
"That's why I need you to go back to your time where no one knows what happened to Annabeth. That's why I had you both sent here." It felt wrong, hiding the truth. Then again, I forget he can read my mind. "Don't worry, Katniss. It won't be for long. He'll know by the time you need to get back to this time." It still didn't feel right, but the sea god sighed, as if giving up on me. "Either way, thank you, child. Or should I say," He grabbed my shoulder and squeezed it with a funny smile. "Granddaughter." I didn't have a chance to respond before he disappeared into sea mist.
"Great. . ." I mumbled into nothingness.
Every night there was a full moon, and it was all for you.
•Percy's POV•
The raft was ready to depart when someone was cast ashore.
"Stephanie?" I called in disbelief. Are the gods really making Calypso turn lesbian? Katniss came in from the jungle with Calypso.
She dropped whatever she was holding. "Stephi? She's—" Katniss groaned as she rushed over to her side, she kept mumbling stuff about the sea and how it's so pushy. Weirdo.
"Calypso," Katniss carried Stephanie up bridal style. "Help me get her into your cavern." Calypso was already there helping before Katniss even finished talking.
So basically, they left me here.
•Katniss's POV•
Calypso performed CPR on Stephanie. Her pulse was dead and her breathing slow. At that moment I had a strange memory of when I was a little girl.
We were walking through town in Twelve once, me, Gale, and Prim. We had just finished selling our game at the Hob and bought the kids some candy. Inside the candy store, a small boy fainted. The mother freaked out and began yelling hysterically. Her other kids were cowering in fear. I couldn't even move, Prim on the other hand, rushed up to the boy and yelled out at us to get a doctor. She began doing chest compressions. Prim had saved that boy. He was low on sugar, ironically enough.
This time, I reacted, not as well as Calyspo had, but I actually pushed myself forward. I guess hanging around Percy changed me in more ways than one way. I never knew I could change this much over meeting just one person.
"Katniss?" Stephanie groaned as she coughed. I hugged her.
"It's okay, it's okay." After half an hour, she regained full consciousness.
"Why am I here?" She asked me solemnly. "I thought only men arrived in Ogygia." Calypso laughed heartily.
"So did I." I smiled at Calypso's remark.
But, again, turned serious. "There's something we must do." I scanned the room and checked outside, making sure Percy wasn't near. "Okay, Stephanie," I whispered as we all huddled. "You were there when, um, Annabeth died . . ."
"Oh, Katniss . . ." She leaned back in her chair. "By the gods, why do you bring that up now?"
"Because," I leaned in closer toward Calypso and Stephi. "Percy doesn't remember." Calypso's eyes grew and Stephanie shrieked.
"What do you mean?" She said quite loudly. Calypso and I shushed her.
"Poseidon had that memory erased temporarily." I whispered. "He talked to me last night. You're coming to my time, Stephanie. The only safe place for you now is there apparently. Also, you cannot, under any circumstance, remind Percy about anything Annabeth, understood?" She nodded.
"Isn't that, um, a bit—"
"I know it is. But I have no opinion with the gods." I looked away as I heard a soft rumble of thunder outside. "We're all just pawns." More thunder. Oh, Poseidon.
Our valued destiny comes to nothing. I can't tell you where we're going, but I guess there was just no way of knowing.
•Percy's POV•
The raft led Stephi, Katniss, and I onto a dark shore. Trash was littered everywhere on the shore, it made my stomach queeze. Sadly, I knew exactly where we were.
"Thirteen." I mumbled. "How?" I lifted my arms in confusion. I jumped of the raft and helped the girls.
"Looks like the worm hole isgrowing." Katniss walked next to me. The obliterated skyscrapers towered over us. The sky was smeared in a gray polluted color. The smell was of wet metal.
"This. Is. Your. Home? T-The future?" Stephanie gasped. "This is . . .this is horrible!"
Katniss smiled calmly. "Welcome to the future. I'll be your guide. And for the reference, this isn't my home. I lived in District Twelve. Back when it wasn't bombarded and blown to ashes. Not that it was a paradise or anything." Stephanie shook her head.
"Okay, I gave you a history lesson on Greek mythology long ago. You owe me, start talking."
The girls walked on ahead of me. I couldn't help but be silent. There's something wrong. Calypso wasn't bluffing. I feel like the wormhole tore open. But why? Katniss didn't even ask for my opinion when she brought Stephanie onto the raft. I feel so unimportant.
If I could only remember what the hell happened before we came into Calypso's island.
Im sorry! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LOVING THIS :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD It has been two years since I started this. Thank you all for being here for what? Two years? :'D The story is half way done so HOLD ON! D
I wanna thank GirlWhoLovesKnives132 for her support :) She really helped me out ;) Also all my other reviewers! Thank you so much! I will begin responding to reviews now xD Whoo!
My kickass beta: MaxWaylandGray.
Also, I created a Tumblr a few weeks ago :P Add me! My URL is i-want-to-be-the-leaf .tumblr .com (just w/o the spaces :)) Im a hugeeeee Avatar fan 8D LoK and TLA FTW! xD Haha and I have some Logan Lerman pics ;) Hes so fine!
Till next time faithful reviewers! ^.^